2011 Grant Submittal Instructions | ADMINISTRATION-5600-MANUAL
Georgia Division of Aging Services |
Chapter: |
2000 Fund Sources and Allocation Methodology |
Effective Date: |
08/16/2022 |
Section Title: |
Grant Submittal Instructions |
Reviewed or Updated in: |
MT 2023-01 |
Section Number: |
2011 |
Previous Update: |
MT 2017-02 |
Summary Statement
The Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS), Division of Aging Services (DAS) relies on funding from Federal, State, and Private sources.
Staff is encouraged to develop resources through application for grants and contracts.
Basic Considerations
Grant submission to federal agencies must be via the method required in the grant regulations. Most federal grantors will require grants.gov or grantsolutions.gov
Allow enough time for all appropriate reviews and signatures so that the Commissioner’s office receives the final documents at least two weeks before the grant is due to the grantor.
If this time frame cannot be met, discuss with the DAS Deputy Director or Business Operations Section Manager. |
The staff person that originates the grant proposal is responsible for monitoring the progress of the grant proposal through the entire process and ensuring timely delivery to the grantor.
DUNS number for Aging: 1359710050000 (the final four zeros may not be required, depending on how the grantor is using the registration number
Unique Entity Identifier for Aging (replaced the DUNS number for most applications: K5KXXCJYAD86
DHS Employer Tax Identification Number (EIN):
Grantee IRS number: 58-1130678
Step 1: Complete the Grant Transmittal Form
Step 2: If required, complete the Commissioner’s Cover Letter. The cover letter must include wording related to submitting the award to the Office of Financial Services.
Show the date of the letter as a future date which will be the date the Commissioner will sign it. This allows the final, signed version of the letter to reflect a valid date. |
Step 3: The grant submission process involves the review of the grant by several individuals or offices. Route the complete document(s) using E-sign according to the pink sheet process
Make note of the date that the proposal/application is due to the grantor and monitor the process. Use the pink sheet E-sign routing to accomplish the following steps:
Complete the Correspondence Routing Memorandum for Director’s Signature (pink form) and the Correspondence Review for Commissioner’s Signature (blue form). Enter the date the proposal is due as the due date.
Incorporate all required documents into a single pdf for E-sign routing. Submit the proposal/application to the appropriate section manager(s) for approval
Submit proposal/application and the documents to the DAS Business Operations Section Manager. A Business Operations staff person will notify the grant manager if there are questions, issues or concerns. Responses must be received promptly.
The Business Operations Section Manager will forward the proposal/application to the DAS Deputy Director for approval, who will forward in turn to the Division Director. The Division Director will approve the proposal and will return the grant package to the person designated on the Correspondence Routing Memorandum (pink form.) Note: should the grant package not be returned for revision or returned without approval, the originator should contact the Business Operations Section Manager to follow up.
Step 4: Should corrections or edits be required from any approver, the approver will reject the document for correction/edit in E-sign. The originator must comply promptly to avoid delaying the process. After Revisions are complete, the approval process must be re-started in its entirety in E-sign.
Step 5: Continue monitoring the progress of the documents to ensure the application is sent to the grantor by the due date.
Step 6: Upon receipt of the approved grant package, submit the proposal/application according to the grantor’s instructions through or as directed by the Business Operations Section Manager.
For federal grants requiring electronic submission through grants.gov, contact the Business Operations Section Manager, who will electronically sign and submit the proposal.