Attachment A: Instructions to Conduct the Surveys

  1. Use the survey questions and answer options in Attachments B-1 thru B-10 as written. However, you may add additional questions if the AAA has other areas of concern to evaluate.

  2. Each AAA will design and format its own survey form. If the survey form is printed on the front and back sides of one or more sheets of paper, include at the bottom on the front side of each sheet a notation such as “see reverse side to continue”, “continued on the back side”, or something similar.

  3. The Congregate Meals (Att B-1) and Senior Center (Att B-3) surveys may be administered together to the same client sample.

  4. Determine your AAA’s method of conducting the surveys – only telephone and mail-out surveys have been addressed in this toolkit. Face-to-face is another option.

  5. Develop a survey cover letter for a mail-out survey or a script if the survey is to be conducted verbally. (See Attachment C for letter and script samples). Note: If the consumers are to fill out the survey forms, print the surveys and the cover letters in a font size of 14 or higher and in an easy to read font - no Italics, please.

  6. Use Attachment D to determine the number of consumers to be included in your client sample. The client sample (the consumers to be contacted to complete the surveyed) will be selected from active consumers (the population) of that service in AIMS.

  7. Mail-out survey respondents are to return their responses to the AAA. (Include an envelope addressed to the AAA with return postage affixed.)

  8. Mail the surveys or conduct the interviews.

  9. Allow recipients of the mail-out surveys three to four weeks to return the surveys. Include in the survey cover letter a “respond by date.” For administrative purposes, identify a reasonable date after the “respond by date” to stop including the late responses in the survey data.

  10. Compile the results and enter into Attachments E-1 through E-10, the Excel file which corresponds to the service survey. Note: For survey Att B-5 HCBS Case Management Services, for respondents marking “No” or “Uncertain” to Question #1, enter their response to Question #1 ONLY in the corresponding Excel file for calculating responses. Do not enter their responses to the other questions. However, do include these in the count when calculating the response rate for the survey as a “survey respondent.”

  11. In each of the Excel files, complete the response rate for each survey/survey method.

  12. E-mail the completed Attachment Es to your DAS Regional Coordinator (RC) on or before September 1st of the program year following the program year the survey is conducted. For example: The survey is conducted in SFY 2012, the results are due September 1, 2012 (SFY 2013).

  13. Each AAA will set their surveying schedule in order to meet the submission deadline as defined above; and to provide timely and specific, written feedback to provider agencies as defined in Subsection 102.6c.3 of Section 100 – Georgia Department of Human Services Division of Aging Services Administrative Guidelines and Requirements for Area Agencies on Aging.

  14. Analyze your data to develop process improvements in the services.

  15. Follow-up with any complaints or requests submitted by respondents.

  16. Correct any inaccurate AIMS data identified. (Examples: bad addresses, no longer receiving the service, and deceased)

  17. File the completed Attachment D-1, the “Randomizer” printout, the printed sample with the consumers marked/highlighted as selected by “Randomizer” along with the completed respondents' surveys for monitoring purposes. (These items are explained in Attachment D.)

  18. The following are the required frequencies for administering the Toolkit surveys.

Services Required to be Surveyed Annually Beginning in SFY 2012
Services to be Surveyed Even Year (SFY 2012) Odd Year Even Year

HCBS Congregate Meals Services




HCBS Home Delivered Meals Services




HCBS Transportation Services




HCBS Case Management Services




HCBS Homemaker Services




HCBS Personal Care Services




Services Required to be Surveyed Every Other Year Beginning in SFY 2012
Services to be Surveyed Even Year (SFY 2012) Odd Year Even Year

HCBS Senior Center Services


HCBS Caregiver Services



Adult Day Care Services (HCBS Caregiver)


Respite Care Services (HCBS Caregiver)