1091 Older Americans Act Performance System (OAAPS)

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Administrative Manual


General DAS Administration

Effective Date:


Section Title:

Older Americans Act Performance System (OAAPS)

Reviewed or Updated in:

MT 2023-07

Section Number:


Previous Update:

MT 2021-06

Summary Statement

The Division of Aging Services (DAS) complies with the Administration for Community Living (ACL) reporting requirements for State Unit on Aging (SUA) by filing the Older Americans Act Performance System (OAAPS) report by the last working day in January for the preceding federal fiscal year.


Older Americans Act Performance System (OAAPS) replaced NAPIS beginning with Federal Fiscal Year 22 reporting. First Title III reports using this new system were submitted January 2023.

National Aging Program Information System (NAPIS) was the federal reporting mechanism until FFY 2022.

NAPIS is the set of 32 State Program Reports (SPR) on the Home and Community Based and Nutrition Services and Elder Rights (Titles III and VII). The SPR are the primary information system for states to report on the Older Americans Act (OAA) programs of supportive services, nutrition, caregiver support, etc. which they fund. It includes demographics of the OAA participants, what services they receive, and what funding is expended for the program.

SPR reports also serve as a critical data source for measures of the performance of OAA programs, in compliance with the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993. This report includes (section 207(3)) statistical data and an analysis of information regarding the effectiveness of the State agency and area agencies on aging in targeting services to older individuals with greatest economic need and older individuals with greatest social need , with particular attention to low-income minority individuals, older individuals residing in rural areas, low income individuals, and frail individuals (including individuals with any physical or mental functional impairments).

As a response to these mandates, ACL issued revised reporting guidelines for Titles III and VII for federal fiscal year 2010 and subsequent years for all State units on aging. The sections of the SPR include:

Section I: Elderly Clients and Caregivers

  1. Elderly Client Counts (Except Title III-E)

  2. General Characteristics of Elderly Clients Receiving Registered Services and Those Receiving Cluster 2 Registered Services

  3. Detailed ADL Characteristics of Elderly Clients Receiving Cluster 1 Services

  4. Detailed IADL Characteristics of Elderly Clients Receiving Cluster 1 Services

  5. Summary Characteristics of Caregivers Serving Elderly Individuals (National Family Caregiver Support Program – Title III-E)

  6. Characteristics of Grandparents and Other Elderly Caregivers Serving Children (National Family Caregiver Support Program – Title III-E)

Section II: Title III Utilization and Expenditure Profiles

  1. Title III Utilization, Expenditure Profile (Except Title III-E)

  2. Title III-E Utilization, Expenditure and Program Income Received Profile for Caregivers Serving Elderly Individuals

  3. Title III-E Utilization, Expenditure and Program Income Received Profile for Grandparents and Other Elderly Caregivers Serving Children

  4. Title VII Expenditures by Chapter

  5. Other Services Profile

Section III: Network Profiles

  1. State Unit on Aging Staffing Profile

  2. Area Agency on Aging Staffing Profile

  3. Provider Profile (Excluding Area Agencies on Aging providing direct services)

  4. Profile of Community Focal Points and Senior Centers

Section IV: Developmental Accomplishments

  1. For Home and Community Based Programs

  2. For A System of Elderly Rights

ACL implemented a new database software product for use by State Units on Aging for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2005. The new software, known as the State Reporting Tool (SRT), was designed to simplify the system edit and validation checks and to facilitate the submission of the NAPIS SPR in a timely manner to ACL. Specific details about the SRT software, including the XML and DBF Schema, User and Training Manuals, Validity/Edit check documentation and other pertinent information are available on the ACL website.

Before NAPIS submission, ACL requests states to compare the data to the previous year’s submission. If the data varies significantly, regional ACL staff request verification and justification of the areas of significant difference. After NAPIS is submitted, ACL regional staff request verification of the data entered into their tables. ACL uses the Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP) meals counts submitted in NAPIS to determine federal meals allocations in April.

Sources of Data

Local providers and Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) that provide direct services enter budget, service, assessment and waiting list data into the DAS Data System. AAAs are the single-entry point for aging services and Aging & Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) to provide information, assistance, and referral by assessing individuals' needs and preferences. ADRC utilizes the DAS Data System for basic client information and for resources.

The DAS Data System aggregates much of the required data for OAAPS.


Below are the detailed steps within the OAAPS process.

Step 1: Gather and validate data:

  • Section III.A (August): State staffing data as of point in time is compiled from organizational charts and other staffing lists. Positions are reviewed for functional responsibilities (Agency Executive/Management Staff; Other Paid Professional Staff: Planning, Development, Administration, Service Delivery, Access/Care Coordination, or Other; Clerical/Support Staff; or Volunteers), and to account for minority status with the Deputy Director and Section Managers of the State Unit on Aging

  • Data Integrity and Quality Assurance:

    • (October) - DAS Data System reports are reviewed to assure accuracy and to look for questionable data.

    • (November) - Problematic data is reviewed to determine if tables containing OAAPS data have changed in the past ten months, and/or if reports are not functioning properly. Corrections are made and reports are regenerated if necessary.

  • (November): Staffing data from each AAA Director is requested and compiled into the AAA total for OAAPS

  • (November): The top three Developmental Accomplishments in Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Programs and Elder Rights are requested from the appropriate Section Manager and state staff

  • (November): A Quarterly Budget Comparison Report – Project / General Ledger Report for Business Unit 42700, Program Code 3011903 - Elderly Legal Assistance is requested from the Fiscal Administration Section, for each of the quarters in the federal fiscal year.

  • (November): The State of Georgia Quarterly ADRC Report – AAA Partner data is generated for the quarters in the FFY. The data is classified as Types of Assistance Provided – Provided I&R or Caregiver Contacts by Quarter.

Section II.A (November): Transportation people, units and dollars by budget fund source is requested from the DHS Office of Facilities and Support - Transportation Services Section Unit Chief for use in OAAPS

  • (November): DAS Data System OAAPS reports are generated using the category Caregiver as the foundation. All Respite Care is included in Caregiver and Kinship Care.

Step 2: (November): A draft OAAPS report is reviewed by the State Unit on Aging Division Director, Deputy Director, appropriate Section Managers, DAS Data System report writer(s) and appropriate Operations Analysis Managers. Any questions and issues regarding the data are addressed. ACL’s two-year comparison with the prior year’s SRT submission is also produced, and all present at meeting develop required Variance Explanations.

Step 3: (November): ACL-Wellsky-SRT
OAAPS data is entered, verified and stored in the SRT via ACL’s cloud version through Wellsky.

Each page of data is saved and verified. When all pages in a section are verified, and verified in comparison with other pages in the OAAPS report, the section must be saved as verified.

All pages of the report must be verified before the OAAPS report as a whole can be verified.

Once the OAAPS SRT is saved (one report per federal fiscal year), the report is printed and distributed to the Division Director and Deputy Director. The report is distributed to other DAS Leadership team members upon request.

Step 4: The SRT report is submitted to ACL by noon the last working day in January. The two-year comparison and Variance Explanation are submitted to the ACL Region IV representative the last working day in January.

Subsequent Verifications:

NSIP figures are certified on or before March 3rd via the SRT.

The SUA finalizes and certifies the FFY SPR data by the last working day in April, via the SRT.


Melissa address verification: www.melissa.com