1003 Persons Eligible for Adult Protective Services | APS-5500-MANUAL
Georgia Division of Aging Services |
Chapter: |
1000 Introduction and Purpose |
Effective Date: |
Section Title: |
Persons Eligible for Adult Protective Services |
Reviewed or Updated in: |
MT 2019-04 |
Section Number: |
1003 |
Previous Update: |
Summary Statement
Adults with disabilities (age 18 and over) and elder persons (age 65 or older), present in Georgia, who are not residents of long-term care facilities (LTCFs), who are the subject of a report of adult abuse under the Disabled Adults and Elder Persons Protection Act (DAEPPA) O.C.G.A §30-5-1, et. seq.
Basic Considerations
Persons not in LTCFs
Each adult 'in need' of protective services that meets Adult Protective Services (APS) criteria is eligible for APS services.
Persons receive APS "without regard to income" (WRTI). The source and amount of a person’s income and/ or resources have no effect on eligibility for APS.
Verification of citizenship is not required for adult protective services pursuant to the U.S. Department of Justice, Attorney General Order 2353-2001 as referenced in the Georgia Security/Compliance Immigration Act, O.C.G.A. §50-36-1, et seq.
Persons in LTCFs
The Division of Aging Services works cooperatively with the Department of Community Health (DCH), Healthcare Facility Regulation and accepts for investigation reports of abuse, neglect and/or exploitation for persons in personal care homes or long-term care facilities when the alleged abuser is in the community and is not an employee/affiliated with the long term care facility. These reports will be accepted by APS Central Intake for investigation.