4005 Offboard Procedures

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Administrative Manual


4000 Workforce Development

Effective Date:

June 16, 2022

Section Title:

Offboard Procedures

Reviewed or Updated in:

MT 2022-07

Section Number:


Previous Update:

Summary Statement

The Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS), Division of Aging Services (DAS) hiring managers or designees will complete documentation to initiate the Offboard process.


The objective is to ensure the exiting worker’s access is terminated from all databases and equipment is returned with 7 business days.


Hiring Manager or Designee – The manager responsible for hiring the exiting worker, usually the new worker’s supervisor. The designee is the program associate that may be delegated to complete the DHS Offboard Form.

DHS Offboard Form – This is an external to DAS offboard document that communicates with the Department of Human Services that the worker will no longer be employed with DAS.

DAS Offboard Checklist – This is an internal to DAS checklist that includes steps to be completed by the supervisor.

Onboard/Offboard Training – A course for hiring managers and designees to learn about the onboard/offboard process.

Leaving DAS Employment

Employees leave DAS Employment in one of the following ways:

  • Resignation, leaving state government

  • Resignation, transferring to another Division of DHS or another state agency

  • Resignation to Retire

  • Dismissal

  • Death

  • Reduction in Force

Resignation Letter

The employee must generate a resignation letter to notify their immediate supervisor that they are leaving DAS employment and must include the following information in that letter:

  • Last date of employment with DAS

  • Whether or not they are transferring to another state entity

  • Whether or not that transfer is within DHS

  • Signature

Failure to include the above information may result in a break in service (if staying with state government), temporary loss of benefits, etc.

Refer to the Office of Human Resources MAN 1300 for processing other termination from employment.

Resignation Procedures

Step 1: Employee Completes the resignation letter to the Supervisor

Step 2: The supervisor immediately forwards the letter to the Division Deputy Director and other members of the supervisory chain. If the letter is not signed, include the email from the employee with the letter attached and/or request the employee sign the letter. If any of the required information is not in the letter/email, request it of the employee and forward to the Division Deputy Director.

Step 3: Supervisor completes the acknowledgement letter found in Appendix D, Forms and Templates.

Note that OHR will also issue an acknowledgement letter, which will include the link to the exit interview.

Step 4: The Division Deputy Director will complete the requisition in HR PASS to terminate the employee from DHS employment. If the employee is transferring to another DHS entity, no termination requisition is required.

Step 5: The Supervisor follows the Offboarding procedures below.

Off Boarding Procedures

Upon ending employment with the Division of Aging Services, the supervisor or designee will complete the DHS Offboard Form and DAS Offboard Checklist. A staff member in a program associate or supervisory role must attend the Onboard/Offboard Training to complete the forms.

Last Day Once the resignation/termination/transfer within DHS has been submitted and the hiring manager has been notified, the DHS Offboard Form should be completed immediately or within 2 business days after the last date of employment.

Transfers within DAS do not require a DHS Offboard Form; the Offboard checklist should be reviewed.

DHS Offboard Form

Step 1: The hiring manager or designee will download the DHS Offboard Request Form from the Share Point Site. gets.sharepoint.com/sites/DHS/DOT/DUDocs/SitePages/Home.aspx

Step 2: Complete the form and send to DHS OIT, DAS OIT liaison, DAS Cell Phone liaison, DAS Trainer, and Director’s Office Administrative Assistant at minimum.

If there is no confirmation of deactivation received within 10 business days, the Hiring Manager should contact DHS OIT for an update.

DAS Offboard Checklist

Step 1 Download or print the document from Appendix D: Forms and Templates.

Step 2 Fill in the checklist as each task is accomplished by inserting the date or signature. All tasks will be completed within 7 business days of final date of employment.

Instructions are embedded in the checklist for notification procedures.

Step 3 The document should be maintained in a location accessible to the Hiring Manager and kept for accountability purposes.


MAN 5600, Appendix D, Forms and Templates, DAS Onboard Checklist, DAS Offboard Checklist, DDS Worker Change Request Form,

MAN 5600, Appendix H, DAS Data System Manuals, User Access Request Procedures,

Training Matrix (intranet; Aging Services/Training)