1002 Overview of the Aging Services Network | ADMINISTRATION-5600-MANUAL
Georgia Division of Aging Services |
Chapter: |
1000 General DAS Administration |
Effective Date: |
04/10/2023 |
Section Title: |
Overview of the Aging Services Network |
Reviewed or Updated in: |
MT 2023-06 |
Section Number: |
1002 |
Previous Update: |
MT 2021-04 |
Summary Statement
The Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS), Division of Aging Services (DAS) provides leadership for the Georgia Aging Network.
Overview of The Aging Services Network
Definition: The Aging Services Network is composed of:
Organizations/agencies which administer the Older Americans Act and other programs which render services to older adults and people with disabilities.
Representatives of all levels of government: Federal, regional, state, and local.
Public and private organizations which develop systems and provide direct services.
Organizations/agencies which relate to other state and local programs through advocacy, coordination, and program development.
Components of the Network: Components of the Aging Services Network include:
Executive and Legislative branches of the Federal Government:
Office of the President: signs legislation into law
United States Congress: enacts Federal Legislation
The third branch of the Federal Government, the Judicial branch, is not considered part of the Aging Services Network.
Federal Administration on Aging, a unit of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Community Living (ACL).
Federal Office: responsible at the Federal level for advocacy, development of federal regulations to be codified, the allocation and administration of Older American Act funds, and program evaluation and reporting.
Regional Offices: responsible for providing technical assistance to and oversight of State programs; serves as liaison between states and ACL.
State Unit on Aging (SUA)
The state organizational unit designated by the State.
Responsible for providing leadership in statewide planning; program development; training and technical assistance; advocacy; coordination; programmatic and fiscal monitoring and evaluation; oversight of administration of Area Plans.
Responsible for the development of an Intrastate Funding Formula which is used to allocate funding to Area Agencies on Aging and is approved by the Administration on Aging, a unit of ACL.
Responsible for the development and promulgation of additional necessary state policies and procedures
Responsible for dividing the state into geographical planning and service areas (PSAs) and for designation of an Area Agency on Aging for administration of OAA programs within each PSA
In Georgia: the Department of Human Services (DHS) is designated under state law to handle federal programs related to aging and to receive and disburse funds for those purposes. Within DHS, the Division of Aging Services (DAS) is statutorily established for the purpose of handling the programs for the aging and any other purposes assigned by the DHS Board or Commissioner.
Area Agencies on Aging (AAA)
Designated by the SUA for the purpose of administration of OAA programs in all parts of the designated Planning and Service Area.
Responsible for local planning, program development and coordination, advocacy, monitoring, area plan administration, and resource development.
Responsible for area plan development process: identification of the needs of older persons in the area; evaluation of existing services and gaps; development of objectives and priorities; and identification of the services which will be provided to meet the needs of older adults.
Responsible for developing contracts with local providers, using a competitive procurement process, which will result in the delivery of services (unless the AAA has received a waiver from the SUA to provide services directly).
Responsible for working with local leaders, the private sector and local elected officials to develop a comprehensive coordinated service delivery system.
Responsible for establishing and coordinating the activities of an Advisory Council which will provide input on development and implementation of the Area Plan; assist in conducting public hearings; review and comment on all community policies, programs and actions affecting older persons in the area.
Responsible for serving as the single entry point for consumers of Home and Community Based Services, including publicly funded services and services and resources available through other community organizations and businesses.
Responsible for assuring that outreach and public education efforts, including the use of social media and other uses of internet technology, are utilized to increase public awareness of services, benefits, and programs available to older individuals and their caregivers.
Service Providers
Responsible for the delivery of services funded by various sources, including the AAA.
Responsible for the collection of data and the submission of appropriate programmatic and fiscal reports to the AAA.
Responsible for submitting to the AAA updated proposals for service delivery on the basis determined by the procurement process.
Responsible for advocacy for older adults at the community level.
Responsible for the routine evaluation of service quality through a continuous quality improvement process.
Older Consumers and their Caregivers:
Responsible for complying with any eligibility requirements associated with the services/programs.
Provide input on service needs and feedback on the quality of care provided to providers and the AAA.
Potential advocates for the interests of the elderly and their support systems.
Roles of the AAA: The unique roles of the AAA include:
Catalyst: The primary entity in the community which addresses aging issues
Planner: Assesses, analyzes, facilities, and continuously improves the existing service system
Coordinator: Encourages and facilitates linkage of local service providers and resources, enhancing individual capacities to provide services
Advocate: Assures access for older persons to comprehensive systems of care in the community through educating policy makes and the community on the needs of the elderly
Access System: Assures access for older persons and their families to comprehensive systems of care in the community through the operation of the regional integrated system of access to community services and resources called Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC). ADRC services include the provision of information, assistance and referral; intake, screening and eligibility determination; case management services.
Structure and Auspices of AAAs: The structure and auspices of AAAs include:
The State Unit on Aging must designate a AAA for the administration of OAA services for the entire geographic region of a PSA
An AAA may be selected in accordance with the OAA and organizations given priority therein which include:
Private non-profit organization: single purpose and self-sustaining organization which administers aging service programs only and which has a free-standing board of directors.
Separate organizational unit within a Unit of General Purpose Local Government: a subdivision of a larger unit of general purpose local or regional government which shares some administrative resources with the larger entity, but the staff of which are dedicated to administration of aging programs/services.
Unit of General Purpose Local Government means a political subdivision of the state whose authority is general or is a combination of multiple related functions. |
AAAs shall be developed and maintained based on an organizational structure which shall effectively administer the Older Americans Act programs and responsibilities and achieve those outcomes prescribed in the Older Americans Act, §306, as well as appropriately administer any other programs or activities funded for the purpose of service delivery to older adults.
The organizational structure shall be reflected through job descriptions, staffing plans and organizational charts and shall be included in the Area Plan submitted in accordance with requirements established by the DAS.
Staffing plans and patterns must be adequate to assure the consistent performance of the basic functions of Area Agency administration as described in this chapter.
Mission of the AAA:
Each AAA must develop its own mission statement and goals based on its individual structure and special regional needs, following the mandates of the Older Americans Act and taking into consideration the mission of the Department of Human Services, Division of Aging Services and of the Administration of Community Living.