4002 On-Going Service Types

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Adult Protective Services Manual


4000 Service Delivery & Case Management

Effective Date:

Section Title:

On-Going Service Types

Reviewed or Updated in:

MT 2019-04

Section Number:


Previous Update:

Summary Statement

On-going services may be provided to vulnerable adults with the expressed goal of assisting the adult to live safely in their own home, setting of their choosing or least restrictive environment. This goal is achieved through two possible methods:

  • Short-term On-going Services; and,

  • Standard On-going Services.

Basic Considerations

At the conclusion of the APS investigation and assessment, the APS case manager shall address the determination for the need for essential services as well as possible essential services available with the client, caregiver and/or significant others involved in the outcome or solution to reduce further risk. The DON-R assessment, completed in the initial investigation/assessment, is one significant tool designed for structured decision making that focuses on the client’s unmet needs that potentially place the client at risk. Risk identified in the investigation and assessment provides the foundation of an ongoing case plan.

Requirement for Service

Adults who have been the subject of an Adult Protective Services (APS) investigation, have at least one unmet need and as a result of that need not being met is at risk for continued or future Abuse, Neglect and/or Exploitation (A/N/E) are eligible for On-going case management services.

Short-Term Ongoing Service

Services shall be opened for the following reasons:

  • To conduct follow-up on referrals made to the Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC);

  • To assist adults utilizing Temporary Emergency Respite Funds (TERF) in securing long-term housing alternative; or

  • To monitor adults with pending Guardianship and/or Conservatorship proceedings as a result of a petition filed by APS.

    • Consent is not required;

    • No case management provided when consent is not given; and

    • Opened for monitoring purposes only.

Standard On-going Services

Services shall be provided as a result of a determination that a disabled adult and/or elder person is at risk of abuse, neglect or exploitation and the client consents to services. Client’s consent is required for Standard ongoing APS.

Needed services shall address the following issues:

  • Problems related to home management;

  • Food insecurity;

  • Lack of or insufficient In-home care;

  • Need for alternative living situation;

  • Help accessing medical, legal, health and other resources; and

  • Advocacy to obtain entitled assistance (e.g. social security benefits, Veterans benefits etc.).

  • Other issues as identified by the DON-R or other Assessments.


Short-Term On-going Service

Services shall not exceed 90 Calendar Days. Short-term On-going Services may eventually become Standard On-Going Services, if the service needs extend beyond 90 days and criteria is met for Standard On-going Services. In such situations the case shall be closed as Short-term and re-opened in Standard status. Reasons for change in status may include but are not limited to changes in circumstances due to:

  • Deterioration in physical or mental health status;

  • Changes in living situation; or

  • New allegation

When reopening a case in Standard On-going Services supervisory approval is required and a formal Case Plan shall be completed within 10 days of the change in status. Please refer to Case Plan policy in section 4005 of this manual.

Standard On-going Services

The decision to provide standard ongoing APS intervention and targeted case management must reflect the least restrictive alternative for protection of the client and be carefully documented.

Services intervention must be planned and purposeful. Services shall be re-evaluated 6 months from the start of services and shall not be continued without supervisory approval.

The case manager is responsible for directing/managing case activities including:

  • Develop and implement the Case Plan, involving the client;

  • Arrange and coordinate services;

  • Discuss with the client, family and service providers the effectiveness of services toward achieving goals.

  • Involve the client, to greatest extent possible, in all aspects of service provision.

  • Review services, progress toward goals and continuing risk factors during monthly contact with client/family/providers.

  • Document, in the case record, all contacts and activities related to the case.

  • Make casework decisions with supervisory consultation, input and approval.