2003 Allocation Methodologies | ADMINISTRATION-5600-MANUAL
Georgia Division of Aging Services |
Chapter: |
2000 Fund Sources and Budget Types |
Effective Date: |
12/05/2023 |
Section Title: |
Allocation Methodologies |
Reviewed or Updated in: |
MT 2024-02 |
Section Number: |
2003 |
Previous Update: |
MT 2023-06 |
Summary Statement
The Division of Aging Services (DAS) adheres to federal and state policy, rules, grant requirements and appropriation intent in allocating funds to the Area Agencies on Aging and other contractors.
Allocation Methodologies, OAA
The following methodology is used in allocating Older Americans Act funds:
Title III A
AAA Administration: 10% of total, including part D, and is the maximum available for all direct and indirect administrative charges. This fund source requires a 25% local match. No Administration may be charged to Part D.
Title III B, C1, C2 & E
Six percent base or maximum $200,000 annually statewide, allocated equally to all regions. Remainder allocated by approved Intrastate Funding Formula (IFF). There are minimum III-B requirements for Access to Services, In-home Services and Legal Assistance. Refer to Section 2006 of this manual. For Titles III B, C1 and C2, State funds provide 5% matching funds; 10% local match is required. For Title III E, State funds provide 15% matching funds; 10% local match is required.
Funding distributed to all regions according to the formula used for VII-2 described below in this section.
Allocation Methodologies, State Funds
State funds are used to match federal funds and are also allocated to conform to legislative intent.
Alzheimer’s Services
Funds for the Alzheimer’s Program are allocated using the East Boston “Harvard Study,” with prevalence rate projections updated with the latest census data by the CDC, including prevalence rates of other dementias.
Additional Community Based Services state funds are “set aside” for Alzheimer’s Services.
Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC)
State Funds are distributed evenly to the 12 AAAs. Any grant funds are distributed according to grant requirements.
Community Based Services (CBS)
State funds include “set asides” to reflect legislative intent or to ensure policy compliance for the following programs:
Alzheimer’s Services: Allocated via the funding methodology described above in this section
Dementia Care Specialist: Funds are distributed evenly between 11 AAAs with the Atlanta Regional Commission receiving a double share.
ELAP: Allocated by the approved IFF
Georgia SHIP: This set aside is to support the SHIP. Refer to Georgia SHIP methodology below in this section.
Respite Services: Allocated by the approved IFF.
Non-Medicaid HCBS Case Management: Allocated by the approved IFF.
The remaining CBS funds are distributed using the six percent base and the IFF.
Note that “set asides” are the minimum required funding level for the above programs; AAAs may choose to increase the state funds at their discretion.
LTCO Supplemental
The supplement is distributed to all regions according to the formula used for VII-2 described above in this section.
Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP) Supplemental
State and federal funds appropriated to supplement NSIP are allocated according to Regional percentages of the number of meals served statewide in the previous year as reported in the DAS Data System, consistent with federal methodology for allocating NSIP to the states.
Allocation Methodologies, Other Funds
Georgia SHIP
Georgia SHIP funding is primarily from the SHIP federal grant. The methodology used for allocating these funds mirrors the approach used by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in allocating to the states. State funds also support this program.
Additional grant funds for this program, if available, are allocated according to grant requirements.
Social Services Block Grant (SSBG)
Funds are distributed to specified programs as follows:
Home and Community Based Services: Six percent base; remainder allocated by approved IFF; 12% local match required.
Long Term Care Ombudsman (LTCO): Funds are allocated following the methodology for OAA Title VII-2 as described above in this section.
Money Follows the Person Transition Coordination: A base is distributed evenly to all 12 AAAs.
NSIP: SSBG funds appropriated by the General Assembly to supplement NSIP are allocated according to Regional percentages of the number of meals served statewide in the previous year as reported in the DAS Data System, consistent with federal methodology for allocating NSIP to the states
SSBG funds are also used to support Adult Protective Services and the Public Guardianship Office.
Income Tax Check Off
The Georgia Fund for Children and Elderly “Income Tax Check off” funds are received by the Department of Revenue (DOR). After deducting an administrative fee, the DOR sends 50% of the remainder to the Department of Public Health and 50% to the Division of Aging Services. The funds to DAS are restricted for use on meals and transportation.
DAS distributes to the AAAs a six percent base and the remainder by current IFF.
Nutritional Supplement Incentive Program (NSIP)
NSIP funds are allocated to the AAAs according to Regional percentages of the number of meals served statewide in the previous year as reported in the DAS Data System, consistent with federal methodology for allocating NSIP to the states.
NSIP State Funds can be used for the full cost of the meal.
NSIP Federal Funds can only be used to purchase domestically produced foods that are used in a meal. These funds may be used in conjunction with any allowable fund source for meals.
Money Follows the Person
The Department of Community Health contracts with DAS to administer a portion of the Money Follows the Person grant from CMS. DAS allocates the funds to the 12 AAAs for specific purposes as follows:
MFP Transition Coordination:
50% of the funding is distributed by AAA based upon the percent of nursing home beds in the planning and service area.
25% of the funding is distributed by AAA based upon the percent of the incoming caseload (pipeline) for the current fiscal year in the planning and service area.
25% of the funding is distributed by AAA based upon the percent of the current caseload for the current fiscal year in the planning and service area.
MDSQ Options Counseling: Funds are distributed evenly between 11 AAAs with the Atlanta Regional Commission receiving a double share.
Non-Medicaid HCBS Case Management
DAS established a $1.4 million state fund set-aside from existing funds for non-Medicaid HCBS Case Management in the HCBS Manual Transmittal 2007-03 (MAN 5300, April 2007). This set-aside is allocated based on the current Intrastate Funding Formula. This set-aside is reflected in the Allocation Issuances effective with the 2016-01 Allocation. The set aside is intended to be a minimum for non-Medicaid HCBS Case Management; Area Agencies on Aging may additionally fund non-Medicaid HCBS Case Management by any allowable fund source.
Allocations are issued in the form of an EXCEL workbook, which is locked. The workbook is locked to limit the opportunity for fraud, since the allocation is the basis for AAA budgets and contracting.
The Allocation workbook contains a summary sheet for each AAA and sub-contractor, a “Consolidated Totals” page which is the statewide allocation and multiple supporting fund source pages. While most of the funds allocated to an AAA are found on their summary page, some fund sources are only shown on the fund source page. The Allocation Issuance Memorandum, which accompanies the workbook, will indicate where to look for the funds in the workbook.
The Business Operations Section Manager will draft the allocation for review by DHS/Office of Budget Administration, Section Managers, as appropriate, and the Director and Deputy Director. One time fund sources are not included in the planning allocation.
Allocations for each State Fiscal Year are enumerated/named using the four-digit state fiscal year and issuance number. The planning allocation is designated with “P”. Examples:
Planning Allocation = 2014-P
Initial issuance for SFY 2014 = 2014-01
Subsequent issuance for SFY 2014 = 2014-02, 2014-03, etc.
Planning Allocation
A locked copy of the Allocation workbook and memorandum is filed on the DAS shared drive in the ALLOCATION ISSUANCES folder by state fiscal year.
A planning allocation is sent to the AAAs prior to the start of the Area Plan process. This is usually in the second quarter of the current fiscal year. Refer to Section 3021 of this manual for information on the Area Plan.
Initial Allocation for SFY
The AAA will use the planning allocation to develop their budget for the upcoming State Fiscal Year. Refer to Section 3022 of this manual for information on budget submission.
The initial allocation for the state fiscal year is sent to the AAAs before July 15 or after the initial contracts are issued, whichever comes first
The AAA will submit their budget revision by the deadline set forth in the Allocation Memorandum.
Subsequent Allocations for SFY
Subsequent Allocations for the state fiscal year will be issued at the discretion of the DAS Director. Reasons for subsequent allocations include, but are not limited to:
New or changes in federal funding levels
New or changes in state funding levels
New or changes in grant funds
Redistribution of funds as a result of potential lapse of funds by a AAA
The AAA will submit their budget revision by the deadline set forth in the Allocation Memorandum.
Title III Fund Transfers
AAA Transfer
Area Agencies on Aging may shift up to 30% of their allocation for Title III-C1 or Title III-C2 to the other. The shift must be requested and approved as part of the Area Plan/budget process.
Area Agencies on Aging may transfer up to 20% of their combined budget for Title III-C to Title III-B or 20% of Title III-B to Title III-C. The shift must be requested and approved as part of the Area Plan/budget process.
SUA Transfer
The Division is responsible for final, statewide transfers in a federal fiscal year. Allowable transfers are as follows:
40% between Titles III-C1 and III-C2
30% between Titles III-B and the Nutrition Programs under Title III-C
The U.S. Assistant Secretary for Aging may disapprove the transfer if it is determined that the transfer is not consistent with the objectives of the OAA, as amended.
MAN 5600, Section 2002, Interstate Funding Formula
MAN 5600, Section 2005, Matching Federal Funds
MAN 5600, Section 2006, Maintenance of Effort
MAN 5600, Section 3021, Area Plan
MAN 5600, Section 3022, Budget Revisions, Contract Amendments and Reporting Requirements
AoA PI 07-03; Older Americans Act, Sections 308 (b)(4)(A), 308 (b)(4)(B), 308 (b)(5)(A), and 308 (b)(4)©, As Amended