8005 Marketing and Social Media Procedures Guide

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Administrative Manual


8000 Communications

Effective Date:

Section Title:

Marketing and Social Media Procedures Guide

Reviewed or Updated in:


Section Number:


Previous Update:

Summary Statement

The marketing and social media quality goal of the Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS), Division of Aging Services (DAS) is to develop a strong identity for Georgia’s aging network, enhance community engagement, and ensure that public information about aging network programs and services is accurate and consistent statewide.

Scope and Applicability

Chapter 8005 addresses the subject of marketing and social media.


Marketing is defined as strategic activity designed to strengthen the identity of the aging network, communicate the benefit of its services and develop relationships with target audiences. This guide addresses the development of printed materials, imprinted promotional items, and online social media products.

In this guide, social media includes any web-based tool used to communicate with, solicit feedback from, and share resources with the public, including but no limited to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn. DAS policies related to social media may change as technologies evolve.

Applicability and Levels of Adherence

DAS requirements and recommendations set forth in Chapter 8005 supplement any current or future Department of Human Services’ marketing and social media policies and directives. Requirements for adherence to the DHS policy are shown below:

  1. DAS is required to adhere fully to DHS marketing and social media policies and directives.

  2. State-level marketing materials, websites, and social media products produced through selected organizational collaborations are permitted to manage content independently; however, they are expected to observe DHS quality standards.

  3. Area Agencies on Aging and DAS-Affiliated offices (examples: the Georgia Council on Aging, the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program) may wish to voluntarily observe quality standards, but they are not required to following marketing and social media policies set forth by DHS.


DAS Program Channels

Social media channels for DAS programs may be approved on a case-by-case basis. Prior to establishing a channel, a program representative should contact the DAS Communications Liaison, who will seek approval from the DHS Office of Communications.

Each DAS program area with a social media channel should have at least two administrators who are capable of logging into and updating the page or site. One of these administrators should be the designated social media contact for the unit.

Logo Usage

All agencies and organizations other than DHS must obtain approval before using the DHS or DAS logo on publications, websites, marketing materials, and affiliated social media sites.

An official DHS logo shall appear on every DAS-printed publication. On brochures and newsletters, the logo must appear on the outside cover, either front or back. To maintain the DHS brand image in the public marketplace, the distinctive layout and typefaces of the DAS logo may not be altered for personal choice or preference.

Accuracy Review

Any content that contains the logo of the Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS) must be approved prior to publication, production, or posting. The approval requirement also applies to content that is branded as an information product of DHS or DAS. Please send approval requests to your program contact and the DHS Office of Communications.

All AAAs and providers must consult a DAS representative for accuracy reviews of content if needed.

If AAA staff are in any doubt about the accuracy of appropriateness of program content on an AAA’s or provider’s website or social media channel, AAA staff should contact an appropriate DAS representative to review the information prior to posting it online. Examples of appropriate DAS representatives for this purpose are: the DAS coordinator of the program being referenced, the DAS Communications Liaison, and/or the AAA’s assigned DAS Regional Coordinator.

Linkage to the DAS Website

AAAs must link their websites and, where possible, link social media pages to the DAS website.

Each AAA must feature a link to Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS) Division of Aging Services on its website and social media pages.

The DHS Division of Aging Services (DAS) provides resource links as a convenience to website users. Inclusion in DAS’ pages does not constitute endorsement of a website’s affiliated organization, services or online content.

DAS primarily links to Area Agencies on Aging, state and federal agencies, and carefully selected nonprofit organizations with a statewide or national focus.

Due to the volume of disease-specific websites available online, DAS strictly limits the number and types of such links on its website. Preference is given to federal or state government health sites.

DAS does not, in general, provide resource links to the websites of for-profit companies. Commercial links, however, may occasionally appear on DAS’ website pages in association with aging network news, events, or volunteer initiatives. DAS reserves the right to include such links on its website pages if content needs warrant. Unsolicited requests for DAS to link to commercial sites are not accepted.

For questions about DAS’ links policy, please contact the DAS Communications Liaison.


AAAs should use the suggested credit lines below.

Credit Line for Printed Materials

When space permits, AAAs should use the recommended credit line shown below on printed materials (to include imprinted promotional items):

<Insert AAA> is a member of Georgia’s aging network, a collaboration of the Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS) Division of Aging Services and Area Agencies on Aging.

Credit Line for Social Media

AAAs should use the recommended credit line shown below on the home page of the AAA website or social media channel:

<Insert AAA> is a member of Georgia’s aging network, a collaboration of the Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS) Division of Aging Services and Area Agencies on Aging. The Division of Aging Services is not responsible for the content or design of this website.

If applicable, the AAA should replace the work “website” with the appropriate social media channel (exs: website, Facebook page, Twitter home page, YouTube channel home page).