7006 Collaboration

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Adult Protective Services Manual


7000 TERF Case Management

Effective Date:

Section Title:


Reviewed or Updated in:

MT 2021-01

Section Number:


Previous Update:

Summary Statement

The Temporary Emergency Respite Fund (TERF) Case Management staff will establish strategic partnerships with community organizations that will aid in achieving permanency for the victimized adult. The TERF Case Management staff will collaborate with Adult Protective Services staff and other community partners through resources identification, case consultations and reviews, and outreach/ Collaborations will assist TERF Case Management staff with future victims, as well and improve Adult Protective Services with other state entities and community partners.

Basic Considerations

The TERF Case Management staff will work closely with Adult Protective staff, Division of Aging services staff and network, and community partners including, but not limited to:

  • Law Enforcement

  • Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD)

  • Department of Community Health (DCH)

  • Department of Family and Children Services (DFCS)

  • Local Area Agencies on Aging


The TERF Case management team will work collaboratively to:

Identifying Resources

  • Identify community resources and partnerships that will aid in the achievement of permanency and stability for the victimized adult

  • Identify resources through the participation in multidisciplinary teams (MDT) and community outreach events. Refer to 6001 Introduction of this manual regarding MDTs.

  • Identify cooperative local law enforcement and prosecutors throughout the state

  • Mining of local resources through the use of internet and local publication

Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Meetings

A team member will attend A/N/E MDT meetings established under O.C.G.A §30-5-11. The team will identify and attend other MDT meetings comprised of individuals and entities that can aid in the permanency plan of victimized adults. These groups may include home health providers, transportation providers, HFR, Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, law enforcement and charitable organizations. Refer to 6002 A/N/E MDT Attendance of this manual for details regarding Attending A/N/E MDT.

Participation in MDT meetings should be documented in the DDS Activity log.


The TERF Case Management team, whenever possible, will participate in personal care home relocations initiated by HFR or law enforcement. Participation will include one or more team members and may be prohibitive due to proximity or time restraints. Involvement will consist of resident interviews, screening for prior APS involvement, identification of caregivers, initiation of TERF placement, and initial determination for the need of case management services. Refer to MAN 5600: Administrative Manual, Chapter 9050 for details regarding At-Risk Adult Relocation Team (AART)

Adult Protective Services

The TERF Case Management staff will consult APS to identify local law enforcements and prosecutors whom will be able to assist in attaining protective orders, bank account freezes and other legal assistance as appropriate. In areas where APS is unable to identify a law enforcement resource, the team will seek to identify and foster new relationships. The team will develop their own resource guide based on identified needs of displaced adults and anticipated needs that may be identified in the future. The resource guide and the new connection made with law enforcement will benefit team members, as well as APS staff.