3003 Designation of Area Agencies on Aging

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Administrative Manual


3000 Area Agency on Aging (AAA) Administration

Effective Date:


Section Title:

Designation of Area Agencies on Aging

Reviewed or Updated in:

MT 2024-01

Section Number:


Previous Update:

MT 2023-01

Policy Statement

It is the policy of the Division of Aging Services that the Division and the Area Agencies on Aging will comply with Older Americans Act and regulations for the designation of area agencies on aging.

Designation of Area Agencies on Aging

The Division shall designate an area agency in each Planning and Service Area in which there is a decision to allocate funding under the Older Americans Act no later than March 1 of the year involved in the development of the state plan.

Duration of Designation

Applicants for designation as Area Agency on Aging shall submit a written application or resolution to the Division no later than the date specified by the Division. The application shall indicate that the agency is an eligible entity and is capable of meeting all requirements under Section 306 of the Older Americans Act, as amended.

Once designated, an area agency continues to function in that capacity until:

  • The area agency informs the Division that it no longer wishes to carry out the responsibilities of an area agency;

  • There is a change in the PSA boundaries for which an area agency was previously designated; or

  • The Division withdraws the designation of the area agency as provided for in these policies.


All applicants for designation to serve as an Area Agency on Aging must have the authority and capacity to perform the functions of an area agency on aging.


The Division shall determine the authority of an area agency through a review that shall include, but not be limited to:

  • A memorandum of understanding signed by the presiding board of a unit of general-purpose local government of participating cities and counties within its PSA

  • Verification of authority to accept and utilize funds for aging services as specified by the Older Americans Act, as amended and these policies and procedures

  • Verification of authority to develop and implement policies and procedures for administration, services and program development, program records, data collection and planning. Such policies and procedures shall be in written form and on file.

  • A statement that the area agency is in compliance with federal and state laws with regard to equal employment opportunity and non-discrimination

  • By-laws for the governing board

  • By-laws for an Advisory council

  • Policies and procedures for use of property

  • Policies and procedures for confidentiality and secure storage of confidential materials

  • Personnel policies which should include, but are not limited to:

    • Job descriptions for each area agency employee and for any vacant or proposed new positions

    • Employees' code of ethics

    • Travel reimbursement

    • Compensation schedules and fringe benefits

    • Disciplinary processes

    • Performance appraisal

    • Appointment and termination processes

    • Grievance procedures

    • Accounting and financial management procedures

  • Collected and evaluated views of units of general-purpose local governments gathered in the PSA prior to seeking designation

  • Evidence that the views of older persons have been sought, collected and considered; and evidence of support from older persons in the PSA

  • Evidence of local support from units of local government and human service agencies and community organizations in the PSA

  • Authority to advocate on behalf of older persons in the PSA and on issues of general concern to the aging network without conflict of interest

  • Evidence of, including but not limited to, an adequate number of appropriately trained staff, with competent systems in place to ensure performance consistent with assessment criteria contained in the Area Plan and Division directives, policies, or guidelines


The Division shall determine capacity of an agency on aging through a review that shall include, but not be limited to, an evaluation of the record of its performance in:

  • The planning, organizing, staffing, directing and supervision of a comprehensive and coordinated program of services for older adults for the PSA represented

  • Monitoring, evaluating, and commenting on policies, programs, hearings, and community actions which affect older persons

  • Conducting public hearings, studies and assessments of the needs of older persons

  • Representing the interests of older persons

  • Conducting activities in support of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program (SLTCO) and the Elderly Legal Assistance Program (ELAP), as required by the Older Americans Act, as amended

  • Coordinating, planning with other agencies and organizations to promote programs and opportunities which benefit older persons

  • Providing technical assistance to providers of services and to senior centers in the PSA

  • Establishing effective and efficient procedures for the coordination between and among programs assisted by the Division and other programs available to older persons

  • Carrying out the intention of O.C.G.A. 49-6-1, et. seq., these policies and procedures, applicable rules and regulations of the Department and the Older Americans Act, as amended, and its rules and regulations.

Determination of Eligible Entities and Organizational Preference

The Division shall provide opportunity for the following types of agencies to be designated as an area agency on aging, in order of preference according to the Older Americans Act:

  • An office or agency of a unit of general-purpose local government that is proposed by the chief elected official of the unit

  • An established office of aging which operates within a PSA

  • An Indian tribal organization, or consortia thereof, whose jurisdiction is essentially the same as one or more Indian reservations

  • Any office or agency proposed by the chief elected officials of a combination of units of general purpose local governments

  • Any other public or private non-profit agency, except any regional or local agency of the state

Units of general-purpose local government are offered the right of first refusal in matters of designation of area agencies on aging, according to the Older Americans Act, as amended, §305(b)(5)(B).

Application Procedures

Contents of Applications

Applicants for area agency designation shall submit a written application to the Division to address:

  • Description of the legal authority upon which the agency is organized;

  • An organizational description and chart of the agency;

  • A list of members serving on the governing board of the agency and the entities they represent;

  • Job descriptions of those positions that the agency has or intends to staff;

  • A copy of the most recent audit;

  • A copy of the agency’s current financial plan approved by the board of directors;

  • A narrative of the agency’s past and current relationships with agencies providing services to the elderly in that PSA; and

  • Any other information requested/required by the Division.

Competing Applications

Any application for area agency designation, which if approved, would result in the replacement of an existing area agency or substantially impact the aging network with the PSA involved shall include:

  • Written indication of support by resolution of at least 75% of the governing bodies of the constituent cities, counties and municipalities within the PSA boundaries;

  • Documented explanation for why the agency believes that existing services would be improved substantially as a result of the proposed changes in designation; and

  • Assurance that no staff or board member of the agency, or its parent organization, has served on the staff or board of the currently designated agency within the affected PSA, for a period of not less than two years prior to the date of notification of application

Public Hearing

After receipt of the above listed documentation and information, using procedures established in MAN 5600, Section 3002, the Division will conduct one or more public hearings, at appropriate time(s) and location(s) to consider the views of units of general-purpose local governments and of the impacted public.

On-Site Reviews

New Designations

The agency being considered for designation as area agency shall provide an opportunity for on-site review and assessment by the Division to ensure that said agency has the capacity to perform the functions of an area agency on aging. The review shall include, but not be limited to:

  • A review of the agency’s administrative and fiscal management capability to conform with Division reporting requirements and production of any other required documents;

  • A review of the agency’s capability, through employment and retention of adequate numbers of qualified and appropriate staff to develop and administer an area plan for a comprehensive and coordinated system of services;

  • A review of the agency’s capability to serve as the advocate and focal point for older residents of the PSA; and

  • A review of the agency’s capability to furnish local financial resources and support as required by federal law.

Periodic Review

Once designated, an area agency is subject to an on-site assessment at least one year prior to the expiration of a four-year plan cycle to determine whether the Agency continues to have the capacity and authority to carry out the required functions of an area agency on aging as established by Division guidelines, policies and procedures; state and federal rules and regulations, and the Older Americans Act, as amended. The review shall include and take into account, but not be limited to:

  • An evaluation of the agency’s performance in carrying out its responsibilities and functions under state and federal laws, regulations and policies, including the Older Americans Act, as amended;

  • An evaluation of the agency’s goals and objectives under its current approved Area Plan and Budget, and four year Plan and budget;

  • On-site visits to conduct client and staff interviews; and

  • Any other information which is relevant in evaluating the organization’s effectiveness, efficiency and focus on results, including the elements of an initial on-site review.