8008 Shared Drive

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Administrative Manual


8000 Communications

Effective Date:

Section Title:

Shared Drive

Reviewed or Updated in:


Section Number:


Previous Update:

Summary Statement

The Division of Aging Services (DAS) uses a shared drive to store common documents. Each section within DAS is assigned a folder into which the Section’s commonly held documents are stored. It is the Section Manager’s responsibility to assure that sub-folders and documents are named and organized according to this policy.

Basic Considerations

The DAS is composed of several sections with a manager assigned to each. Over 300 employees work within the DAS. Most sections use the shared drive (J drive) for storing common information.

Each staff also has a private drive, the H drive, assigned for their use. It is recommended, however, that staff store their files on the One Drive instead of the H drive.

Folder and sub-folder names should be descriptive of the contents.

J Drive Folders

Folders on the J Drive will be limited in number to ensure an organized system that is easy to navigate.

The J Drive will have a Table of Contents (TOC) where subfolders with hyperlinks facilitate navigation of the shared drive.

Folders will be created for:

  • Each DAS section including, but not limited to:

    • Program/projects; containing program related documents (i.e. Options Counseling, NWD, LGBTQ)

    • Monitoring; all monitoring documents for that program are saved here

    • Archives

    • Staff folders (if the section uses folders for individual staff)

    • Grants; to include sub-folders per specific grant

    • Administrative

    • Other folders at the discretion of the section manager.

      Folders for each section will vary. Not all sections will have the same set of folder names.
  • Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) folder including, but not limited to:

    • Allocation Issuances

    • Archives

    • Mid-Year Reviews

    • Other folders pertaining to AAAs that are used by staff across sections and by multiple programs

  • Division wide initiatives not assigned to a specific section or program and used by staff across sections (i.e. State Plan, LEP-SI)

  • DAS Data System (DDS) for current and historical data systems (i.e. AIMS, Harmony)

  • Employee Resources including, but not limited to:

    • Org Charts

    • Orientation materials

    • Images

    • DiSC profiles

    • Charitable Contributions


Each Section Manager is responsible for insuring new staff read the shared drive policy when the employee gains access to the drive.

DAS Management Team, as a group, will review the j-drive at least once a quarter to assure compliance with these procedures.


Federal, state and DAS policy will be used to determine when files should be archived or deleted. Refer to Section 1061, Record Retention, in this manual.


Employees using the drive shall not modify original documents that are created and saved by others. A copy must be saved before changes are made. The copy may be saved on the H drive, One Drive or desktop during revision. Alternatively, draft and final versions must be labeled in the folder.



The final version must be saved on the Shared Drive in the appropriate folder.

Non-confidential documents that are disseminated should be stored on the shared drive rather than a personal drive inaccessible to others.


MAN 5600, Section 1061, Record Retention