1090 Division Reports, Overview | ADMINISTRATION-5600-MANUAL
Georgia Division of Aging Services |
Chapter: |
General DAS Administration |
Effective Date: |
06/15/2023 |
Section Title: |
Division Reports, Overview |
Reviewed or Updated in: |
MT 2023-07 |
Section Number: |
1090 |
Previous Update: |
2021-06 |
Summary Statement
The Department of Human Services, Division of Aging Services publishes data in several formats and for different purposes. The Division also uses data to respond to requests from various entities such as, but not limited to, legislators and advocates.
Basic Considerations
All Data Requests are routed to the Program Integrity Section. Program Integrity Staff will pull the data to answer the request. Program Owners will review the data before it is released to the public.
Standard Reports
The following is a list of reports wherein DAS Data is published, components in those reports, definitions of data elements and source of the data.
Commissioner’s Dashboard
Adult Protective Services Central Intake Reports – sum of
Calls Offered – Platform 28 Queue Performance Report, monthly
Fax reports received – DAS Database Ad Hoc Intake Report, monthly
Web reports received – DAS Database Ad Hoc Intake Report, monthly
Adult Protective Services Active Cases – HAR report
Public Guardianship Office Persons Under Guardianship – HAR report
DHS Website
Commissioner’s Dashboard data plus:
Home Delivered Meals: number of meals and clients served
Congregate (Senior Center) Meals: number of meals and clients served
Georgia Alzheimer’s and Related Dementia Advisory Council Reports. Refer to Section 7002 of this manual.
Older Americans Act Performance System . Refer to Section 1091 of this manual.
National Adult Maltreatment Reporting System (NAMRS). Refer to Section 1093 of this manual.
Just the Facts
DAS Annual Report. Refer to Section 1092 of this manual.
Toll Free Number
Call volume to 1-866-55Aging (552-4464) Aging Network toll free number is reported monthly via email to DAS Staff, Area Agencies on Aging and other partners. Data is pulled directly from the vendor and includes the following:
Total call volume for the month
Call volume by option and then route to number (RTN) sorted by program area
Aging and Disability Resource Connection
Adult Protective Services, Central Intake
Georgia Cares
Long Term Care Ombudsman
Senior Legal Hotline
Number of Spanish calls and abandoned calls also reported
Waiting List
For number of clients and services on the list: Home and Community Based Services wait list data for both Tier 1 and Tier 2 is pulled monthly on the 10th calendar day of the month (or the first workday thereafter) using the HAR Wait List Summary Report. The date range used is one calendar day. This reflects the number of persons and services on the waitlist “point in time” or “right now”.
Data is pulled for each AAA separately and compiled in a spreadsheet to obtain statewide totals. This spreadsheet resides on the DAS shared drive in the Program Integrity folder.
Tier 1 and Tier 2 waitlist totals are combined to reflect total wait list. Note that one client may be waiting on multiple services; the number of services will always be higher than the number of clients.
Upon request, wait list data is provided for the most recent month.
For number of clients discharged from the waiting list: Data is pulled for each AAA separately over the specified time frame for both Tier 1 and Tier 2 lists and compiled in a spreadsheet to obtain statewide totals.
Example: How many clients were discharged from the waiting lists in SFY 2018? Data is pulled from July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2018.
Program Management Reports
Each program administered by the Division of Aging Services will have reports to manage their program. These reports will be available at both the Division and sub-recipient level.
Division Program Owners and sub-recipient staff will request new reports and revisions to existing reports following the procedures in Section 1060 of this manual.
These reports are not intended to be used for publication to outside entities, but rather to manage the program, quality assurance, staff performance, etc.
Data Requests
Division Program Owners, Division Management Team, and/or Area Agencies on Aging may request specific data pulls not currently available in a HAR or DDS report.
Additionally, staff may request that DDS data be made into a visualization (e.g. charts, graphs, maps, etc.) for presentations, reports, etc.
These are considered Ad Hoc Requests. The Ad Hoc Report or Visualization Request form found in Man 5600, Appendix D (Forms and Templates) should be used to request either an ad hoc data pull or a data visualization. The completed form should be submitted to the DDS HelpDesk dds.helpdesk@dhs.ga.gov for processing. Requests will be processed in the order received, and requested completion dates are not guaranteed.
Requests for New Standard Reports
DAS Staff or Area Agency on Aging Directors or program managers may request new standard reports to be added to either/or the DDS Live System or the HAR report site.
Please ensure that an existing report does not meet the need before requesting a new report. A list of existing reports may be found in Man 5600, Appendix H, Section 400 (Reports).
The DAS Data System Report Request found in MAN 5600, Appendix D (Forms and Templates) should be used to both request changes to an existing standard report and to request development of a new report. Requests will be processed in the order received, and requested completion dates are not guaranteed.
MAN 5600, Section 1091, Older Americans Act Performance System (OAAPS)
MAN 5600, Section 1092, Just the Facts
O.C.G.A. §49-6-6
MAN 5600, Section 1093, National Adult Maltreatment Reporting System (NAMRS)
MAN 5600, Section 7002, Georgia Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias (GARD) State Plan
O.C.G.A. §49-6-92