2002 Intra State Funding Formula

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Administrative Manual


2000 Fund Sources and Budget Types

Effective Date:


Section Title:

Intra State Funding Formula

Reviewed or Updated in:

MT 2024-02

Section Number:


Previous Update:

MT 2021-06

Summary Statement

The Older Americans Act requires the State Unit on Aging, in consultation with Area Agencies on Aging, to develop a formula for allocation of funds within the State that takes into account the geographic distribution of older individuals within the State and the distribution among planning and service areas of low-income minority older individuals with the greatest economic and social need.

Basic Considerations

The Intrastate Funding Formula (IFF) is used by State Units on Aging (SUA) to distribute funds to Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) for Titles III and VII of the Older Americans Act. The Older Americans Act, as amended, requires in Title III Section 305(a)(2)©, 42 U.S.C. 3025(a)(2)© that the State Unit on Aging:

“States shall,
© in consultation with area agencies, in accordance with guidelines issued by the Assistant Secretary, and using the best available data, develop and publish for review and comment a formula for distribution within the State of funds received under this title that takes into account-
(i) the geographical distribution of older individuals in the State; and
(ii) the distribution among planning and service areas of older individuals with greatest economic need and older individuals with greatest social need, with particular attention to low-income minority older individuals.”

DAS reviews the Intrastate Funding Formula decennially (every ten years). DAS updates the data in the IFF annually based upon demographics and population changes from the most current Census data.

Under the Older Americans Act, State Agencies must:

  • Identify individuals eligible for assistance under this Act, with special emphasis on older individuals with greatest economic need and older individuals with greatest social need (with particular attention to low-income minority individuals).

  • Specify a minimum percentage of the funds received by each Area Agency on Aging for part B that will be expended, in the absence of the waiver, by such agency on aging to provide each of the categories of services specified.

  • Identify the number of low-income minority individuals in the State, and describe the methods used to satisfy the service needs of such minority older individuals.

  • Describe the methods used to satisfy the service needs of older individuals who reside in rural areas.

  • Specify ways in which the State agency intends to implement activities to increase access by older individuals who are Native Americans.

  • Provide the actual and projected costs of providing services under this title, including the cost of providing services to older individuals residing in rural areas in the State (in accordance with a standard definition of rural areas specified by the Commissioner.)


Assumptions and Goals:

60+ population
The number of persons in the age group 60 and above.

75+ population
Number of persons in the age group 75 and above.

Low income minority 65+ population
The numbers of persons in the age group 65 and above who are minorities (non-white) and are below the poverty level, as established by the Office of Management and Budget in Directive 14 as the standard to be used by federal agencies for statistical purposes. This factor represents "special attention to low income minority older individuals" as required by the Older Americans Act.

Low income 65+ population
Numbers of persons in the age group 65 and above who are at or below the poverty level as established by the Office of Management and Budget in Directive 14 as the standard to be used by federal agencies for statistical purposes. This factor represents economic need as defined by the Older Americans Act.

Estimated rural 60+ population
An estimate of the numbers of persons in the age group 60 and above who reside in a rural area as defined by the Census Bureau. This factor represents the social need factor of "geographic isolation" as defined by the Older Americans Act.

Limited English speaking 65+ population
Numbers of persons in the age group 65 and above who speak a language other than English and speak English "not well" or "not at all.” This factor represents the social need factor of language barriers as defined by the Older Americans Act.

Disabled 65+ population
Numbers of persons in the age group 65 and above who have a "mobility or self care limitation" as defined by the Census Bureau.

This factor represents the social need factor of "physical and mental disability" as defined by the Older Americans Act.

Living Alone 65+
Number of persons in the age group 65 and above who live alone.

Factors and Weights:



Population 60+


Population 75+


Low Income Minority 65+


Low Income 65+


Rural 60+


Disabled 65+


Limited English Speaking 65+


Living Alone 65+


The above factors have been incorporated into a mathematical formula for administration as reflected below. In addition to these factors and weights, the Division of Aging Services incorporates a 6 percent funding base for Title III, parts B, C1, C2, and E of the Older Americans Act, not to exceed $200,000 annually statewide.

Intrastate Funding Formula




The service allocation for a Planning and Service Area (PSA)


The total services allocation amount for the state.


The PSA percentage of the State total population ages 60 and above.


The PSA percentage of the State total population ages 75 and above


The PSA percentage of the State total population ages 65 and above who are low income and are minorities


The PSA percentage of the State total population age 65 and above who are low income


The PSA percentage of the State total population age 60 and above who live in rural areas


The PSA percentage of the State total population who are age 65 and above and are disabled


The PSA percentage of the State total population age 65 and above and have limited English speaking ability


The PSA percentage of the State total population who are 65 and above and living alone

History – Formula SFY 1996 – SFY 2015

The following Intrastate Funding Formula was in effect from SFY 1996 through SFY 2015.

Factors and Weights:



Population 60+


Low Income Minority 65+


Low Income 65+


Rural 60+ (estimate)


Disabled 65+


Limited English Speaking 65+


Intrastate Funding Formula:




The service allocation for a Planning and Service Area (PSA)


The total services allocation amount for the state.


The PSA percentage of the State total population ages 60 and above.


The PSA percentage of the State total population ages 65 and above who are low income and are minorities


The PSA percentage of the State total population age 65 and above who are low income


The PSA percentage of the State total population age 60 and above who live in rural areas


The PSA percentage of the State total population who are age 65 and above and are disabled


The PSA percentage of the State total population age 65 and above and have limited English speaking ability