1001 Overview of the Division of Aging Services

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Administrative Manual


1000 General DAS Administration

Effective Date:


Section Title:

Overview of the Division of Aging Services

Reviewed or Updated in:


Section Number:


Previous Update:


Summary Statement

The Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS) Division of Aging Services (DAS) is the designated State Unit on Aging for Georgia.

DAS is designated by the Georgia General Assembly as the agency for federal programs, and for the development and coordination of state, local and interstate programs for aging.


The DHS/DAS is the State Unit on Aging for Georgia, as designated by the Governor in accordance with O.C.G.A §49-6-2.

DAS administers programs under the provisions of the Older Americans Act, as amended.

DAS administers state funded programs and initiatives as created in Georgia statutes and/or as funded through the Georgia General Assembly.

DAS may partner with or subcontract with other state agencies for work on programs which further the Division’s goals. Such programs include, but are not limited to, being a subcontractor of the Department of Community Health contracts with the Division of Aging Service for the following initiatives:

  • Money Follows the Person (MFP)

  • Local Contact Agency for the Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0, Section Q

The above initiatives are not all inclusive.


DAS’ vision statement is: Living Longer, Living Safely, Living Well


DAS’ Mission statement is: The Georgia Department of Human Services Division of Aging Services supports the larger goals of DHS by assisting older individuals, at-risk adults, persons with disabilities, their families, and caregivers to achieve safe, healthy, independent, and self-reliant lives.


DAS receives programmatic guidance and funds from federal and state sources to oversee a statewide network of Area Agencies on Aging and providers. Together, members of Georgia’s Aging Network plan, coordinate, and deliver comprehensive services to older adults, persons with disabilities, their families, and caregivers.

DAS Older Americans Act programs fall under the following broad categories:

  • Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC)

  • Supportive Services

  • Case Management

  • In-Home Services

  • Disease Prevention and Health Promotion services

  • Assistive technology

  • Nutrition and Wellness

  • Caregiver Programs

  • Safety and Protection

  • Senior Employment Training Program

Other federal programs administered by DAS include:

  • SHIP – Medicare and Insurance Answers

DAS state programs fall under the following broad categories:

  • Investigation of reports of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of disabled adults or elder persons

  • Serving as guardian of last resort

  • Non-Medicaid transition assistance out of nursing facilities

  • Dementia programs and services aimed at improving dementia awareness and preparedness of the aging network and driving brain health and early diagnosis.

The above initiatives are not all inclusive.

Authorizing Statutes in State Law

O.C.G.A §49-6-1 to 7 Services for the Aging
O.C.G.A §31-8-50 Long Term Care Ombudsman
O.C.G.A §30-5-1 Protection of Disabled Adults and Elder Persons
O.C.G.A §§ 29-4-2 & 3 (b)(1) Guardians of Incapacitated Adults

Policy Guidance


As a member of the nation’s aging services network, DAS observes laws set forth in the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended in 2006 (Public Law 109-365).

The seven titles of the Act are listed below:

Title I – Declaration of Objectives; Definitions
Title II – Administration on Aging
Title III – Grants for State and Community Programs on Aging
Title IV – Activities for Health, Independence, and Longevity
Title V – Community Service Senior Opportunities Act
Title VI – Grants for Native Americans
Title VII – Allotments for Vulnerable Elder Rights Protection Activities

The full unofficial compilation can be found at this link: acl.gov/about-acl/administration-aging


As a division of the Georgia Department of Human Services, DAS follows all policies established by its parent agency and laws set forth in the Official Code of Georgia.

Georgia Department of Human Services Online Directives Information System (ODIS): odis.dhs.ga.gov

Official Code of Georgia (OCGA): www.lexisnexis.com/hottopics/gacode