2009 Reports of Abuse in Long Term Care Facilities | APS-5500-MANUAL
Georgia Division of Aging Services |
Chapter: |
2000 APS Reports and Opening Cases |
Effective Date: |
Section Title: |
Reports of Abuse in Long Term Care Facilities |
Reviewed or Updated in: |
MT 2019-04 |
Section Number: |
2009 |
Previous Update: |
Summary Statement
APS has a specific responsibility in reporting, limited specific investigation and follow-up relating to reports of alleged abuse, neglect, or exploitation of adults with disabilities or elder persons who reside in a Long-Term Care Facility.
Basic Considerations
In “specific limited situations” APS will work cooperatively with HFR.
APS Central Intake will accept for investigation:
reports where the adult with a disability or elder person who resides in a long-term care facility or receiving services from an entity regulated by HFR is alleged to have been harmed or threatened with harm by someone who is not an owner, employee or affiliate of the facility (i.e. from the outside community).
reports where a disabled adult or elder person is being (or has been) voluntarily discharged from a Long-Term Care facility and the reporter has cause for concern that the adult is unable to have their essential needs met in the community and is at risk of A/N/E.
Refer to O.C.G.A. § 31-8-116 (g)
reports involving allegations of A/N/E to disabled adults or elder persons living in unlicensed 'transitional' living arrangements or boarding homes.
Law enforcement, HFR and APS are the only agencies in Georgia charged with the responsibility of investigating complaints of A/N/E of vulnerable adults in the community or in Long-Term Care Facilities. Any alleged A/N/E that takes place in a setting not regulated by HFR shall be determined to be in the community and therefore, APS will be responsible for handling reports and subsequent investigations which meet all other APS criteria.
APS CI Specialist, shall document reports/referrals/collaboration with HFR in the DAS Data System.
If a report does not meet criteria:
the report shall be documented as an intervention;
CI staff will complete the HFR referral form and forward it to HFR; and
the referral shall be completed within 1 business day
If the report meets the criteria for the “specific limited situation”:
the report will be processed as all accepted reports; and
a HFR referral form will be completed and sent to HFR.
Referrals will be made within 1 business day.