5033 Collaboration with Community Partners | ACCESS-TO-SERVICES-5200-MANUAL
Georgia Division of Aging Services |
Chapter: |
5000 Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) |
Effective Date: |
Section Title: |
Collaboration with Community Partners |
Reviewed or Updated in: |
MT 2021-01 |
Section Number: |
5033 |
Previous Update: |
In communities in which there are other comprehensive and specialized agencies providing information and assistance, the Area Agency will develop cooperative working relationships to build a coordinated access system, with a particular focus on coordination with 2-1-1 call systems when present. The Area Agency will provide leadership in representing the needs of individuals who are aging and/or living with disabilities. Access services also should extend to address disaster and emergency planning, preparedness, and access system operations during such events.
The AAA will:
Establish a “no wrong door” approach, through meaningful involvement of consumers and other stakeholders, to provide awareness, information, assistance and access to resources for older adults, individuals with disabilities, their caregivers and professionals working with these individuals.
Partner with appropriate organizations to develop written cross-referral protocols for streamlining client access to long term services and supports across agencies. This includes encouraging all partner organizations to place a link to the statewide ADRC website (www.georgiaadrc.com) on their organizations websites.
Sustain an Aging and Disabilities Advisory Council. Meet a minimum of three times per year for:
Membership review of ADRC planning, marketing, and data and information sharing between members of the Council;
Finding ways to identify and address the unmet needs of consumers; and
Identifying collaborations that will enhance service delivery to individuals who are aging and individuals who have a disability.
Meeting minutes will be provided to the DAS upon request and during onsite monitoring.
A teleconference option shall be offered. At a minimum, individuals representing the following populations/organizations shall be included:
Developmental Disabilities
Brain & Spinal Cord Injuries
Alzheimer’s disease
DFCS - preferably Medicaid eligibility staff
Hospital discharge planner
Nursing home discharge planner and/or admissions staff,
Center for Independent Living
Behavioral Health
AAA ADRC Program Manager
Public Guardian Office
For any organizations not represented AAA staff will provide evidence of attempts to involve them in Council activities.
Work with ADRC partners to identify and update disability related resources in the DAS Data System.
Provide limited training and technical assistance to disability partner agencies on the use of the DAS Data System.
Work with appropriate partner organizations to provide and receive staff cross-training on aging and disability issues, services and supports.
Participate actively in data collection and related evaluation activities.