2007 Program Income

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Administrative Manual


2000 Fund Sources and Budget Types

Effective Date:


Section Title:

Program Income

Reviewed or Updated in:

MT 2024-02

Section Number:


Previous Update:

MT 2014-04

Summary Statement

The Georgia Department of Human Services, Division of Aging Services follows federal requirements regarding program income.

Basic Considerations

Program Income includes funds from the fee for service system, and includes cost share, voluntary contributions and private pay.

Refer to the following sections of this manual for further information:

Section 2025, Fee for Service System Overview
Section 2026, Cost Share
Section 2027, Voluntary Contributions
Section 2028, Private Pay

Requirements for Program Income

Program income contributions shall be administered in accordance with 45 CFR, Part 1321; 45 CFR, Part 92.25, and the Uniform Grant Management Standards.

Reimbursement shall not be made in excess of actual allowable expense, less program income received during the reimbursement period. Revenues generated from cost-shared services are treated as program income.

Use of Revenues

Cost share fees paid for services provided under the Older Americans Act must be used to expand the service for which such payment was given [OAA, §315(a)(5)(c)].

AAAs will assure that fees generated from cost sharing on all fund sources are used to meet at least one of the following objectives:

  • Serve eligible persons currently on waiting lists

  • Expand service availability to areas in which services have not been available

  • Reduce unmet need by increasing resources allocated to underserved areas of the planning and service area

  • Develop and implement services for which there is a demonstrated and documented need based on requests from consumers or other needs assessment data, but for which resources have been unavailable.

Private Pay revenue must at least equal the cost of the service. Private Pay revenue above the cost of the service and Voluntary Contributions may be used as follows:

  • To meet any of the objectives above for cost share fees

  • To expand the delivery of services to older persons, person with disabilities, their caregivers or grandparents or other relatives serving as kinship caregivers

  • To expand AAA capacity, such as additional ADRC staff, additional Case Management staff, etc.

The plan for distributing revenues is to be included in Area Plans.

Allowable Expenditures

AAAs and provider organizations may use revenues generated from cost sharing in accordance with federal cost principles, referencing Office of Management and Budget Circular A-87, “Cost Principles for State and Local Governments”.

A reasonable portion of the funds may be used for administrative expenses, subject to approval by DAS.

Match Requirements

Refer to Section 2005 of this manual.