8006 Electronic Communication, Division of Aging Services

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Administrative Manual


8000 Communications

Effective Date:

Section Title:

Electronic Communication, Division of Aging Services

Reviewed or Updated in:


Section Number:


Previous Update:

Summary Statement

The Division of Aging Services (DAS) will use electronic mail and calendaring for effective communication. Staff will use shared drives to organize information.


The Department of Human Services (DHS) Administrative Manual addresses use of state property, which includes computer equipment, and standards of conduct, which includes email content, in MAN 1300, Policies 1201 and 1205 and MAN 1900, Section 800. Division staff is expected to adhere to these policies.

Email communication is an efficient way to communicate, but is not appropriate in all circumstances. Email communication is used so frequently that managing email and electronic documents must be standardized to the extent possible. The purpose of this manual section is to outline Division expectations around electronic communication and document sharing. This section is not intended to convey all capabilities of the various electronic tools used by the Division. Division staff is expected to familiarize themselves with DHS/DAS email, calendar and shared drive functionalities.

Email Communication

Appropriate Use

Refer to MAN 5600, 8003 Guidelines for Written Correspondence and Suspended Items for Written Correspondence Guidelines. Items identified in this section may be forwarded via email as an attachment, but should never be communicated solely in the text of an email.

Staff should also consider whether email is the best communication tool for the circumstances. If the subject cannot be covered briefly, consider verbal communication (via phone or face to face) and use an email to confirm or document decision points.

Appropriate Audience

Program staff is expected to communicate with Area Agency on Aging staff and co-workers in order to manage the work of the Division. However, staff must not send any email correspondence that modifies or waives policy/procedure. Waiver of policy/procedure is a contractual issue and may be granted only by the Division Director. Refer to 8003 Guidelines for Written Correspondence and Suspended Items of this manual for “suspense” item procedure.

Staff is expected to consult with other DAS staff before responding to or issuing emails where the topic crosses program lines.

Staff should follow their manager’s expectations regarding who is to be copied, adhering to applicable confidentiality policies.

When responding to received email, usual practice is to “reply to all” unless responding to a blast email to a large number of staff; in such cases reply only to the sender.

Additionally, Regional Coordinators are to be copied on electronic communications between DAS Staff and AAAs with regards to the following:

  • Compliance, funding, reporting and program performance issues, including communication to the AAA’s providers

  • Technical Assistance needed or provided, including Area Plan development

  • Compliments, achievements and best practices

  • Trainings and meetings

  • Constituent/client inquiries involving the AAA or its providers

If an email from an Area Agency on Aging (AAA) includes the Regional Commission Director or Board Member of a 501c3 AAA, staff must consult with their managers before responding. The response may need to come from the Division Director or designee.

Any email correspondence with a sub-contractor of a AAA should include appropriate AAA staff.

Professional Content

Staff is expected to follow policies in MAN 1900, Section 800 and MAN 1300, Policies 1201 and 1205 at all times.

Emails are subject to open records requests. Therefore,

  • Use proper grammar and spelling

  • Avoid slang

  • Be concise

  • Proofread before sending

Basic Etiquette

Basic Email etiquette includes the following:

  • Be clear and descriptive in your subject line so that the topic, AAA or APS District, and issue is easily identifiable

  • Respond in a timely manner.

  • Use “out of office” messages appropriately and remember to change or delete them upon return.

  • Avoid using email to resolve interpersonal conflicts

  • Avoid over use of exclamation points and other emotive punctuation

  • Avoid using only capital letters (this is “shouting”)

  • Avoid using bold fonts

  • Be conscious of the tone of the email

  • Avoid responding with one-liners such as “thanks” or “o.k.”

Electronic Calendar

Division staff are expected to:

  • Specify Office Hours on their calendar

  • Use the appointment feature for all appointments

  • Busy search before sending appointments, including the room in which the meeting will be held

    check appointment to ensure that the conference room has been accepted prior to the meeting.
  • Appropriately accept or decline appointments; include a comment with a reason for declining

  • Post Annual Leave (AL) or Sick Leave (SL) as an appointment after approval by their manager

  • Give proxy access to their manager

Shared Drives

The Division of Aging Services utilizes a shared drive to store common documents. Each Section within DAS is assigned a folder into which the Section’s commonly held documents are stored. It is the Section Manager’s responsibility to assure that sub-folders and documents are named and organized.