4007 On-Going Case Redetermination and Closure | APS-5500-MANUAL
Georgia Division of Aging Services |
Chapter: |
4000 Service Delivery & Case Management |
Effective Date: |
Section Title: |
On-Going Case Redetermination and Closure |
Reviewed or Updated in: |
MT 2019-04 |
Section Number: |
4007 |
Previous Update: |
Summary Statement
Adult Protective Services (APS) shall terminate Ongoing services to clients, and professional relationships with them, when such services and relationships are no longer required or no longer serve the clients' needs or interests.
Basic Consideration
Closing a case is a matter of judgment. APS staff apply the standards of reasonable effort, resolution, and stability on a case-by-case basis. Reasonable efforts do not include keeping a case open indefinitely in the eventuality that a resource will become available or making a positive outcome an absolute condition for closure. Some clients may not qualify for available services or may not accept the services offered. It is the client’s right to refuse services.
All APS Ongoing cases will be terminated when:
Services have been provided, the goals met, client is no longer at-risk and in need of Protective services intervention; or
Necessary services are being provided from other sources and APS are no longer necessary; or
The client withdraws consent to ongoing services; or
A caretaker, Conservator, or Guardian becomes available who can and will protect the client to the extent the client is no longer at risk; or
The client moves into an environment (such as a Nursing Home, Personal Care Home or relative’s home) that will afford the protection and basic daily needs and no change or problems are anticipated; or
The client dies.
Short-Term Ongoing
When a case has reached its maximum 90 days in short-term ongoing status and case plan goals have not been met, the short-term ongoing case shall be closed and that case will be reopened as an Extended Ongoing case. All transfers require supervisory approval. (Refer to 4002 On-Going Service Types of this manual for guidance on reasons for moving a case from short-term to extended ongoing status.)
Standard Ongoing Redetermination
APS case managers shall constantly reevaluate changes in client’s well-being and needs. When there are significant changes in the client’s mental status, physical status or ability to achieve safety with the current case plan, a redetermination shall be conducted.
The Redetermination shall consist of:
Conversation with the client to discuss current strengths, needs and feasibility of the case plan;
New Determination of Need-Revised (DON-R) assessment; and
Risk Assessment Tool (RAT) assessment.
If it is determined that a revision of the case plan will extend the ongoing case beyond 6 months, the case may be extended for up to an additional 6 months. The existing case plan will be closed, and new plan created to reflect new goals as identified by client and case manager.
All extensions require supervisory approval. If further guidance is needed, staff shall consult with their District Manager.
Client consent for extension of services is required. Case Plans must be signed by client (refer to 4004 New Allegations During On-Going Case Management of this manual for additional signature requirements).