2007 Directing Reports to Other Investigative Agencies | APS-5500-MANUAL
Georgia Division of Aging Services |
Chapter: |
2000 APS Reports and Opening Cases |
Effective Date: |
Section Title: |
Directing Reports to Other Investigative Agencies |
Reviewed or Updated in: |
MT 2019-04 |
Section Number: |
2007 |
Previous Update: |
Summary Statement
Central Intake (CI) Specialists are mandated reporters to other investigative agencies such as Healthcare Facility Regulation (HFR), the Department of Family and Children Services (DFCS), the DHS Office of the Inspector General (OIG), Law Enforcement (LE) and the agency in other states responsible for providing protective services.
Basic Considerations
CI Specialists shall redirect reports to other agencies when the report does not fall under the Adult Protective Services (APS) legal mandate, or when APS has shared responsibility with another agency.
Refer to O.C.G.A §30-5-1, et.seq for the APS legal mandate.
Reporters shall be provided information and directed to contact the appropriate regulatory and/or investigative agency.
Referrals will be directed as follows:
When referrals are made to HFR, CI staff will follow the Healthcare Facility Regulation Referral Process (refer to Appendix E), except as otherwise specified in 2009 Reports of Abuse in Long Term Care Facilities.
When a report of alleged abuse, neglect and exploitation of a vulnerable adult not living in the state of Georgia is received by CI,
The reporter will be provided with the contact information for the state protective services agency where the adult resides; and
If the incident took place in Georgia, the reporter will be provided with the contact information for local law enforcement where the incident occurred.
Refer to 2002 Accepting APS Reports of this manual for details on CI disposition of reports that do not meet criteria.
When referrals are made to DFCS, CI staff will follow the Department of Family and Children Services Referral Process (refer to Appendix E).
Report all cases of employee misconduct and/or suspected criminal activities by DHS employees to OIG. (refer to OIG POL1750 and 2011 Reports of A/N/E Involving DHS Employees of this manual)
Direct emergency situations to 911 or other emergency response agencies, except as otherwise specified in 2002 Accepting APS Reports.