Appendix E Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations and Acronyms | ADMINISTRATION-5600-MANUAL
Area Agency on Aging |
The entity designated by a State Unit on Aging pursuant to the Older Americans Act (OAA) to provide a comprehensive array of programs and services for older and vulnerable adults within a planning and service area for OAA programs. The Georgia Department of Human Services Division of Aging Services designated 12 AAAs. |
A nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization that helps people 50 and over improve the quality of their lives. |
Acquisition |
As pertains to the federal reversionary policy, means obtaining ownership of an existing facility in fee simple or by lease |
Administration for Community Living |
A Division of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, the Administration on Aging is part of ACL. |
Americans with Disabilities Act |
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, P.L. 101-336 prohibits discrimination by covered entities and ensures equal opportunity for qualified persons with disabilities in employment, state and local government services, public accommodations, commercial facilities, and transportation. |
Adult Day Health |
Community-based programs that provide social, rehabilitative, health and personal care services to persons aged 60 and over with physical and/or mental impairments, for the purpose of restoring or maintaining optimal capacity for self-care. For full definition see MAN 5300, CH 302.3. |
Activities of Daily Living |
Those basic activities and behaviors that are the most fundamental self-care activities to perform, and that indicate whether a person can care for his/her own physical needs. On the DON-R, these activities are defined as eating, bathing, grooming, and dressing, transferring, and continence. |
Aging and Disability Resource Connection |
A collaborative effort of the Administration for Community Living (ACL) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), ADRCs serve as single points of entry into the long-term system for older adults and people with disabilities. |
ADvancing States |
A non-profit association (formerly known as NASUAD) representing the nation’s 56 officially designated state and territorial agencies on aging. |
Alliance of Information and Referral Systems |
The professional membership association for community Information and Referral (I&R), and the sole source for standards, program accreditation and practitioner certification for the I&R sector. |
Alternate Living Services |
A family-model program that includes the provision of twenty-four hour supervision, medically-related personal care, nursing supervision and health related support services in state-licensed facilities to Medicaid eligible individuals who are EDWP members unable to continue living independently in their own homes. These services are provided in a residential setting other than the member’s home. |
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics |
Professional organization for food and nutrition specialists in the United States; provides credentialing and guidance for Registered Dietitians and Dietetic Technicians, Registered. Formerly the American Dietetics Association (ADA), the organization rebranded to The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) in the year 2012. |
Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation |
The primary areas of violation that the Adult Protective Services section investigates and attempts to impede and that the OAA targets for elder abuse prevention. |
Administration for Community Living |
An agency in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, ACL is one of the nation’s largest providers of home and community-based care for older persons and their caregivers. Its mission pursuant to the federal Older Americans Act is to develop a comprehensive, coordinated, and cost-effective system of long-term care that helps elderly individuals to maintain their dignity in their homes and communities. The ACL mission statement also is to help society prepare for an aging population. The ACL provides oversight for OAA funded programs through the aging network. |
Adult Protective Services |
The section of DAS that investigates reports, on behalf of the Division Director, deters the ongoing maltreatment of disabled adults and elder persons, and seeks to prevent its recurrence through the provision of protective services that may range from information and referral to court ordered guardianship. The Disabled Adults and Elder Persons Protection Act mandates that the DHS DAS Division Director conduct or have conducted investigations of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of disabled persons over the age of 18, or elders over the age of 65 who are not residents of long-term care facilities |
AtS |
Access to Services |
The section at DAS that is responsible for programs that provides older Georgians, Medicare beneficiaries, aging and disability consumers information, referral and education about long-term care services and supports, and ensure they have access and the right to receive them. |
Assessment |
The comprehensive and systematic process of collecting in-depth information about a person’s situation and functioning. (MAN 5300, CH 210.2) |
Assets \ Resources |
Real and/or personal property and the personal strengths and competencies that the consumer has or has access to, such as support system, coping skills, knowledge, or experience. |
AT |
Assistive Technology |
Any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities. (from the Assistive Technology Act of 2004). |
At Risk for Institutional Placement |
As pertains to an older individual, means that such individual is unable to perform at least two Activities of Daily Living without substantial assistance (including verbal reminding, physical cuing, or supervision) and is determined by the State involved to be in need of placement in a long-term care facility. |
Authorized Representative |
In relation to consumer directed services, an uncompensated individual who is designated by the consumer to assist in managing the consumer’s budget allowance and needed services. |
B |
Title III B Supportive Services |
Services provided to address functional limitations, maintain health and independence, and promote access to services |
Business Continuity Plan |
A concept used to create and validate a logistical plan for how the organization will recover and restore interrupted critical functions within a predetermined time after a disaster or extended disruption. |
Budget Allowance |
In relation to consumer directed services, the amount of public funding and/or consumer contribution and cost-share available each month to a consumer to purchase needed long-term care services. |
Budget Planning Process |
The annual DAS project to assess and plan for section and division needs for the future and includes budget and staffing efficiencies, requests, and restructure. |
Business Operations Section |
The Business Operations section of the Division provides contractual oversight, grants management and supportive services for the Division. |
Certified At-Risk Adult Crime Tactics Specialist |
Specialist Training is a 16-hr course providing primary and secondary responders basic knowledge about abuse, neglect and exploitation of older adults and adults with disabilities. |
Case Management Agency (CMA) |
Organizations eligible to provide non-Medicaid case management services; specifically, Area Agencies on Aging or public or private, non-profit, or for-profit entities whose purpose it is to provide case management services. Case Management Organization (CMO) is an allowable synonym. |
C1 |
(Title III C1) Congregate Meals |
A meal provided to a qualified individual in a congregate or group setting. The meal as served meets all the requirements of the Older Americans Act and state/local laws. |
Congregate Meals Site |
The generic term for a facility and /or minimum level of service within a facility that may be either a nutrition site, a senior center, or a multipurpose senior center. As a minimum level of service, it refers to the provision of meals, nutrition education, and nutrition outreach to eligible persons and their spouses, the cost of which is supported in part or in full by Older Americans Act funds and other applicable sources of funding provided through the DAS/AAA contract. |
C2 |
Title III C2 Home Delivered Meals |
A meal provided to a qualified individual in his/her place of residence. The meal is served in a program administered by SUAs and/or AAAs and meets all of the requirements of the Older Americans Act and State/Local laws. |
Chronic Disease Self-Management Program |
An evidence-based health and wellness program that helps older adults better manage their chronic conditions, improve their quality of life, and lower health care costs. |
CILs |
Centers for Independent Living |
Community-based organizations that advocate across the federal government for older adults, people with disabilities, and families and caregivers; fund services and supports provided primarily by states and networks of community-based programs; and invest in training, education, research, and innovation. |
Community Living Arrangements |
Any residence, whether operated for profit or not, that undertakes through its ownership or management to provide or arrange for the provision of daily personal services, supports, care, or treatment exclusively for two or more adults who are not related to the owner or administrator by blood or marriage and whose residential services are financially supported, in whole or in part, by funds designated through the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities. |
Consumer Directed Care / Self Directed Care |
The embodiment of both a philosophy and a practice model for homecare. As a philosophy, it emphasizes consumer choice and control, recognizing that service recipients themselves are the ones who best know their needs and preferences and should have primary authority and responsibility for making decisions about those services. As a practice, it means that consumers make choices about their care and manage the delivery of their services to the extent that they are willing and able to do so, including total budget authority. |
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services |
A federal agency within the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that administers the Medicare program and works in partnership with state governments to administer Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and health insurance portability standards. In addition to these programs, CMS has other responsibilities, including the administrative simplification standards from the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), quality standards in long-term care facilities (more commonly referred to as nursing homes) through its survey and certification process, clinical laboratory quality standards under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments, and oversight of CMS was previously known as the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA) until 2001. |
CoA |
Council on Aging |
The Georgia Council on Aging (GCoA) is established by state law to serve in an advisory capacity to the Governor, the General Assembly, DHS and its Board of Human Services, and all other state agencies in matters relating to the elderly. Additionally, the Council provides leadership to the Coalition of Advocates for Georgia’s Elderly (CO-AGE), researches aging issues, publishes fact sheets and other educational materials to increase public awareness and understanding of issues of concern to Georgia’s older adult population. |
Division of Aging Services |
The division within the Georgia Department of Human Services that is designated by the Georgia Governor and state legislature to administer, manage, design and advocate for benefits, programs and services for older adults, their families and caregivers. The division also administers state programs including but not limited to Adult Protective Services, Public Guardianship. |
Division of Aging Services and Information Technology |
The name assigned to the joint Division of Aging Services and Office of Information Technology team that handles system development and maintenance for the Division’s computer system. |
Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities |
The state department that provides treatment and support services to people with behavioral health challenges and addictive diseases. They also assist individuals who live with developmental disabilities. |
Department of Community Health |
The state department that serves as the lead agency for healthcare planning and purchasing issues in Georgia and is designated as the State Medicaid Authority. |
DAS Data System |
The information system used by DAS to track client data and program activities. |
Data Management |
Activities including data entry of client and provider information, maintenance of automated information system software data information, and records management. |
Division of Family and Children Services |
The division within DHS that investigates allegations of child abuse; finds foster homes for abused and neglected children; helps low income, out-of-work parents get back on their feet; assists with childcare costs for low income parents who are working or in job training; and provides numerous support services and innovative programs to help troubled families. |
Department of Human Services |
Georgia’s Human Service Agency whose mission is to strengthen Georgia families by providing services through about 80 programs that ensure their health and welfare. |
Director |
The Director of the Division of Aging Services provides oversight of fiscal and contractual administration, policy and standards, program management, and publications and outreach. |
Disability |
A disability attributable to mental or physical impairment, or a combination of mental and physical impairments, that results in substantial functional limitation in one or more of the following areas of major life activity: self-care, receptive and expressive language, learning, mobility, self-direction, capacity for independent living, economic self-sufficiency, cognitive functioning and emotional adjustment {OAA, Sec. 102 (8)} |
DM |
District Manager |
The individual responsible for managing one of the Adult Protective Services administrative districts (that include one or more Regions); the DM manages staff, program, and operations. DM is on the APS and DAS Leadership Teams. |
Determination of Need – Revised |
The validated, standardized screening tool used by DAS programs and the AAA Gateway staff to determine level of impairment and unmet needs. The DON-R defines the factors which help determine a person’s functional capacity and any unmet need for assistance in dealing with these impairments. |
DP |
Development Plan |
The assessment and documentation related to needed and desired skills of expertise for an individual’s job function. |
Domains of Assessment |
The discrete areas of a comprehensive assessment that allow the case manager to determine whether there are deficits in need of support or amelioration as well as strengths that can be used to develop plans to support continued independence of the consumer and/or that support family caregivers. |
E |
Title III E Family Caregiver Support Program |
Services provided to address the needs of informal, unpaid family caregivers. |
Employee Assistance Program |
The EAP offers professional and confidential counseling services for any personal problem that may interfere with job performance and overall well-being. |
Elderly and Disabled Waiver Program |
A §1915(c) Medicaid waiver program approved by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), CCSP and SOURCE provide home and community-based Medicaid services to nursing home eligible consumers and gives consumers the choice of remaining in the community. The Department of Community Health Division of Medicaid is the administrative and fiscal authority for the EDWP. The Department of Community Health (DCH) operates the EDWP and contracts with the 12 Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) to provide local program management and coordination. |
Elder Justice Act |
From a social perspective, efforts to prevent, detect, treat, intervene, and prosecute elder abuse, neglect, exploitation, and protect elder with diminished capacity while maximizing their autonomy; and from an individual perspective, the recognition of an elder’s rights, including the right to be free of abuse, neglect, and exploitation {SS Laws Subtitle B-Elder Justice} |
Elderly Legal Assistance Program |
ELAP provides persons 60 years of age and older legal representation, information, and education in civil legal matters. |
Elderly |
A person 60 years of age or older. |
Fee for Service |
The system in which a consumer, third-party payer, or other payer source pays a portion or all the cost of a service. See MAN 5600, CH 2025-CH 2028 for details. |
Federal Fiscal Year |
Defines the U.S. government’s budget. It runs from October 1 of the budget’s prior year through September 30 of the year being described. |
FinEx |
Financial Exploitation Workgroup |
Field Operations Manager |
The individual responsible for supervising District Managers and/or Supervisors in the Adult Protective Services section or Public Guardianship Office. |
Fiscal Management Service |
An entity/organization that assists consumers by handling such activities as payroll processing, withholding of required taxes, and reconciling expenditures with authorized spending plans. The FMS receives, disburses, and tracks public funds on behalf of individuals, to provide protections and safeguards for participants, their representatives, and agencies administering consumer-directed programs. |
Focal Point |
A facility established to encourage the maximum collocation and coordination of services for older individuals. Each AAA will designate highly visible sites or facilities to provide information about services for older persons, persons with disabilities, and their caregivers. |
Forensic Special Initiatives Unit |
Supports local, state, and federal agencies serving at-risk adult crime victims through technical assistance, case consultations, case reviews, and At-Risk Adult Crime Tactics (ACT) certification. |
Frail |
(As defined by the Older American’s Act) is unable to perform at least two activities of daily living without substantial human assistance, including verbal reminding, physical cueing, or supervision (or at the option of the State, is unable to perform at least three such activities without such assistance); or due to a cognitive or other mental impairment, requires substantial supervision because the individual behaves in a manner that poses a serious health or safety hazard to the individual or to another individual. DAS has set 3 ADLS as the threshold definition for frail. |
Generally Accepted Accounting Practices |
The standard framework of guidelines for financial accounting used in the United States of America. It includes the standards, conventions, and rules accountants follow in recording and summarizing transactions, and in the preparation of financial statements. |
Governmental Accounting Standards Board |
The entity that sets standards of financial accounting and reporting for state and local governmental units. |
Georgia Building Authority |
The state entity that is responsible for all services associated with the management of 48 buildings and various facilities located in the Capitol Hill Complex in Atlanta, Georgia. |
Georgia Emergency Management Agency |
The Georgia Office of Homeland Security agency that provides a comprehensive and aggressive all-hazards approach to mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery, and special events. |
Greatest Economic Need |
The need resulting from an income level at or below the federal poverty level as determined annually by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. |
Georgia Gerontology Society |
The largest state organization of professionals in the field of aging. GGS reaches across the state to connect, support, and educate those working with older adults and their families. Its focus areas are education, training, advocacy, and promotion of careers in gerontology. |
Geographic Information System |
A geographic information system that integrates hardware, software, and data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information. |
Government Performance and Results Act |
The Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 is one in a series of United States laws designed to improve government project management. |
Greatest Social Need |
The need caused by non-economic factors that include physical and mental disabilities, language barriers, and cultural, social, or geographic isolation, including isolation caused by racial or ethnic status that restricts the ability of an individual to perform normal daily tasks or threatens the capacity of the individual to live independently. |
Georgia Technology Authority |
The state department that manages the delivery of Information Technology (IT) infrastructure to state and local governments, establishes statewide IT policies, standards and guidelines, manages the state’s official website and coordinates with the Georgia Cyber Center. |
Home and Community Based Services |
A variety of services available to individual consumers and to groups of consumers that support and assist older Georgians in staying in their homes and communities. |
Homebound |
An individual who does not often leave home because of physical and/or mental limitations brought on by advanced age may or may not be considered homebound. As defined by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, an individual is considered homebound only if the following two criteria are met:
Individuals who meet the criteria for homebound will have scored at least a 2 on the DON-R for Level of Impairment in both the domains of Outside Home and Being Alone. Priority will be given to those individuals who have highest Unmet Need scores in the domains of Outside Home and Being Alone. Homebound individuals will have also scored positively on the NSI in regards to the statement “I am not always physically able to shop, cook, and/or feed myself” regardless of the diagnosis resulting in the inability to perform these tasks. |
Home Delivered Meal |
A meal provided to a qualified individual in his/her place of residence. The meal is served in a program administered by SUAs and /or AAAs and meet all requirements of the Older Americans Act and State/Local Laws. |
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
The federal department tasked to enhance and protect the health and well-being of all Americans by providing for effective health and human services and fostering advances in medicine, public health, and social services. |
Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act |
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, of 1996, (“HIPAA”) P.L. 104-191 and its regulations provide for health insurance reform, detection of healthcare fraud/abuse, and administrative simplification, including the privacy of protected medical information, security of electronic transmission and codes, and electronic data interchange. |
Homemaker Services |
Assistance such as preparing meals, shopping for personal items, managing money, using the telephone, or doing light housework. (ODIS 306.3) |
A planning and management system that focuses and aligns the organization to achieve breakthroughs for customers. |
HR |
Human Resources |
The term that describes the combination of administrative personnel functions with performance, employee relations and resource planning. |
Human Resources Administration |
The central personnel agency of the state of Georgia that provides human resource (HR) and benefit programs, products and services to all state entities and employees. HRA is part of the Department of Administrative Services. |
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living |
The more complex activities associated with daily life, which indicate applications of the basic Activities of Daily Living. On the DON-R the IADLs are identified as managing money, telephoning, preparing meals, laundry, housework, mobility outside the home, managing routine health care needs, managing special health care needs, and the ability to be alone at home. These nine indicators, along with the indicators for performing basic ADLS, are considered in a comprehensive assessment of an adult’s functional capacity. |
Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities |
An institution which specializes in providing an intermediate level of care to clients who have intellectual disabilities and are residing in the facility. The intermediate level of care provided includes the provision of shelter, food (including special diets), laundry and personal care services and a program of active treatment if participating in the Medical program. |
Intrastate Funding Formula |
The Intrastate Funding Formula is required by the Older Americans Act (OAA), approved by Administration for Community Living (ACL) and used by the SUA to calculate and distribute the federal and state allocations to Georgia’s 12 Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs). |
Inter-Intra |
Inter-office and Intra-office |
Inter-office communication involves entries within the Division conversing with entities outside the Division. Intra-office communication takes place among entities within the Division. |
Integrated Eligibility System |
Are the enabling technology behind state-level Medicaid and human services programs in the United States. |
IT |
Information Technology |
The study or use of systems (especially computers and telecommunications) for storing, retrieving, and sending information. |
I & A |
Information and Assistance Program |
A service that: (A) provides individuals with information on services available within the communities; (B) links individuals to the services and opportunities that are available within the communities; © to the maximum extent practicable, establishes adequate follow-up procedures. Internet web site “hits” are to be counted only if information is requested and supplied. (Title III-E. NFCSP) |
LC |
Livable Communities |
The section in DAS that provides individual and group services for non-Medicaid eligible home and community-based services (HCBS). Programs include: Caregiver services, Kinship Care – Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, Nutrition and Wellness services, In-Home services, case management, and Senior Community Services Employment Program (SCSEP). |
Limited English Proficient (LEP) and Sensory Impaired (SI) |
Federal civil rights, disability laws, and regulations are the basis of policies within the state and within social services agencies to ensure access to services for individuals with limited English proficiency and/or sensory impairment (LEP/SI). The policy of the Georgia Department of Human Services is to provide meaningful language access to limited English proficient and/or sensory impaired customers to all programs and activities conducted or supported by the department. |
Learning Management System |
A web-based learning infrastructure offering training administration, skill and competency management and other tracking related to employee certification and training. |
Length of Stay |
A basic Medicaid eligibility requirement related to the period a client is in the hospital. It also related to length of stay in home and community-based services (i.e. EDWP and HCBS) as a cost savings to institutional care. |
LT |
Leadership Team |
The Leadership Team is composed of the program administrators, division section managers, division team leaders, district managers and field operations managers. All division staff may attend Leadership Team meetings. |
LD |
Licensed Dietitian |
In Georgia, a Registered Dietitian who meets the professional standards established by the state. |
Long Term Care Facility / Nursing Home |
A facility that provides rehabilitative, restorative, and/or ongoing skilled nursing care to patients or residents in need of assistance with activities of daily living. |
Long-Term Care Ombudsman |
LTCO seeks resolution of problems and advocates for the rights of residents of long-term care facilities with the goal of enhancing the quality of life and care of residents. |
Long-Term Services and Supports |
Care provided in the home, in community-based settings, or in facilities to older adults and people with disabilities who need support because of age; physical, cognitive, developmental, or chronic health conditions; or other functional limitations that restrict their abilities to care for themselves. |
MAPs |
Measurement and Analysis Plans |
A DAS work team created the MAPs form and format for all of DAS to use for measuring, analyzing, aligning, and improving performance. DAS improved the form in 2007. All MAPS are available in one Access database |
Managed Care Organization |
Managed Care is a health care delivery system organized to manage cost, utilization, and quality. Medicaid managed care provides for the delivery of Medicaid health benefits and additional services through contracted arrangements between state Medicaid agencies and managed care organizations (MCOs) that accept a set per member per month (capitation) payment for these services. |
Multi-Disciplinary Team |
Modified Diet/Therapeutic Meals |
Meals that are modified in some way to better meet the clinical or nutritional needs of the individual. The meals could have limitations in sugar, salt, fat, protein, calories, or other nutrients, or restrictions on/changes in texture or means of preparation. |
Money Follows the Person |
Federal grant to transition individuals living in nursing facilities into an independent community living environment. |
Meals on Wheels |
A program dedicated to addressing senior isolation and hunger by delivering meals and providing friendly safety checks. |
Menu Cycle |
A preplanned, written sequence of daily menus for a minimum of four weeks. |
Meal Provider |
An agency or organization that is a subcontractor of the area agency on aging or a congregate or home delivered nutrition services provider to provide meals. A meal provider is not necessarily the same type entity as a service provider and may be a vendor only. |
Multipurpose Senior Center |
A community facility for the organization and provision of a broad range of services, on a daily basis, to include health services (including mental health), social, nutritional, and educational services and the provision of facilities for recreational activities for older persons. |
Managing Using Data |
The DAS philosophy of using data to make decisions concerning service delivery, improving customer satisfaction, and quality of comprehensive aging services in Georgia. |
Mission, Vision and Values |
The mission, vision and values statements for the Division embody the Division’s purpose and focus for strategic planning and review related to alignment for priorities. |
N4A |
National Association of Area Agencies on Aging |
The umbrella organization for Area Agencies on Aging that advocates to ensure that needed resources and support services are available to older Americans. |
National Association of Legal Services Developers |
The national association of individuals in each state who is responsible for providing leadership in developing legal assistance programs for persons 60 years of age and older and plays a key role in assisting states in the development and the provision of a strong elder rights system. |
National Adult Maltreatment Reporting System |
Provides consistent, accurate national data on the exploitation and abuse of older adults and adults with disabilities, as reported to APS agencies. NAMRS is an annual, voluntary system that collects both summary and de-identified case-level data on APS investigations submitted by states. |
National Adult Protective Service Association |
A national non-profit organization to provide state Adult Protective Services (APS) program administrators and staff with a forum for sharing information, solving problems, and improving the quality of services for victims of elder and vulnerable adult abuse. |
National Association State Long-Term Care Ombudsman |
A nonprofit organization composed of state long-term care ombudsmen representing their state programs created by the Older Americans Act. |
National Council on Aging |
A non-profit formed in 1950 that advocates for Older Americans to provide awareness and meet the challenges of aging. |
NH |
Nursing home |
Any facility who primarily provides skilled nursing care and related services to residents who require medical or nursing care; rehabilitation services to the injured, disabled, or sick; or on a regular basis, health care and services to individuals who because of their mental or physical condition require care and services (above the level of room and board) which is available to them only through these facilities, and is not primarily for the care and treatment of mental diseases. |
Nursing Home Transitions |
This term is associated with state dollars first appropriated in SFY 17 to transition seniors from nursing homes into the community. |
Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities |
A community that has a large proportion of residents over 60 but was not specifically planned or designed to meet the needs of seniors living independently in their homes. NORCs may develop in three ways:
community when they were younger;
(2) |
Nutrition Screening Initiative – DETERMINE |
A national collaborative effort committed to the identification and treatment of nutritional problems in older persons. Analysis was used to derive item weights that would predict poor nutrient intakes and low perceived health status. This resulted in a revised checklist containing 10 yes/no items. Scores of 6 or more points define persons at high nutritional risk. |
Nutrition Services Incentive Program |
Program of the OAA provides grants to states, territories, and eligible Tribal organizations to support the Congregate and Home-Delivered Nutrition Programs by providing an incentive to serve more meals. |
Nutrition Site |
A facility the primary purpose of which is the provision of congregate meals services and which does not offer other supportive services. |
No Wrong Door |
The No Wrong Door (NWD) System initiative is a collaborative effort of the ACL, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and the Veterans Health Administration (VHA). The NWD System initiative builds upon the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) program and CMS' Balancing Incentive Program No Wrong Door requirements that support state efforts to streamline access to long-term services and support (LTSS) options for older adults and individuals with disabilities. NWD Systems simplify access to LTSS and are a key component of LTSS systems reform. |
Older Americans Act |
The Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended, P.L. 89-73 established the Administration on Aging, and authorized grants to States for community planning and services programs, as well as for research, demonstration, and training projects in the field of aging. Later amendments to the Act added grants to Area Agencies on Aging for local needs identification, planning, and funding of services, including but not limited to nutrition programs in the community as well as for those who are homebound; programs which serve Native American elders; services targeted at low-income minority elders; health promotion and disease prevention activities; in-home services for frail elders, and those services which protect the rights of older persons such as the long term care ombudsman program. Law reauthorizes the OAA every five years and provides for a White House Conference on Aging every decade. |
Older Americans Act Performance System |
OAAPS replaced NAPIS beginning with Federal Fiscal Year 22 reporting. First Title III reports using this new system were submitted in January 2023. |
Office of Budget Administration |
Supports DHS by helping set funding priorities for addressing major budgetary, legislative, policy and administrative issues for the upcoming fiscal year; establishing an Annual Operating Budget for funds detailed in the appropriation act; providing broad-based analysis of issues, policies, and programs relevant to the department; and coordinating and distributes budgetary control reports to DHS administrators and managers to improve their effectiveness in the management of department funds. |
OC |
Office of Communications |
The Office of Communications works to inform and educate the public, stakeholders, and Georgia DHS employees on issues related to the Department’s services and programs. OC supports the entire agency in media response, strategic message creation, and internal and external communications plan development and execution. |
O.C.G.A. |
Official Code of Georgia Annotated |
Title 1 General provision applicable either to the adoption of the code itself or to the enactment of laws generally. Contains an expression of legislative intent in the enactment of the Code, provides for severability for the Code and future laws, preserves certain types of Acts which are not codified, provides for specific repeal of prior codes and laws, describes classes and categories of persons, provides for rights of persons, provides for rules of statutory construction, and provides for definitions of terms used throughout the Code. |
Online Directives Information System |
The repository of the comprehensive policy and procedure manuals for the Department of Human Services which is accessed via the web. |
Office of Enterprise Development |
The Office of Enterprise Development (OED) provides professional development solutions to employees for increased knowledge transfer and retention of information. This office manages the training, conference planning and meeting management process. |
Office of Financial Services |
The Office of Financial Services (OFS) supports the Department by providing financial advice and guidance to DHS program staff, ensuring compliance with federal and state financial regulations and establishing agency-specific financial policies and procedures. OFS oversees accounts payable, grants management and payroll for the Department. |
Office of Facilities & Support Services |
The Office of Facilities and Support Services (OFSS) provides an enterprise-wide, cross-divisional approach to the management of facilities, office space and assets, response to emergencies, records management, risk management, fleet management, and transportation services for the Department. |
Office of General Counsel |
The DHS office that provides legal guidance and direction. HIPAA Incident Reporting and Open Records Requests are submitted to this Office. |
Office of Human Resources |
The DHS office designated to improve organizational effectiveness through collaborative, responsible, and innovative human resource management, and development services. |
Office of Inspector General |
The OIG supports the Department of Human Services via five program units: Background Investigations, Benefit Integrity Recovery, Internal Audits, Internal Investigations and Residential Child Care. |
Office of Information Technology |
The Office of Information Technology provides computing, applications management, IT procurement, network, and telecommunications services to all divisions and offices of the Georgia Department of Human Services. |
Office of Legislative Affairs & Outreach |
The Office of Legislative Affairs and Outreach (OLAO) holds the primary responsibility to develop and implement strategies to advance the Department’s legislative initiatives and other interests relating to the Georgia General Assembly. OLAO also works to inform and educate the Georgia Legislature and the public, corporate, nonprofit and faith communities on issues related to the Department’s programs, services, and its customers' needs. |
Office of Management and Budget |
OMB is the federal Executive Branch agency that oversees the President for the preparation of the federal budget and supervises its administration in Executive Branch agencies. OMB evaluates the effectiveness of agency programs, policies, and procedures, assesses competing funding demands among agencies, and sets funding priorities. In addition, the OMB oversees and coordinates the Administration’s procurement, financial management, information, and regulatory policies. |
Office of Planning and Budget |
The Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget provides state budgeting data, strategic planning information and other quality information and consultative services to decision makers and other stakeholders in state government. |
Office of Procurement and Contracts |
The OPC supports the Department of Human Services by assisting in the planning, management, and implementation of the procurement of goods and services. |
Office of Strategic Planning and Initiatives |
OSPI operates at the request of leadership, providing services designed to help plan and implement change to improve the requesting organization’s ability to meet customers' needs. OSPI also maintains an electronic directory of current DHS policies and manuals on ODIS. |
On-Site Food Service |
Congregate and home delivered meals prepared by a nutrition services provider directly (rather than a commercial food vendor) for one or more nutrition sites. |
P&A |
Protection and Advocacy System |
A nationwide set of agencies, usually operating at the state level, that works to protect the legal and human rights of individuals with disabilities. |
Personal Care Home |
Any dwelling that provides or arranges for the provision of housing, food service, and one or more personal services for two or more adults who are not related to the owner or administrator by blood or marriage. (Personal services include, but are not limited to, individual assistance with and supervision of self-administered medications and essential activities or daily living such as eating, bathing, grooming, dressing, and toileting.) |
Plan-Do-Check-Act |
A four-step quality improvement model for carrying out change. |
Personal Care Services |
Providing personal assistance, stand-by assistance, supervision, or cues for individuals having difficulties with basic activities of daily living such as bathing, grooming, dressing, eating. (ODIS 308.3) |
Public Guardianship Office |
The section in the Division of Aging Services that provides case management for persons under guardianship of the Department of Human Services. |
Program Integrity and Assessment |
Provides programmatic oversight of the AAAs, quality assurance, data analysis, research and evaluation, and compliance monitoring for DAS. |
Performance Management Form |
The State Personnel Administration tool designed to document employee performance. |
Performance Management Plan |
The State Personnel Administration tool that specifies the targets of job responsibility expectations, behaviors, skills, and steps of improvement identified by an administrator and staff person for employee development. |
PO |
Program Owner |
The DAS staff person to whom a specific program is assigned for purposes of maintaining policy, providing technical assistance, and training, and monitoring and evaluation. |
PO |
Purchase Order |
A document sent from the purchaser to the vendor confirming an order. It officially confirms the ordered items, price and shipping terms and authorizes the vendor to complete the delivery. |
Planning and Service Area |
The Older American Act (OAA) mandates that State Units on Aging designate PSAs and that they consider the geographical distribution of older individuals in the State, the comments of older adults, AAAs, and public officials, the incidence of the need for supportive services divide and divide their territory into distinct planning and service areas in accordance with OAA guidelines. |
Reassessment |
The periodic review of the client’s status to determine the extent to which the situation and functioning have changed and may lead to changes in the Service Plan. |
Risk |
The degree to which activities expose an individual or organization to the potential for financial loss, inappropriate disclosure of data, or other deficiencies that result from inadequate controls or ineffective use of human resources; the possibility that an event could adversely affect the organization; the tendency of a system or function to have problems; or the chance of injury, damage, or loss. |
RA |
Risk Analysis |
The process of gaining an understanding of the amount of inherent risk and control risk present in the system to be examined and the use of that knowledge to correct the deficiencies creating that risk. |
Risk Assessment Tool |
One of the four Older Americans Act target criteria for services is persons at risk of institutionalization. DAS developed the Risk Assessment Tool (RAT) based on input from the Care Management Redesign Work Team and Program Integrity staff research of documented risk factors leading to institutionalization. The RAT will identify the level of risk for institutionalization and the discrete domains that contribute to that risk. |
Risk Level |
The likelihood that the consumer will need placement in a nursing home, hospital, or other institution if current domains of risk are not mitigated. See MAN 5300, §202.4D for additional information about Risk Levels. |
Record |
Means any item, collection, or grouping of information maintained by the Department, Division and their subcontractor related to the delivery of services through AAA contracts and subcontracts. Refer to {MAN 5600 3012 “Area Agency on Aging Records”} |
RC |
Regional Commissions |
Multi-county planning and development agencies serving municipal and county governments in different areas of the state, pursuant to state law. For purposes of the Older Americans Act (OAA), RCs are units of special purpose local government. |
RC |
Regional Coordinators |
DAS staff who serve as the Division’s primary liaisons with the AAAs to facilitate monitoring and evaluation, provide technical assistance and manage the Area Plan process, including review of AAA waiver requests and coordinate DAS' response. |
RD |
Registered Dietitian |
A person who is registered by the Commission on Dietetic Registration of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. |
Request for Information |
The DOAS process used to obtain supplemental information or obtain all the necessary information to create the requirements of an anticipated sourcing event. The RFI Template contains the following information: Purpose of the Procurement Schedule of Events Instructions to Suppliers Submittal Instructions Requested Information List of Attachments. |
Request for Proposal |
A business document that announces and provides details about a project, as well as solicits bids from contractors who will help complete the project. The DOAS RFI Template contains the following information: Purpose of the Procurement Schedule of Events Instructions to Suppliers Submittal Instructions Requested Information List of Attachments. The RFP results in an award. However, the selection is based the result of the combined scores of price and technical evaluation. |
Satellite Nutrition Site |
A nutrition site (which could be housed in/a part of a senior center facility) which does not have sufficient average daily attendance to warrant full time staffing by paid employees. Satellite sites may be staffed by volunteers. |
Senior Center |
A facility, the primary focus of which is the delivery of services, including meals, to participants. |
Senior Community Service Employment Program |
A job training program for low-income persons aged 55 and over who have low employment prospect. Funded under Title V of the OAA, SCSEP places eligible individuals in part-time community service positions with a goal of transitioning to unsubsidized employment. Participants work (on average) between 20-22 hours weekly and earn minimum wage during their training. |
Service Plan |
A dynamic plan of action developed collaboratively between the case manager and the consumer/caregiver that is structured, action-oriented, and time-specific. |
Severe Disability |
According to 42 USCS 3002 [Title 42. The Public Health and Welfare; Chapter 35. Programs for Older Americans; Declaration of Objectives and Definitions], the term "severe disability" means "a severe, chronic disability attributable to mental or physical impairment, or a combination of mental and physical impairments, that-- (A) is likely to continue indefinitely; and (B) results in substantial functional limitation in 3 or more of the major life activities specified in subparagraphs (A) through (G) of paragraph (8)." |
Special Diet/Meals |
Meals designed to meet certain religious, cultural, or ethnic preference, e.g., kosher, vegetarian, Asian, Latino. |
Single Entry Point |
A system that enables consumers to access long term and supportive services through one agency or organization. |
State Fiscal Year |
The state fiscal year or budget year begins on July 1 of one year and ends on June 30 of the following year. |
State Health Insurance Assistance Program |
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) program that provides unbiased counseling to assist with Medicare coverage questions. |
Statewide Independent Living Council |
A private nonprofit corporation governed by people with all types of disabilities from across the state. |
Service Options Using Resources in a Community Environment |
An enhanced primary care case management program that serves frail elderly and disabled beneficiaries as part of Georgia’s 1915c Medicaid waiver. |
Strategic Planning Process |
The process by which DAS defines objectives and assesses both the internal and external situation to formulate strategy, implement the strategy, evaluate the progress and adjust as necessary to stay on track. |
State Unit on Aging |
The commonly used name for State Agencies on Aging as referred to in the federal Older Americans Act. They are agencies of state and territorial governments designated by governors and state legislatures to administer, manage, design and advocate for benefits, programs and services for the elderly and their families and, in many states, for adults with physical disabilities. |
Support Options Counseling Services |
One of two broad categories of support in a consumer directed care program. Counselors train, coach, and provide technical assistance to consumers. The training and technical assistance are to assist consumers in using their budgets correctly and avoiding overspending. This service is provided by Support Options Counselors. |
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats |
SWOT is an analysis to identify an organization’s advantages and challenges. |
Taxonomy of Service |
The classification of social services into distinct categories related to Administration on Aging and DAS programmatic missions. The DAS Taxonomy is found in Appendix 204-A |
T&TA |
Training and Technical Assistance |
Education and assistance provided to assist contactors meet mandates, standards, policies, and program requirements. |
Targeted Case Management |
Case Management provided to a select group of individuals to identify needs and risks and to refer for appropriate services and or interventions. APS staff provide direct case management to reduce risk of ANE. |
Title III |
Third Title of the Older Americans Act - Grants for State and Community Programs on Aging |
Title III of the Older Americans Act is to encourage and assist state and local agencies in the development of comprehensive and coordinated in home and community based long term services for older adults (age 60 and older) |
Title V |
Fifth Title of the Older Americans Act |
The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a 40+ year old federal program providing subsidized community service and employment training to low-income, unemployed individuals aged 55 and older. |
Title VII |
Seventh Title of the Older Americans Act |
Vulnerable Elder Rights Protection Activities, Elder abuse, Neglect, Exploitation. |
User Acceptance Testing |
User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is the trial and review process conducted by the owner or client of the object under test to confirm that the modification or addition meets requirements. |
Uniform Cost Methodology |
The standardized, software-based approach to determining service costs, prescribed by DAS, and used by Area Agencies on Aging in procuring non-Medicaid Home and Community Based Services. All subcontractors must use the UCM annually to analyze costs of proposed services. Reimbursement for the established, negotiated unit cost is required for Congregate Meals, Home Delivered Meals, Homemaker Services (including Personal Care Services), Home Health Services, Transportation, Chore Services, Respite Care Services, Adult Day Care and Nutrition Counseling. |
Unit of Services |
The means by which a service is quantified, reported, and in some cases, reimbursed. The unit may be stated as one hour, one contact, one visit, one trip, one session, etc. |
Warm Transfer |
The ADRC Counselor dials a number and talks to the person who has picked up the call before transferring the caller over to them. This could also be a 3-way conference before the ADRC Counselor drops-off. |
Wildly Important Goals |
A WIG is one of the Four Disciplines of Execution from Franklin Covey. |
At-Risk Adult Crime Tactics |
Specialist Training is a 16-hr course providing primary and secondary responders basic knowledge about abuse, neglect and exploitation of older adults and adults with disabilities. |
Aging Information Management System |
The accountability and payment system developed and maintained by DHS Division of Aging Services and DHS Office of Information Technology with assistance from our partners, the Area Agencies on Aging and aging network providers. Adult Protective Services staff use AIMS as the data and case record documentation system. AIMS was replaced by the DAS Data System (DDS). Data may be retrieved from AIMS by special request as needed. |
Balancing Incentive Program |
(BIP) provided financial incentives to States to increase access to non-institutional long term services and supports (LTSS) in keeping with the integration mandate of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as required by the Olmstead decision and was created by the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (Section 10202). |
C3 |
Compliment, Comment and Complaint |
The division-wide comprehensive process and database to capture compliments, comments, and complaints. |
Client Health Assessment Tool |
CHAT was standardized software used to identify and prioritize consumer long -term care needs and as a case management tool to assess and care plan for individualized client needs. |
Community Living Program |
Being integrated in the community having the opportunity to live with, and work alongside, people of all different abilities. |
DAS Excellence University |
DAS Excellence University is a staff directed education-training initiative that focuses individual and organizational need for DAS' constancy of purpose, excellence, quality, institutional knowledge, and leadership. DAS EU was based upon expertise of Deming, Drucker and Covey, corporate leadership training models, and Shu Ha Ri, the Japanese learning concept for improving excellence. DAS EU courses include course categories of Education and Training, Health and Wellness, and the Virginia J. Clark Lunch & Learn Series. |
FA |
Fiscal Administration |
The FA section of the division provided fiscal and contractual oversight for the division; renamed Business operations to reflect DHS reorganization of the Budget process effective July 1, 2016. |
GW |
Group Wise |
The software product from Novell, Inc. offering email, calendaring, and document management; DHS now uses Outlook for email service. |
The National Aging Program Information Systems |
The computer system that stores the annual performance reports completed by the states to comply with ACL reporting requirements. NAPIS was replaced with OAAPS for FFY22. |
Formerly known as Senior Medicare Patrol |
The Administration on Aging program designed to target Medicare fraud and abuse. |
State Personnel Administration |
The SPA was the central personnel agency of the state of Georgia, providing human resource (HR) and benefit programs, products and services to all state entities and employees. Now HRA |
UR2NO was the name for the regularly disseminated email communication updates issued by the Director of the Division of Aging Services to staff. |
Workforce Planning Project |
WPP was the name assigned to the DAS project to assess and plan the structure of jobs, sections, and needs for the future. |