3060 Georgia SHIP Writing Toolkit | ACCESS-TO-SERVICES-5200-MANUAL
Georgia Division of Aging Services |
Chapter: |
3000 Georgia State Health Insurance Assistance (SHIP) Program |
Effective Date: |
Section Title: |
Georgia SHIP Writing Toolkit |
Reviewed or Updated in: |
Section Number: |
3060 |
Previous Update: |

What is a Writing Toolkit?

The Georgia SHIP Program provides services to Medicare beneficiaries throughout the state of Georgia. It is important that Georgia SHIP communicates with the Medicare population efficiently and effectively. This writing toolkit is designed to assist Georgia SHIP Program Coordinators, volunteers, and staff with written material guidelines.
Writing toolkits are designed to help improve material written for family members of people with Medicare, outreach workers, agency staff, community organizations, and care providers.
A writing toolkit can assist in making written materials easier for people with low literacy skills to understand written information that is sent to their homes regarding Medicare and health related changes.
What are Written Materials?
Written materials come in different shapes and sizes and are used for different purposes. Written materials in a printed format are brochures, pamphlets, booklets, flyers, fact sheets, posters, bookmarks, application forms, comparison charts, postcards, instruction sheets, and questionnaires.
The Georgia SHIP Program assists Medicare beneficiaries, caregivers, and health care providers with understanding Medicare benefits, applying for Medicare assistance programs and comparing Medicare plan options. The ability to understand coverage is important to the Medicare population.
Written materials can ask the reader to supply program-related or health-related information. Examples include enrollment forms for services, health history questionnaires, and satisfaction surveys.
Helping Older Readers

When developing written material for Medicare beneficiaries including older adults, it is important to be aware of the aging process.
Medicare beneficiaries in the older adults’ category experience changes in vision, declines in cognitive processes and less flexibility in thought processes. The loss of cognitive skills can make it difficult for older adults to understand and use written material.
It takes older adults longer to recall information and longer to complete tasks that require locating and using information. Slower processing of information can make it harder for older adults to do things such as locate specific types of information in a document or make comparisons.
Older adults show less ability to make decisions when they are given additional information that might otherwise alter their opinion. Moreover, older adults are less able to engage in “divergent thinking,” which is the ability to generate alternative explanations or solutions to a problem.
Make Reading Easier
Consider content, organization, writing, and design that help make the material less taxing on the reader’s working memory and speed of information processing.
Anticipate possible problem areas and avoid writing materials that might slow, confuse, or mislead older readers.
Focus on what matters most to your readers and assure that it is culturally appropriate. Limit the amount of information and emphasize the main points that readers really need to know.
If materials are condensed, do not exclude explanations, examples, and summaries that help readers understand the information.
Sample Letters
The DAS Georgia SHIP team has developed sample letters that will provide standard language. These letters, shown in the appendices, provide examples of letters that are easy for beneficiaries to read and understand. Letters should be formatted according to your Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs), i.e. including logos, contact information, signature, etc.
More Information
You can find additional information on how to write materials by visiting the CMS website that is listed below.
Appendix A
Dear Medicare Beneficiary:
Thank you for contacting the Georgia SHIP Program. Per your request, the following information is included:
Original Medicare (Part A/B)
Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C)
Medicare & You Handbook
Medicare Prescription Drug Plan (Part D)
Medicare Savings Programs (MSP)
Low Income Subsidy/ Extra Help (LIS)
Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap)
Medicare Fraud, Error and Abuse
Volunteer Opportunities
Other: __________________________________________________
Georgia SHIP is the State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) and SMP (Senior Medicare Patrol) project. Georgia SHIP helps people with Medicare understand their choices and enroll in a Medicare plan to meet their needs. Our program can help you understand Medicare and get the most out of your healthcare benefits. We also provide individual counseling, community education, and outreach.
If you would like to know more about the Georgia SHIP program and to see if you are eligible for the Medicare Saving Programs, please contact Georgia SHIP at 1-866-552-4464, option 4.
Appendix B
Dear [NAME]:
Thank you for calling the Georgia SHIP Program regarding the Low Income Subsidy (LIS/Extra Help) Program. Based on the information obtained during the phone screening process it appears that you are eligible for the Extra Help program. The eligibility limits follow the program guidelines set by the Social Security Administration (SSA).
An application has been submitted to the SSA on your behalf. It may take up to eight weeks to receive a determination letter explaining your benefits. The determination letter will come from the SSA.
Georgia SHIP is the State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) and SMP (Senior Medicare Patrol) project. Georgia SHIP helps people with Medicare understand their choices and enroll in a Medicare plan that meets their needs. Our program can help you understand Medicare and get the most out of your healthcare benefits. We also provide individual counseling, community education, and outreach.
If you have questions, please contact the Georgia SHIP Program at 1-866-552-4464, option 4.
Appendix C
Dear [NAME]:
Recently, you called the Georgia SHIP program regarding Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C) and/or the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug benefit. It was a pleasure working with you to find a drug plan that is appropriate for your needs.
Please find enclosed plan comparisons for your review to make the best decision concerning your prescription drug plan. After careful review of the plans you may call the Georgia SHIP program or Medicare to assist you in the enrollment process.
Georgia SHIP is the State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) and SMP (Senior Medicare Patrol) project. Our program helps people with Medicare understand their choices and enroll in a Medicare plan that meets their needs. We also can help you understand Medicare and get the most out of your healthcare benefits. Georgia SHIP provides individual counseling, community education, and outreach.
After you have reviewed the plans, please do not hesitate to call the Georgia SHIP Program with any questions or concerns at 1-866-552-4464, option 4.
Appendix D
Dear [NAME]:
Thank you for calling the Georgia SHIP Program about the Medicare Savings Programs. Based on the results of your phone screening and according to program guidelines by the Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) you appear to be eligible for the program.
I have completed the Medicare Savings Program application on your behalf. Please sign and submit the application along with a front and back copy of your insurance cards to the Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) listed on top of the application. It may take up to 45 days to receive a determination letter in the mail explaining your benefits. The determination letter will come from Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS).
Georgia SHIP is the State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) and SMP (Senior Medicare Patrol) project. Our program helps people with Medicare understand their choices and enroll in a Medicare plan that meets their needs. We also can help you understand Medicare and get the most out of your healthcare benefits. Georgia SHIP provides individual counseling, community education, and outreach.
If you have additional questions, please contact the Georgia SHIP Program at 1-866-552-4464, option 4.
Appendix E
Dear [NAME]:
Thank you for calling the Georgia SHIP Program regarding the Low Income Subsidy (LIS/Extra Help) Program. You may be eligible for Extra Help based on the results of your phone screening and the program guidelines from Social Security Administration (SSA). I have enclosed an application for you to complete and submit to the SSA. You may also visit www.ssa.gov/ and apply online. It may take up to eight weeks to receive a determination letter explaining your benefits. The determination letter will come from the SSA.
Enclosed is a SSA publication for the Extra Help program. The “Getting Extra Help with Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Costs Resource and Income Limits” publication provides helpful information about the program.
Georgia SHIP is the State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) and SMP (Senior Medicare Patrol) project. Our program helps people with Medicare understand their choices and enroll in a Medicare plan that meets their needs. We also can help you understand Medicare to get the most out of your healthcare benefits. Georgia SHIP provides individual counseling, community education, and outreach.
If you have additional questions, please contact the Georgia SHIP Program at 1-866-552-4464, option 4.
Appendix F
Dear [NAME]:
The Georgia SHIP Program is contacting you because you may be eligible for the Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs). The Medicare Savings Programs (MSPs) can help you save on your Medicare costs. The Georgia SHIP program can screen Medicare beneficiaries to see if they are eligible for the Medicare Savings Program. We can also assist you with the application process.
Georgia SHIP is the State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) and SMP (Senior Medicare Patrol) project. Our program helps people with Medicare understand their choices and enroll in a Medicare plan that meets their needs. We also can help you understand Medicare and get the most out of your healthcare benefits. Georgia SHIP provides individual counseling, community education, and outreach.
If you would like to know more about the Georgia SHIP program and to see if you are eligible for the Medicare Saving Programs, please contact Georgia SHIP at 1-866-552-4464, option 4.