5022 Program Characteristics

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Access to Services Manual


5000 Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC)

Effective Date:

Section Title:

Program Characteristics

Reviewed or Updated in:

MT 2019-02

Section Number:


Previous Update:

Summary Statement

Services and activities which foster access to the aging/disability/long-term care system consist of intake and applicant screening; provision of information, assistance and referral services, at a minimum. A comprehensive access system extends to the provision of advocacy, outreach, ombudsman services, eligibility determination, assignment of levels of care, service authorization, participant assessment, options and benefits counseling, care planning and care coordination.


The goal of the statewide aging network is to build, using the no wrong door (NWD) system description, the component services which are identified by the following characteristics:

  1. Flexibility: The services/activities are flexible; they can meet individual client requirements and preferences to the extent possible - provide brief information for some, assistance and service authorization for others, and Options Counseling to targeted individuals.

  2. Readily accessible: Individuals have ready access to a widely-advertised system of assistance.

  3. Neutrality: The services/activities are conducted independently and separately from the direct delivery of other services, to assure better coordination and avoid potential for conflicts of interest.

  4. Diversity: The services/assistance provided are responsive to racially, culturally, ethnically and socially diverse groups dwelling in the communities including the hard-to-reach populations.

  5. Knowledgeably administered: Staff is knowledgeable of community services, including publicly funded, privately funded and non-traditional service options and is creative in arranging individuals' access to them.

  6. Variety: Clients have choices about which, if any, of the available services they will use.

  7. Promote self-determination: Staff assists elderly persons, persons with disabilities, and/or their family caregivers to act on their own behalf.

  8. Promote independence: Staff provides information and assistance which support individuals’ highest level of functioning in the least restrictive environments.

  9. Provide assistance: Staff provides/offers additional assistance to individuals including long-term support options counseling to any consumer who requests or agrees to the counseling after staff identifies the possible need for counseling.

  10. Person centered planning: Staff asks questions of individuals in an effort to learn wants, needs, preferences and values in the planning process.