4042 Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) Workforce Safety

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Administrative Manual


4000 Workforce Development

Effective Date:


Section Title:

Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) Workforce Safety

Reviewed or Updated in:

MT 2024-06

Section Number:


Previous Update:

MT 2021-03

Summary Statement

Area Agencies on Aging are encouraged to develop policies and procedures for staff, provider staff and volunteer safety, including field safety.

Basic Considerations

It is incumbent upon the AAAs to ensure the safety and well-being of staff and volunteers to the maximum extent possible. Many services provided to older adults, persons with disabilities and their caregivers are provided in community settings, where risk may exist.

It is the AAA’s responsibility to develop specific polices and/or procedures for workforce safety.


The following guidance is provided to support the AAAs in developing universal safety policies and procedures to minimize the risk of physical, psychological, or financial harm to the workforce in performance of their duties.

Staff should report concerns about their personal safety and should request assistance in ensuring their safety. Such assistance could include joint visits with another staff person, law enforcement or other community agency staff.

Staff should be aware of their surroundings at all times, ensuring accessible points of exit if needed in an emergency.

Staff should become as familiar as possible with the environmental factors and consumers with whom they work; and should rely on documentation to provide information related to potential safety concerns. Such knowledge should include, to the extent possible:

  • Accessibility and lighting of the home

  • Presence of other persons during the visit

  • Presence of pets, including guard dogs

  • Risk of disease, infection, or pests in the home

  • Presence of criminal or dangerous activities in the home, including use of drugs or alcohol

  • Presence of weapons in the home

Staff should practice sensible approaches to practical matters related to safety. Examples include:

  • Ensuring vehicles are functioning properly

  • Ensuring mobile phones are fully charged

  • Being aware of limitations of mobile phone coverage

  • Locking valuables in the trunk of the car

The AAA may set restrictions on service delivery in policy to ensure the protection of staff, volunteers and consumers. Examples of such policy include requiring that pets are restrained or weapons locked away before staff enter the home. Any such policy should ensure that consumers are aware of such restrictions and have been given the opportunity to comply.

The AAA should include safety issues in orientation, training, and ongoing staff development.

DAS encourages all Aging network staff to obtain regular health testing and prevention services (including for communicable diseases and other conditions) to reduce the risk to health and safety of staff and to individuals receiving services that may occur during the routine practice of service delivery.


MAN 5600, Section 4040, Workforce Safety