9080 Emergency Relocation Funds (ERF)

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Administrative Manual


9075 Relocation Funds

Effective Date:

Section Title:

Emergency Relocation Funds (ERF)

Reviewed or Updated in:


Section Number:


Previous Update:

Summary Statement

Emergency Relocation Funds (ERF), appropriated by the Georgia General Assembly, are used as a resource to aid Georgia victims of Abuse/Neglect/Exploitation (A/N/E).

Basic Considerations

All other resources including the client’s own resources, other government funds and community resources, must be explored before ERF can be used. Application for benefits for the client must be made if the client appears potentially eligible.

Funds are utilized on a short-term basis only and are not intended to provide ongoing support. Since funds are limited, use of ERF is prioritized as follows:

  • To prevent relocation of an APS client from their home

  • To relocate an APS client to the least restrictive environment in the event the client’s safety cannot be remediated in the current environment

  • To supplement TERF contracted funds if determined necessary by the Division Director.

  • To extend housing placement for clients receiving TERF Case Management services

  • To prevent the relocation of or to relocate a person under guardianship of the Department of Human Services.

Case managers must document the following, at a minimum, in the case record:

  • The reason ERF funds are needed

  • That each of the Requirements below have been met

An APS case may not be opened solely for the purpose of receiving ERF. Abuse, neglect or exploitation must be alleged.

Refer to 9076 Temporary Emergency Respite Funds (TERF) of this manual for information on Temporary Emergency Respite Funds (TERF).


To be eligible to receive Emergency Relocation Funds the client must:

  • Be receiving Protective Services in Georgia (APS or PGO). For APS, an individual who is elderly or disabled (eighteen [18] years of age or older) and who is the subject of a report of abuse, neglect or exploitation); and

  • Be in need of relocation/change from a dangerous situation (in a facility or own home) for safety or risk reduction (this includes alleviating a dangerous situation in the client’s own home); and

  • If the service is not made available there is reason to believe that the client would be in danger; and

  • Community services/resources for which the client is eligible cannot be mobilized in a timely manner or are insufficient to protect the client’s health or safety; and

  • Client resources are insufficient or unavailable to purchase needed services or goods.

  • Be receiving TERF Case Management services, no longer qualifies for VOCA funds but continues to reside in transitional housing while awaiting permanent housing

Use of Funds

ERF may be used to purchase emergency necessities including, but not limited to the following:

  • Shelter

  • Food

  • Clothing

  • Personal items

  • Medical/Vision/Dental Services

  • Prescriptions medications, medical supplies

  • Adaptive equipment for clients with a disability

  • Transportation and moving expenses

  • Vermin extermination

  • Minor repairs to a home owned by the client

ERF may be used on a limited basis for payment of overdue heating, cooling or water utility bills. Before utility bills can be paid, the following criteria must be met:

  • The bill is in the client or spouse’s name

  • Is no more than 3 months in arrears

  • Payment will reconnect the utility or prevent disconnection

  • The client and/or spouse has sufficient funds to continue utility payments

  • SSCM has reviewed monthly budget with client/spouse and a plan is in place to remain current on the bill

  • Payment is limited to once in a 12-month period

ERF may not be used for the following:

  • Payment of back taxes for homeowners

  • Payment of insurance (life, home, auto, etc.)

  • Payment of monthly bills, except for heating, cooling or water bills in circumstances described above

  • Direct payments to clients or DHS staff

  • Store vouchers or gift cards



Once a case is assigned for investigation or in ongoing status, the caseworker must complete the following before authorizing Emergency Relocation Funds:

Step 1

Determine if the client meets the Emergency Relocation Fund criteria as described in REQUIREMENTS above;

Step 2

Determine if the client is willing to accept help and cooperate with the investigation or case plan process;

Step 3

Determine if the client has resources that will either eliminate the emergency need or temporarily stabilize the situation.

Step 4

Determine the status of any applications for public assistance or benefits that have been filed by or on behalf of the client

Step 5

Determine if other resources are available to address the needs – including contacting other responsible agencies (ex: case managers through Medicaid waiver programs or other programs in which client is currently enrolled);

Step 6

Ensure that the client and concerned others understand the limitations and intent of the Funds; and

Step 7

Determine the amount of ERF needed and complete required documentation. Documentation in DAS Data System (DDS) and the client record must justify the need for and use of ERF. The documentation and approval forms must clearly define the emergency situation and describe how the ERF Funds will reduce or eliminate the emergency. Documentation in DDS showing the amount needed for the client is mandatory.

After the determination for Emergency Relocation Funds has been established, the caseworker shall work on the long-term plan for addressing the “root problem” and pursue other resources that might meet the client’s needs.

Authorization of Funds

APS and PGO Case Manager must complete the following steps in order to request ERF.

Step 1

Case manager will obtain verbal approval for ERF expenditure for the client.


Expenditure is under $1,000

Supervisor approval required

Expenditure between $1,000 and $3,000

District Manager or Operations Manager approval required

Expenditure exceeds $3,000 in a 12-month period

Division Director or Deputy Director approval required

Upon verbal approval, the case manager (or designated staff) will complete the request for ERF in DDS. The case manager must enter all vendor information on the same screen.

Written case documentation must stipulate why the funds are needed, how they will be utilized and that the supervisor or District Manager/Operations Manager is in agreement with the proposed use of the funds.

The case manager will notify the Supervisor or District Manager that the ERF has been entered for approval.

Step 2

The Supervisor or District Manager will review the ERF request to ensure that:

  • the justification is complete and supports the need for ERF,

  • vendor information, including amounts authorized, are accurate.

The Supervisor or District Manager will then formally authorize the expenditure by selecting “Supervisor Authorization” in DDS and notify the case manager of the approval.

Step 3

The case manager or designee will generate the ERF Regional Accounting Request report. This report will contain multiple pages if more than one vendor is entered for the ERF request.

Step 4

The case manager will export the report into WORD.

Step 5

The case manager will complete any additional documentation needed for the request and route the approval form(s) to the approving authority for signature.

Step 6

Upon completion of all required forms with supporting documentation, the packet will be routed to the assigned DFCS regional accounting office for payment issuance. A copy of the request(s) and any documentation (invoices, bills, etc.) will be kept in the client’s hard copy file.

The packet sent to Regional Accounting will include:

  • APS ERF Application and Approval Form (DDS)

  • ERF Authorization, including signature

  • Proof of expenditure (bill/invoice)

  • Purchase order documentation


MAN 5600, Section 9070
MAN 5500, Section 2004.8
MAN 5800, Section 2030

client needs erf