6220 TC Qualifications and Training

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Access to Services Manual


6000 Community Transitions

Effective Date:

Section Title:

TC Qualifications and Training

Reviewed or Updated in:

MT 2017-01

Section Number:


Previous Update:

Summary Statement

Transition Coordinators (TCs) for Division of Aging Services (DAS) Nursing Home Transition (NHT) must have the training and experience necessary to effectively discharge transition coordination activities.

Basic Considerations

NHT Transition Coordination includes activities related to Information and Referral, Case Management, Project Management/Coordination, and Options Counseling, among others. As such, Transition Coordinators come from varied backgrounds with different skillsets.


Transition Coordinator

The role of Transition Coordinator has a minimum of one year’s experience with the NHT, MFP, or other Nursing Home Transition program, either as a TC, Options Counselor, or in a transition position with a Center for Independent Living. Certified Care Transitions Specialists may also meet the requirements of a TC.

Associate Transition Coordinator or TC Support (ATC)

An ATC position works to support TCs through activities such as administrative support (follow up calls, data entry, etc.), TC activities as overseen by the TC, or other support activities that contribute to transitions.

NHT Agency Procedures

Item 1

NHT Agencies follow DAS standards for Transition Coordination unless expressly approved by DAS NHT staff through the existing waiver process on ODIS.

Item 2

NHT Agencies will have a minimum of one TC who meets the qualifications above available to provide transition services.

Item 3

The TC position may be a Full Time Equivalent, Contractor, or part time worker.

Item 4

NHT Agencies notify DAS NHT program staff regarding TC staffing changes as follows:

  • Within two (2) business days of the change

  • In writing (email is acceptable)

  • Plan for NHT activities to continue in absence of TC

  • Approximate time TC position will be open

DAS Procedures

DAS maintains and updates the standards for Transition Coordination and may update qualifications and standards at any time following the appropriate process.

Training Requirements

Transition Coordinators will attend all training required by the Division of Aging Services.

Required Training for Transition Coordinators within one (1) year of taking position:

  • Adult Crime Tactics training (provided by the Forensic Special Investigation Unit, administered by DAS).


Suggested Competencies:

  • Medicaid Waivers

  • Non-Medicaid Home & Community-Based Services

  • Information & Referral

  • Nursing Home operations

TC Qualifications

Education: Bachelor’s Degree, Associate’s Degree, or a Registered Nurse

Experience: A minimum of one year in a Human Services position required. DAS prefers a candidate with experience in Nursing Home Transition, Care Transitions, Information & Referral/Assistance, Options Counseling, or related fields.

Preferred Skillsets:

  • Comfortable with technology such as mobile platforms and data systems.

  • Knowledgeable of Nursing Home operations.

  • Experience with managing caseloads and/or projects of a similar size and scope.

  • Knowledgeable of Community Medicaid resources (Waivers).

  • Understanding of Person-Centered philosophy.

  • Understanding of Person Directed planning and/or case management.

Associate TC Qualifications

Education: Completed High School or GED

Experience: None necessary. Field agencies may wish to hire ATCs based on a skill set for a specific support role, such as vendor management, database administration, information & assistance, etc.

Preferred Skillsets: Same as for TC