5030 Technology

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Access to Services Manual


5000 Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC)

Effective Date:

Section Title:


Reviewed or Updated in:

MT 2021-01

Section Number:


Previous Update:


Area Agencies shall employ technology that improves access to services and enhances their ability to serve consumers efficiently and effectively. The role of technology is to enhance or strengthen person-to-person contact, not to reduce or eliminate such contact or make it more difficult.


  1. The Agency shall either utilize the Division of Aging Services call center solution or plan and budget for, implement and use state-of-the art technology to meet the needs of end users (both staff and consumers) and to provide tools for managing the program, including during extended periods of remote work or teleworking. Specifically, the Agency shall implement telephone technology that permits remote access to incoming calls, the ability to place outgoing calls from a remote location, the tracking of call volume, number of abandoned calls, average response time (answering), and average call length. The Division of Aging Services must be notified immediately when the AAA’s published ADRC telephone number is changed. Remote access solutions may include call-forwarding or VOIP solutions.

  2. Technology shall not reduce nor replace supported access provided by a qualified staff person.

  3. The agency shall develop strategies and procedures to assure that all consumers receive comparable benefit, either directly or indirectly, from the use of technology, and shall evaluate the benefits and deficits of any particular technical approach prior to implementation to assure that one or more groups of consumers does not receive benefits disproportionately to others.

  4. Each staff person providing integrated access services shall have an available line for call handling during the core business hours of the Area Agency on Aging, both for active duty receiving and making calls, and for administrative duties, such as follow-up and re-screening of applicants on waiting lists.

  5. Agencies shall either utilize the DAS call center solution or budget for and implement telephone systems which permit three-way calling, to assure greater efficiency and effectiveness in assisting callers with making needed contacts and to assist with making transfers to other staff or agencies.

  6. The agency shall advise callers if telephone conversations with staff may be randomly monitored by supervisors for quality assurance purposes.

  7. If the agency provides resource information through an automated attendant or other menu-driven telephone system, it shall develop procedures and messaging that will allow for the transfer to a staff person if immediate consultation and guidance are desired. Callers are to be able to make the transfer from the automated attendant system to a staff person without having to make another call.

  8. The agency shall provide staff with Internet access for researching information and providing other assistance to consumers, when needed.

  9. Where applicable, agencies will comport with DHS information technology standards for hardware, software, and connectivity.