5021 Purpose and Goals

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Access to Services Manual


5000 Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC)

Effective Date:

Section Title:

Purpose and Goals

Reviewed or Updated in:

MT 2021-01

Section Number:


Previous Update:


The overarching goal of access system services is to be able to deliver the information, assistance, awareness, access to services and the support consumers need to link with available and appropriate resources that will allow them to maximize independence and live in the setting of their choice.

The access system currently is referred to as the Aging & Disability Resource Connection (ADRC). The ADRC initially began as a “one-stop-shop” concept and has evolved into the current No Wrong Door (NWD) model where individuals of all ages, disabilities and incomes are served. This model reaches across multiple funding streams and allows individuals to select the most appropriate mix of services and supports to meet their individual needs. To view the NWD model as described by the Administration for Community Living (ACL) Center for Medicare/Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) follow this link: www.acl.gov/node/413.

All Area Agencies use a telephone greeting that is inclusive of both aging and disability.

This section establishes the requirements for implementation and operation by Area Agencies on Aging of an access system which incorporates necessary strategies and activities to achieve the following related goals:

  1. To provide older persons (age 60+) and persons of any age living with Alzheimer’s Disease and related disorders, persons with disabilities, and/or their family members or other caregivers, and professionals serving these individuals information about and access to needed services and supports, regardless of their income status;

  2. To offer options counseling to all individuals contacting the ADRC who are identified as high priority based on targeting criteria identified using the Triage assessment;

  3. To provide information, referral and assistance based upon individuals’ needs and preferences and establish eligibility for services provided either through the area agency’s contracted providers or other agencies.

  4. To establish a strong local role and clear identity of the ADRC as the primary no wrong door and source of information and assistance, including public and private resources, for older persons, persons with disabilities and/or their family members or other caregivers and professionals serving these individuals.


This chapter describes activities/services which ensure the public’s access to information about community resources and services available through the aging and long-term care system provided through an Area Agency on Aging (AAA) or its subcontractor(s), regardless of fund source(s) supporting the services, and to other publicly and privately funded community resources and benefits. The guidelines and standards encompass performance, accessibility and accountability.

  1. Older persons and persons with disabilities and/or their family members/caregivers and professionals serving these individuals are aware of existing services and supports and are empowered to make informed choices and decisions regarding services and supports.

  2. Individuals are connected with existing benefits and services in the community.

  3. The ADRC network collects and uses accurate data about frail elderly persons and individuals with disabilities, their caregivers (if present) and their service needs in community-wide and area-wide service planning, priority setting, and program development.

  4. Older persons, persons with disabilities and their family members can expect to receive high quality services at reasonable cost as a result of the use of quality improvement methods by the ADRC network.

  5. The Area Agency demonstrates the ability to effectively manage service resources by ensuring that applicants for services are referred to the most appropriate, timely, and cost-effective services and supports to meet their needs and preferences to the extent possible.

  6. The Area Agency develops, implements and communicates to service provider agencies procedures to be used to ensure that all providers route requests for information, assistance and services to the Area Agency utilizing the web intake form located at hssgaprod.wellsky.com/assessments/?WebIntake=2CBCF6CD-9412-4839-8EF8-5864FA6BA0F9

  7. The Area Agency maintains and manages the waiting list for services for the planning and service area in the form and manner established or accepted by the Division and establishes procedures for transmitting client information to service providers to assess for services using the DAS Data System (DDS).

  8. The Area Agency provides leadership in carrying out the Elder Rights Advocacy functions as provided by the Older Americans Act, Titles III and VII and assures their integration and coordination with the access system.

  9. Area Agency Directors will assure that all ADRC staff, and other staff of the agency, or of provider agencies, as appropriate, receives a copy of these Guidelines and Requirements (and any subsequent revisions) before or during their orientation to their duties, and thereafter as a part of ongoing training.