6141 Harmony for MFP

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Access to Services Manual


6000 Community Transitions

Effective Date:

Section Title:

Harmony for MFP

Reviewed or Updated in:

MT 2016-02

Section Number:


Previous Update:

Summary Statement

The Harmony Framework Database, developed by Harmony Information Systems (Harmony) and administered by Division of Aging Services (DAS), is the database of record for all Money Follows the Person (MFP) activities. Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs), their staff, and contractors utilize the Harmony system as proscribed by DAS policy, procedure, and guidance.

Basic Considerations

DAS creates policy and procedure for the use of the Harmony for MFP module based on the Policies and Procedures for Money Follows the Person (MFP Manual), DAS MFP Standards, and guidance from the Department of Community Health (DCH).

Utilization of Harmony for MFP is required. Data entered into Harmony is the only source from which mandatory program reports are generated.

DAS staff will use the Harmony database to assess situations and deliver and document technical assistance. If information is not available in the database for DAS staff to make a determination, a decision will not be communicated until all necessary information is available in the system.

AAA Procedures

AAA staff will utilize the Harmony for MFP User Guide, published by DAS, as the official reference to document MFP activities within the database.

The User Guide is updated on a regular basis, no less than annually, and distributed to all staff who use the system.

DAS reserves the right to send guidance via other means to clarify the User Guide prior to an official update. This may be done through formal letters, email communication, or other written formats.


  1. Policies and Procedures for Money Follows the Person (MFP Manual), dch.georgia.gov/georgia-money-follows-person-ga-mfp

  2. Harmony for MFP User Guide v1.x, Section 1060 (MAN 5600), Appendix I