3011 Area Agency on Aging Structure

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Administrative Manual


3000 Area Agency on Aging (AAA) Administration

Effective Date:


Section Title:

Area Agency on Aging Structure

Reviewed or Updated in:

MT 2024-01

Section Number:


Previous Update:

MT 2014-02

Policy Statement

AAAs shall develop and maintain an organizational structure that assures the effective administration of all aging program responsibilities, as provided by the Older Americans Act, and other applicable programs, and achieve all outcomes described in the Older Americans Act, §306, 42 U.S.C. 3026.

AAA Structure

Organizational Structure

The organizational structure shall be reflected through written job descriptions, staffing plans, and organizational charts, which shall be updated annually, or as needed, and submitted as a part of the Area Plan, in accordance with DAS requirements.

Title of the AAA Director

Each AAA is required to have one, full-time individual selected to perform the duties of the director and that person shall be identified on the staffing pattern and in job descriptions as either Director, Area Agency on Aging, or Manager, Area Agency on Aging, or other appropriate title which clearly associates the position with the Area Agency on Aging.

Staff Resources

All aging program positions shall be budgeted based on the projected percentage of time expected to be spent performing the duties of administration and management, and/or the time spent in direct service delivery, if applicable, as indicated in the area plan and subject to approval on an individual basis by the Division.

Baseline or minimum staff resource standards and requirements may be included in Division program policy and standards. However, a AAA may choose to employ more than the minimum required by policy.