4006 On-Going Case Contacts

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Adult Protective Services Manual


4000 Service Delivery & Case Management

Effective Date:

Section Title:

On-Going Case Contacts

Reviewed or Updated in:

MT 2019-04

Section Number:


Previous Update:

Summary Statement

Adult Protective Services (APS) shall maintain contact with client, concerned collateral contacts and all others essential in providing services and/or mitigating risk.

Basic Consideration

Ongoing contact standards are the same for both Standard and Short-term ongoing services.


Client Contact

A minimum of one face-to-face contact with the APS client will occur at least once every month.

During the visit, case manager will:

  • speak with the client alone;

  • address all elements of the client’s case plan;

  • assess risk and service provision; and

  • observe for the client’s needs and well-being.

The APS client should be visited in his/her home environment. When requested by the client, face-to-face monthly contact may occasionally occur at a place away from the client’s home such as at a day program, doctor’s office, senior center, etc. The case manager may also request to visit with the client away from their home. If client consents to such a visit, case manager shall assure that confidentiality standards are observed. (Refer to 1004 Guiding Principles in Adult Protective Services of this Manual.)

Collateral Contacts

A minimum of one collateral contact per month is required during ongoing services. Contact shall be made by telephone or face to face.

Collateral contacts shall be made with persons who are directly involved in the provisions of the case plan and/or have knowledge of the client’s current situation. The case manager shall contact as many caregivers, relatives, friends, service providers, and health care providers as needed to effectively manage the case and meet case plan objectives. During such visits, confidentiality standards will continue to be observed. (Refer to 1004 Guiding Principles in Adult Protective Services of this Manual.)