9081 ERF and DFCS Regional Accounting

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Administrative Manual


9075 Relocation Funds

Effective Date:

Section Title:

ERF and DFCS Regional Accounting

Reviewed or Updated in:


Section Number:


Previous Update:

Summary Statement

The Department of Human Services Division of Family and Children Services’ Regional Accounting Offices manage the Emergency Relocation Fund check distribution for the Division of Aging Services.

Basic Considerations

The Division of Aging Services has developed a Memorandum of Agreement with The Division of Family and Children Services which designates that DFCS manage check distribution through their Regional/County Fiscal Offices for Emergency Relocation Fund requests. However, Adult Protective Services determines how these funds are used and the amounts necessary to meet the needs of the clients identified to use them.

Refer to 9080 Emergency Relocation Funds (ERF) of this manual for DAS procedures authorizing funds.

UAS Codes

The codes in Table 1 below must be entered appropriately on the request to DFCS Regional Accounting.

DFCS Regional Accounting staff shall enter UAS Program 532 code for DAS’ Emergency Relocation Fund per the COSTAR manual.

Table 1. UAS Codes
UAS Code Service Allowable Uses Relocation or Prevention


Emergency Shelter Costs

  1. Relocation to Personal Care Home or Long-Term Care Facility

  2. Other Emergency Shelter Options, such as motel, boarding house, other temporary living arrangements



Emergency Food, Clothing, Personal Needs, Utilities

  1. Food

  2. Clothing & Personal Items

    • Clothes, including Shoes

    • Toiletries

    • Towels, sheets, blankets

    • Non Food Items such as toilet paper, soap, etc.

  3. Utilities: Electric, Gas, Water

    For use only if account is no more than 3 months delinquent.



Emergency Medical Needs

  1. Medical, Vision, Dental Services

  2. Prescriptions or non-prescription Medications

  3. Medical Supplies, Adaptive Equipment Purchase, rental or repair of

    • Durable Medical Equipment

    • Glasses

    • Dentures

    • Hearing aids or batteries

    • Bath aids

    • Prosthetic devices

    • Chucks

    • Adult diapers

    • Cane

    • Walker

    • Portable toilet

    • Air mattress

    • Disposable medical supplies

All equipment or devices purchased for a client are the property of the State of Georgia. Any items purchased using Emergency Relocation Funds must have a sticker that reads: Property of DHS, State of Georgia.

Purchased item(s) are to be returned if the recipient of the item is no longer in need of the item, for any reason. If an item purchased for a client is either lost or stolen, the incident must be reported to local law enforcement and a police report taken. Notification that an item has been lost or stolen must be made to the Supervisor, District Manager and to the state office in the form of an e-mail. Include a description of the item, cost, and any pertinent information related to the incident. A hard copy of the police report, and all related documentation must be filed in the client’s file.

Relocation or Prevention


Other Emergency Needs

  1. Transportation (to new location or to hospital)

  2. Moving Expenses for the client and their belongings

  3. Environmental Remediation related to a health or medical need.

    • Pest extermination

    • Heavy cleaning

  4. Translator Services

  5. Natural Disaster Remediation

    • Flood

    • Ice Storm

    • Extended heat wave

Relocation or Prevention


Step 1

Regional Accounting receives the ERF Authorization packet from DAS. Refer to 9080 Emergency Relocation Funds (ERF)of this manual for more information.

Step 2

Regional Accounting/County DFCS will make payment based on the time frame indicated in the ERF packet.

Step 3

Check to the vendor is mailed to the vendor or given to the DAS case manager for hand delivery to the vendor.

Regional Accounting/County DFCS will enter UAS program 532 code for the ERF payment into COSTAR.