2012 Grant Management | ADMINISTRATION-5600-MANUAL
Georgia Division of Aging Services |
Chapter: |
2000 Fund Sources and Allocation Methodology |
Effective Date: |
08/16/2022 |
Section Title: |
Grant Management |
Reviewed or Updated in: |
MT 2023-01 |
Section Number: |
2012 |
Previous Update: |
MT 2017-02 |
Summary Statement
Grant Management includes compliance with the approved grant proposal, programmatic and fiscal requirements and applicable policy and law required by the grant award.
Grant Management encompasses many competencies, tasks and responsibilities. This manual section concentrates on the responsibilities of the Division of Aging Services with regard to Grants Management. The Department of Human Services (DHS) responsibilities and processes are documented in the DHS Administration Manual, primarily under Financial Resources.
Step 1: The Notice of Grant Award (NOA) is received, usually via email.
Step 2: The receiving party ensures that the Business Operations Section Manager has a copy of the NOA within 48 hours of receipt.
Step 3: The Business Operations Section Manager routes the NOA to the DHS Offices of Financial Services and Budget Administration and to the DAS Contracts Team Lead within 48 hours. The Division Director and Deputies are copied.
Step 4: The Project Director and Business Operations Section Manager reviews the NOA to determine if programmatic or budget revisions to the proposal are necessary.
Step 5: The Project Director and DAS business operations staff, in coordination with DHS Office of Business Administration (OBA) staff, review the final budget to ensure the accuracy of all budget requirements, including sources and amounts of grant matching funds and reconciling fiscal codes between PeopleSoft and grant line items.
Any changes requiring approval of the grantor must go through the routing process in Section 8003, Guidelines for Written Correspondence and Suspended Items. All correspondence with the grantor or sub-grantees must be copied to the Director, Deputy Director and Business Operations Section Manager. |
Step 6: DHS OBA staff enter the budget into PeopleSoft.
Step 7: The Project Director meets with assigned DAS contract staff to clarify processes necessary for preparation of sub-contracts under the grant.
Step 8: The Project Director prepares a Contract Summary for each partner/sub-contractor. Attachments may include but are not limited to:
Sole Source Justification
Reporting requirements and formats expected of the partner (sub contract deliverables)
Contact the Contracts Team Lead for the required forms and materials for contract development. |
Step 9: The Contract staff reviews the Contract Summary and submits to the DHS Office of Procurement and Contracts.
Step 10: The Contract Staff tracks the milestones in the preparation and approval of the contract. The Project Director may view the grant tracking spreadsheet on the J Drive at J:Fiscal Admin\Tracking Contracts and Payments.
Step 11: Once contracts are executed with Area Agency on Aging partners/sub-contractors, each Area Agency on Aging enters its budget into the DAS Data System, or records the grant per grant specific procedures provided by DAS.
Step 12: The Project Director completes a Quarterly Grant Review Report:
Reports are due on October 15, January 15, May 15 and July 15 and must be circulated according to Guidelines for Written Correspondence and Suspended Items, MAN 5600, Section 8003. The Business Operations Section Manager, Deputy Director and Director of Aging Services must be included in the review.
Refer to the chart below to determine the type of report used to meet this requirement.
Grant regulations require a quarterly programmatic report |
The programmatic report may be used to satisfy this requirement |
Grant regulations do not require a quarterly report or the required report is less frequent than quarterly |
The Project Director must describe in narrative form the grant progress to date including:
Step 13: In addition to the narrative, the grant quarterly grant report should include a brief review of monitoring results including:
PeopleSoft budget and year-to-date expenses
DAS Database budget and year-to-date expenses
Sub-contractor budgets
Grant schedule to date with milestones and percent completed compared to the grant application
Corrective actions needed
The Project Director may choose to schedule a meeting to review the quarterly report, and may include DAS Business Operations staff, Program Integrity Staff, Director, Deputy Director(s) and the Associate General Counsel for DAS.
If corrective action is needed, proceed to step 14. If no corrective action is needed, proceed to step 15.
Step 14: The Project Director is responsible to ensure that corrective actions are completed. Corrective actions identified during the quarterly review process should be referred to DAS or DHS staff for resolution. Specific deadlines must be set for each action. The Section Manager is responsible for monitoring corrective actions assigned to his/her staff. Examples of corrective actions are as follows:
Budget revisions required to the grantor
Budget revisions to be made in PeopleSoft or DAS Database
No Cost Extensions, if applicable
Contract Amendments to adjust deliverables or budgets
All corrective actions must be requested via the processes outlined in Section 8003, Guidelines for Written Correspondence and Suspended Items. |
Step 15: The Section Manager, Associate General Counsel, Business Operations Section Manager, Deputy Director(s), and Director review and sign off on the quarterly reporting and corrective actions routed using the pink sheet process.
Record Keeping
Grant documents must be stored on the shared drive as follows:
Business Operations Section
The Business Operations Section will maintain contract documents related to grants in the Fiscal Admin folder on the j-drive within the appropriate state fiscal year contracts folder.
Grant Managers
Grant Managers may keep working files either on the j-drive or their one-drive files. However, there must be a file for each grant kept on the j-drive in the GRANTS folder. The file shall be placed in the SFY folder that corresponds to the grant start date. The path for each grant file shall be as follows:
j-drive/GRANTS/SFY folder/Section folder/grant folder
Within the specific grant folder, the following documents must be placed:
Grant announcement
Letter of Intent (if applicable)
Grant proposal (final, submitted version)
Other documents
Notice of Award
Contract copy/copies if applicable
Deliverables to the grantor
Required reports, such as Semi-annual or annual reports
Final report
Other documents
Monitoring reports
To include the quarterly monitoring documents described earlier in this Section
Deliverables to the Division from contractors for the grant
Required reports
Invoices (copies; original to Business Operations)
Other documents, reports, etc.
Any amendments to the grant or contract, if applicable
No cost extension requests, if applicable
It is recommended that Grant Managers keep a running narrative of the grant in a WORD document in this file folder for reference.