Appendix C Smartphone User Guide

1. Introduction

The Georgia Department of Human Services, Division of Aging Services (DAS) administers a statewide system of services for senior citizens, their families and caregivers. DAS works with other aging agencies and organizations to effectively and efficiently respond to the needs of elderly Georgians. DAS meets the challenge of Georgia’s growing older population through continued service improvement and innovation.

This guide was developed by the DAS Phone Liaison to assist all DAS Staff in effective and efficient phone usage. This information is intended only for DAS staff with phones provided by DAS. DAS currently uses the Samsung Galaxy X Cover Pro device with Verizon as the service provider.

2. Phone Basics

All phones are state property. State property is used for work-related activities only. There should be NO expectation of privacy. Data on the phone is subject to open record requests.

3. DAS Phone Liaison Role*

  • Provide technical assistance to DAS staff on all phone-related matters.

  • Maintain the phone inventory.

  • Assist users in repairing or replacing broken, lost or stolen equipment.

  • Escalate any issues that can’t be resolved to DHS Wireless Support.

  • Analyze monthly usage bills for outliers.

*To find current staff person and contact information for the person assigned this title or any title in this manual, consult the DAS Staff Listing, APS/PGO Statewide phone list or ask a supervisor.

4. Bill Analysis

The phone bill may be analyzed. Any staff with excessive minutes during non-work hours may be requested to keep a log. The following will be noted as an outlier and addressed:

  • Excessive minutes

  • Non usage

  • Repetitive calls to 411

  • All international calls

If the phone list is analyzed, then the analysis will be the following:

  • All outliers are noted for all phones. The information is emailed to District, Regional and Section Managers. A detailed bill is available to Managers upon requests.

  • Outliers may be work appropriate; notation as an outlier is not in and of itself a “wrongdoing.”

  • Managers will follow up with the staff person to determine if the outlier was appropriate work usage.

  • If the outlier was not appropriate, then the Supervisor will develop a plan to correct the action. For example:

    • If excessive night and/or weekend use is an issue, then a log can be kept by the staff person to document their time and activities. A log template is available through the DAS Phone Liaison.

    • If the individual is asked to keep a log of their night and weekend calls, then the Supervisor will need to set up a method for monitoring this log weekly and reviewing the outcomes of the log at the end of the month.

    • If 411 calls are used repetitively, then the staff person will be reminded that there are alternative free options for 411.

5. Disaster Preparedness

6. Documentation

  • International Calls- Document all international calls in the DAS Database System (DDS) case record.

    • They must pertain to an ongoing investigation or a person under guardianship.

    • Phones should not be taken on vacation, especially if traveling internationally, unless specifically approved by the Division Director.

  • Pictures for Case Documentation

    • Do Not Store case documentation photos on your phone long term.

    • Email the picture to your work email or use the browser to open DDS and download the picture directly to the case file; then delete the photo from the phone photo gallery or notes function.


7. Exiting Employees

  • All chargers, the phone case and blue tooth devices must be returned to DAS.

  • Phones may be kept at the local office and reassigned to a new staff person upon hire.

  • Supervisor must notify DAS Phone Liaison when an employee:

    • is on Family Medical Leave for more than a month; or

    • is separated for any reason.

8. Managing the Phone

  • If staff receive harassing phone calls from a client or family member, contact the DAS Phone Liaison to request the number be blocked.

    • All dead, broken or damaged phones should be mailed via regular mail to the DAS Phone Liaison.

  • DO NOT use 411. Calling 411 costs $1.25 each time. Dial 1-800-FREE-411 (373-3411). This is FREE.

    • Put this into Contacts and save it for future use.

  • Lost or Stolen- Missing phones must be reported within 24 hrs. The full Missing Smart phone Procedure policy is on ODIS, Manual 5600, Chapter 1000, Section 1065.

  • If the phone is not receiving emails for more than 24 hours, contact the DAS Phone Liaison immediately to begin to fix the process.

  • DO NOT go to a Verizon store or call Verizon directly for any reason.

9. Phone Password

  • A password is required for the phone, and it will expire every 90 days.

  • Choose a password that can easily be remembered.

  • The password must be 8 characters long and include at least one number.

  • Once the new password has been entered AND verified, WRITE the new password down and keep it in a secure location.


  • If the password is entered incorrectly on multiple attempts, the phone will wipe itself clean. You will receive a warning.

  • If you do not remember your password after a few tries, email the DAS Phone Liaison.

  • If your phone does wipe itself, call the DAS Phone Liaison to reactivate the phone. Do not call Verizon.


Reading, writing, emailing or texting while driving (even while sitting at a stop light) is unsafe and is illegal in Georgia. When you must make a phone call while driving, use the hands-free headset.

10. Ordering Phones

  • Phones may be ordered for any staff that have responsibilities requiring phone and email access.

  • For all new staff, complete the DHS Unified Onboarding Form but leave the Mobile Device Section. Email the onboarding form to Leland Tarrant, DHS IT email address and Jennifer Hogan.

appendix c 1