2005 Matching Federal Funds | ADMINISTRATION-5600-MANUAL
Georgia Division of Aging Services |
Chapter: |
2000 Fund Sources and Budget Types |
Effective Date: |
12/05/2023 |
Section Title: |
Matching Federal Funds |
Reviewed or Updated in: |
MT 2024-02 |
Section Number: |
2005 |
Previous Update: |
MT 2014-01 |
Policy Statement
The Georgia Department of Human Services, Division of Aging Services follows federal requirements regarding the matching of federal funds.
Requirements for Match
Service Match
To fulfill the match requirements of the Older Americans Act, 1965, as amended, Area Agencies and their service providers shall provide a minimum of 10% non-federal match funds for the cost of Older American Act services. Area Agencies also shall provide local matching funds for allocations from the Social Services Block Grant, in amounts/percentages established by the Division.
The local share of service funding shall be in the form of cash or non-cash (in kind.)
The value of non-cash match shall be based on a fair market value of the services and goods supplied in support of the service or activity provided.
Agencies shall document the value of staff time used as non-cash match by time sheets signed by the paid staff or volunteer.
Agencies will report cash and non-cash match by submitting DHS/DAS Form 5215, “Report of Certified Costs” monthly.
Administrative Match
In order to fulfill the match requirements of the Older Americans Act, 1965, as amended, area agencies shall provide a minimum of 25% non-federal match funds for the cost of administration of area plans.
The non-federal share shall be cash or non-cash (in-kind).
The value of non-cash match shall be based on a fair market value of the services and goods supplied in support of the service or activity provided.
Agencies shall document the value of staff time used as non-cash match by time sheets signed by the paid staff or volunteer.