3014 Area Agency on Aging Contract Management Requirements

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Administrative Manual


3000 Area Agency on Aging Administration

Effective Date:


Section Title:

Area Agency on Aging Contract Management Requirements

Reviewed or Updated in:

MT 2022-03

Section Number:


Previous Update:

MT 2014-02

Summary Statement

AAAs shall follow procurement practices established by federal and state laws and regulations in awarding contracts.

Basic Considerations

AAA Contract Management shall include the following components:

  • Competitive bids

  • Contract criteria as specified in this section

  • Contract Management Activities

  • Contract Closeout or Termination Procedures

The authority for the AAA to enter into service provider contracts is based on the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended, and its regulations; United States Health and Human Services regulations on Administration of Grants; Title 45 CFR, Part 74; Title 45 CFR, Part 92; Title 45 CFR, Part 1321, et. seq.; Title 45 CFR, Part 91; and all policies and rules established by the DHS/DAS; and with all state and local laws as they pertain to contracting and reimbursement methodologies.

The AAA and all subcontractors/service providers shall comply therewith.

Requirements, Purchase of Services

When purchasing services, the AAAs shall use either cost reimbursement or unit rate reimbursement contracts, as follows:

Cost Reimbursement

In cost reimbursement contracts, the AAA pays the subcontractor on a reimbursement basis for services rendered.

Reimbursement shall not be adjusted to offset poor management planning.

Adjustments to the share of expenses that federal and/or state funds will pay must be requested in writing by the subcontractor/service provider and may only be considered by the AAA in instances where:

  • A subcontractor experiences significant operating losses due to events over which it has no control or reasonably could not have anticipated; or

  • A subcontractor experiences excess revenues over operational costs due to unanticipated and/or unbudgeted additional resources; or

  • There are reductions in expenses due to changes in cost allocation methodology.

Fixed Unit Rate

In performance-based contracting, the AAA agrees to pay the subcontractor/service provider in the amounts and upon the terms, provisions and budgets set forth in the contract as a result of negotiation of an acceptable and suitable unit rate.

The subcontractor/service provider agrees to deliver specific services on an at-risk basis. The Uniform Cost Methodology is used to establish unit costs for fixed rate reimbursements. (Refer to Section 3025, Financial Management.) The UCM also may be used to establish variable unit rates specific to certain types of service, such as home modification or repair, or where specialization within a service would create differing rates, such as enhanced or extended respite care services.

Sole Source Procurement

AAAs may use the sole source procurement method only when the award of a contract is not feasible under other procurement methods. In this event, the agency shall comply with procedures established in 45 Code of Federal Regulations Part 92.36(d)(4), concerning procurement by non-competitive bidding.

Competitive Bids

AAAs shall comply with competitive bidding procedures to promote fair and open competition in the procurement process through the use of formal bidding, informal bidding/quotes or competitive proposals, as appropriate. Agencies shall maintain documentation to demonstrate all such efforts.

All subcontractors/service provider contracts shall require a subcontractor/provider to have and use an accounting system which identifies all costs for each specific service being purchased or provided and which complies with 45 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 1321, Subpart D, “Service Requirements” (Older Americans Act regulations).

Competitive Bids

Requirements are as follows:

General Requirements

DAS requires that in the procurement of services there be a solicitation and that it be designed to achieve full and open competition for the procurement, in accordance with all applicable state and federal regulations and requirements.

The competitive process requires the use of performance-based contracts. The contract will:

  • Provide for a unit rate for services reimbursed through a unit cost; or for a fixed ceiling price, for services reimbursed through line-item budgets; and

  • State the requirement that the Uniform Cost Methodology be used to calculate costs for all services on an annual basis, and under what conditions costs will be allowed within a fixed ceiling price contract.

Contract principles defined in 45 CFR, Part 74; 45 CFR, Part 92; Title 41, Code of Federal Regulations; and the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), Part 6, provide the basis for the principal contracting processes and are to be followed in procuring services, as well as any state procurement requirements which may apply.

Process Criteria

Criteria to assure a competitive process includes:

At least once prior to the beginning of a new area plan cycle, the AAA shall solicit potential providers by advertising in the newspaper designated as a legal organ in the planning and service area, as defined in O.C.G.A.9-13-142, and optionally in newspapers of statewide circulation and other newspapers with regional and local circulation.

A legal organ is defined as a newspaper having 85 percent paid, audited circulation for a period of at least one year, as designated by the county sheriff, probate judge and Superior court clerk.

The agency shall announce all solicitations at least thirty (30) days prior to the deadline for acceptance of responses.

Media announcements shall be made within the appropriate planning and service area in a manner that enables current and potential providers to be notified.

The public notice shall:

  • Identify each program/service to be funded

  • Specify the date by which responses must be submitted for consideration; and

  • Advise how copies of the solicitations may be obtained.

The AAA shall provide potential bidders with the unit cost, if applicable, at which the AAA has provided and will provide services, for those services provided directly, and enough data from the unit cost analysis for potential bidders to determine whether they will commit to a letter of intent to bid, if a Request for Proposal is issued.

If two or more potential providers (including the AAA) are identified during advertising for solicitation, the AAA shall follow minimum federal and state requirements for procurement.

If the AAA has determined through the solicitation process that there is only one potential provider of the service, it may proceed with a negotiated procurement as for a sole-source, non- competitive contract.

If the AAA has determined through the solicitation process that there are no potential providers other than the Agency itself, it may provide the service directly, as authorized by MAN 5600, Section 3019. The AAA shall maintain documentation of all solicitation activities leading to the determination that no competition exists.

If the AAA is one of two or more potential providers of a service, it shall respond to its own RFP.

AAA Response to AAA Requests for Proposals

AAAs shall respond to its own RFP when there is competition to provide a service in the following manner:

If the AAA has been the direct provider of service, it shall place its pricing for unit cost services or line-item budget for the services, along with the intent to propose, in the RFP, to assure that other agencies/ organizations wishing to submit proposals may determine whether they will be able to submit proposals which will be competitive with that of the AAA.

When another agency or organization submits a proposal in competition with the AAA, the agency shall assemble a fair and impartial evaluation team to review and rate the responsiveness of each proposal.

Membership on the panel by AAA Advisory Council and/or Board members shall constitute no more than 49 percent of the total.

The evaluation team shall be chaired by an impartial and disinterested party, not affiliated with the AAA or any of the proposers.

If the AAA uses a proposal format which separates the technical and price proposals, those documents shall not identify the organization submitting the proposal in any way in the proposal or on the binder or external packaging.

If these conditions exist, proposals which do identify the submitting organization shall be deemed unresponsive and shall not be considered for possible contract award.

The management portion of the proposal shall be the only portion that identifies the submitting organization.

The evaluation team shall not be made aware of the identity of any bidders until after the technical and price proposals have been evaluated and ranked.

If the AAA is the recipient of the reward, it shall meet the same contractual provisions, standards, and costs that any non-AAA provider would be required to meet.

In the event that the contracting authority selects the AAA as the provider over the recommendation of the evaluation team, it must justify its selection in a public meeting held locally and provide written documentation to the DAS Director of the rationale for this selection. The DAS Director, or his/her designee, shall have the discretion to uphold or override the decision of the AAA Board/contracting authority, or cause the RFP to be reissued.

Contract Criteria

Incorporation of Non-Profit Agency Contractors

All private non-profit agency contractors shall be incorporated as 501(c)(3) organizations. All contracts between the AAA and its service providers shall contain sufficient program and financial information to assure that all activities comply with the Area Plan, the Older Americans Act, federal regulations and the rules, regulations, and policies of the Department of Human Services and the Division of Aging Services (DAS).

Multi-year Agreements

The AAA shall execute contracts for one year only, but may enter into multi-year agreements not to exceed the area plan cycle, by which the AAA may renew a contract, without initiating the competitive process each year. AAAs wishing to enter into multi-year agreements shall assure that contract language clearly expresses that renewal of a contract is contingent upon satisfactory performance and continued availability of funding. Justification for a multi-year agreement includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • More than one year is necessary to complete a project or provide a service

  • More than one year is necessary to justify substantial cost effectiveness or savings

  • A multi-year agreement is necessary to allow the provider opportunity to increase and demonstrate capacity to operate a particular service; or

  • Results of performance evaluation justify continuation of the agreement and renewal of the contract with the existing provider.

Reconsideration Requests and Appeals

When there is competition for specific services, the bidder(s) not selected shall have the right to request reconsideration or appeal the award decision. The Area Agency shall establish policies and procedures for requesting reconsiderations/appeals and include this information in its Requests for Proposals (RFPs).

Execution of Contracts

The AAA shall demonstrate prudent execution of all agreements/contracts between the agency and public or private (for profit or non-profit) organizations receiving state and federal funds, by assuring that the agreements/contracts are adequate in language, content and substance, are executed fully and in a timely manner, and provide reasonable assurance that the expected outcomes can be accomplished.

Standard Contracts

The AAA shall develop and use a standard contract format. The agency also shall develop procedures that assure that recipients of contracts are made fully aware of their responsibilities and obligations under an approved Area Plan. Upon approval of contracts under the Area Plan, the AAA shall maintain file copies of contracts, the criteria used to approve contracts, copies of the approved proposals and any subsequent amendments.

AAAs housed in Regional Commissions (RC) may use contract formats provided by the RCs as long as necessary modifications are made to reflect specific requirements of the aging program.

Minimum Contract Requirements

At a minimum, documents issued by an RC/AAA to award service contracts should include language to:

  • Indicate all parties to the contract

  • Define the effective date(s) of the contract

  • State the purpose of the contract

  • Reference all applicable laws and regulations

  • Describe the services to be provided and any related conditions (i.e., quantity, quality, etc.)

  • Specify the compensation (attach a budget), including a detailed description of costs, and the amount, method of payment, and required match to be provided

  • Indicate that the contractor assures its capability to perform the specified services

  • List the types of information and data that may be required of the contractor and the records that must be maintained

  • Describe the review, monitoring, and audit rights of the grantee and authorized state and federal agencies or authorities

  • Prevent any unlawful benefits from accruing to individuals associated with the contractor as a result of the contract

  • Assure that equal employment opportunities will exist and that no discrimination on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex, handicap or national origin will result

  • Provide a method of modifying, suspending, or terminating the contract, if necessary

  • Include the indemnification clause of the state agency

  • Include standard assurances, such as Older Americans Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, civil rights, confidentiality HIPAA compliance, etc.

  • Describe the disposition requirements for any equipment purchase authorized through each contract or sub-grant; and

  • Address other conditions, as appropriate

Contract Management Activities

Contract management activities encompass those AAA activities which shall occur after a contract has been executed. The AAA shall assure that each executed contract is performed as written by both the provider and the Area Agency.

Contract Management Staff

The AAA shall assign adequate staffing to assure that contracts are properly administered, monitored, and reviewed on a continuing basis. At a minimum, one staff person shall be identified as the person with primary responsibility for overseeing and coordinating contract management activities.

Refer to MAN 5600, Section 3015, AAA Monitoring and Evaluation of Service Providers.

Corrective Action Plans, Penalties, and Sanctions

It is the responsibility of the AAA to develop and implement policies and procedures for the development of a system of corrective action, including, when appropriate or necessary, the imposition of penalties and/or sanctions upon contractors and subcontractors for inadequate performance of the contract agreement, or non-compliance with service delivery requirements, standards, and applicable rules and regulations. (Reference MAN 5600, Section 3050, Contractor Compliance, Rewards and Sanctions.)

Contract Close Out or Termination

The close out or termination phase of a contract begins when one or more of certain steps are initiated to bring the contract to an end and concludes with the final settlement of all contract matters.

Termination and close out can occur at any time during the life of a contract, including the point at which a contract expires, whether or not it is to be renewed by the AAA. Close out may entail, but not be limited to, such steps as:

  • Insurance of stop-work orders, termination notices, etc.

  • Negotiation and adjudication of disputes and appeals

  • Negotiation and execution of releases

  • Final payment; and

  • Other pertinent procedures


Close out or termination includes the following procedures:

Upon termination (including expiration/non-renewal) of a contract, the AAA may require the provider to return any property specifically produced or acquired under the contract. The contract shall contain a clause providing for treatment of assets which shall apply in such a property transfer.

The AAA shall pay the provider the agreed-upon price or amount of reimbursement, if separately stated, for goods and services accepted by the AAA, and for the amount agreed upon for:

  • Completed work or services for which no separate price is stated

  • Partially completed work and services

  • Other work and services accepted by the AAA; and

  • The protection and preservation of property, unless the termination is for default, in which case the AAA shall determine the extent of liability of the contracting agency.

Failing to agree with such determination shall be considered a dispute concerning a question of fact with the meaning of the term “Disputes” as defined by the written contract document. The AAA may withhold from any amounts due to the provider for such completed work or services such sum as the AAA determines to be necessary to protect itself from loss resulting from outstanding liens or claims of former holders.

Provider Termination Responsibilities

Following receipt of a notice of termination or non-renewal, the provider shall:

  • Stop work under the contract on the date and to the extent specified in the notice

  • Place no further orders or contracts for materials, supplies, services, or facilities, except as may be necessary for completion of any portion of the work under the contract as is not terminated

  • Settle all outstanding liabilities and all claims arising from the termination

  • Transfer title to the AAA, and deliver in the manner, at the time, and to the extent, if any, directed by the AAA any property which is required to be furnished to the AAA

  • Complete performance of any of the work not terminated, including the continuation of services to clients for the duration of the time remaining under the contract

  • The AAA or designated contractor agency will provide regular provider maintenance including adding/deleting providers on an annual basis, within 30 days of a change in provider circumstances, or as otherwise needed

  • Take such action as may be necessary, or as the Area Agency may direct, for the protection and preservation of any property related to the contract, which is in the possession of the provider, and in which the Area Agency has or may acquire an interest; and

  • Provide to the Area Agency copies of any and all records and files of clients served under the contract in the manner and at the time directed by the Area Agency, and any records related to the administration of the contract, as may be requested by the Area Agency.