1020 Gifts in Support of Aging Services Clients | ADMINISTRATION-5600-MANUAL
Georgia Division of Aging Services |
Chapter: |
1000 General DAS Administration |
Effective Date: |
04/10/2023 |
Section Title: |
Gifts in Support of Aging Services Clients |
Reviewed or Updated in: |
MT 2023-06 |
Section Number: |
1020 |
Previous Update: |
MT 2021-05 |
Summary Statement
The Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS) Division of Aging Services (DAS or Division) maintains a strong commitment to public-private partnership to enhance quality of life for older adults, people with disabilities, and care givers.
Scope & Application
This section establishes standards to ensure that DAS accepts, manages, and acknowledges the gifts-in-kind within appropriate legal and ethical guidelines.
This section establishes procedures for Division staff accepting in-kind gifts in support of Adult Protective Services and Public Guardianship clients.
The Division does not accept cash for this purpose.
This section does not cover procedures pertaining to grant funding proposals or grants management. Refer to Sections 2010-2012 of this manual for grant development, submittal, and management policies and procedures.
Basic Considerations
In-kind contributions may be tangible (e.g., gifts and clothing for clients, etc.).
The DAS Director or Deputy Director must approve the acceptance of in-kind contributions valued at or over $500.
Participation by DAS staff in seasonal drives benefiting Persons Under Guardianship or Adult Protective Services ongoing clients is strictly voluntary.
Ethics & Conflicts of Interest
DAS will not accept in-kind contributions from an entity if the relationship constitutes or gives the appearance of a conflict of interest.
Section Managers must designate staff to receive in-kind contributions and/or to manage record keeping and distribution of in-kind gifts.
DAS staff who receive in-kind contributions must use a standard receipt book that has individually numbered receipts and provides a duplicate receipt.
Staff must record on the receipt:
The name of the donor,
The estimated value of the gift (if known),
The date received,
The associated program, and
The purpose of the gift.
The receipt must be given to the donor and a copy retained by DAS.
DAS staff must also record the above information on a log. The log must also record the disposition of the in-kind contribution as follows:
Receipt number,
Client ID of the recipient of the in-kind contribution, and
The date the in-kind contribution/gift was received by the client.
Records of in-kind contributions must be submitted to the DAS Business Operations Section within two weeks of receipt, or, in the case of a seasonal gift drive, within two weeks after the drive ends.
Records include copies of the receipts and the log.