Division of Aging Services Adult Protective Services Case Review Guide – Investigation and Assessment | APS-5500-MANUAL
Rev. 8/27/19
Region: |
Review Date: |
Name of Supervisor: |
Investigation ID: |
Name of Client: |
Name of Caseworker Assigned to Case: |
Review Guide Question | Yes | No | N/A | Comments | Documentation Needed In Record | Where Found in the DAS Data System | ||
1. Was client status in additional Aging Programs verified and documented? [P] |
Intake report Search within Consumer Tab (only use Filters – Last Name Contains, First Name Contains) APS Investigation - Notes |
2. Was there verification that the alleged victim is not duplicated in the Electronic Data Record? [P] |
Search within Investigation Tab (only use Filters – Last Name Contains, First Name Contains) Search within Associated Investigations Subpage APS Investigation - Notes |
3. Was the intake report documented and copy sent to Law Enforcement? APS Reports and Opening Cases 2.001 [P] |
The documentation shows that the intake report was received, and notification sent to Law Enforcement
APS Investigation - Notes |
4. Was the initial face to face contact made (or documentation to support that attempts were made) with the client within 10 calendar days of the date the report was received by Centralized Intake? Contact and Documentation Standard 1.1 [C] |
APS Investigation – Notes: 1st Face to Face |
5. Is there documentation in the DAS Data System to indicate the client was interviewed in private or attempts were made to interview the client in private? Contact and Documentation Standards 2.2 [C] |
APS Investigation – Notes: 1st Face to Face |
6. Is there documentation of public benefits that the client is receiving (i.e. TANF, SSI, Food Stamps, VA funds, Medicaid, Medicare, etc.) [P] |
The documentation indicates that an attempt was made to obtain public benefit information from the client or information obtained by intake was verified.
Documentation should indicate that client refused to give information |
APS Intake APS Investigation - Notes |
7. Did the documentation describe the impairments/unmet needs in the DON-R comments section if the DON-R ADL/IADL scores indicated the client had impairments and/or unmet needs that put him/her at risk for ANE? Contact and Documentation Standards 2.8 [P] |
Refer to your last DONR training when reviewing this element. |
The documentation described specific issues the client had with ADLs/IADLs in the comments section of the DON-R.
APS Investigation – DON-R (Client) APS |
8. Is there a HIPAA form in the client’s record that has been signed or if not signed, an explanation is noted in the client record why the record was not signed? Contact and Documentation Standards 2.7 [P] |
*If physical copy is kept, documentation should comply with record keeping standards |
APS Investigation – Notes |
9. Is there a Release of Information form in the client’s record that has been signed or if not signed, an explanation is noted in the client record why the record was not signed? Contact and Documentation Standards 2.7 [P] |
*If the unsigned copy is not uploaded, note should indicate reasons why the document was not signed by the client |
APS Investigation – Notes |
10. Is there documentation that one or more collateral contacts were made with individuals who are of benefit to the investigation? Contact and Documentation Standards 2.4 [C] |
The documentation indicated that one or more contacts were made with individuals who have knowledge of the client and/or the situation which could substantiate or not substantiate the allegation in the APS report (i.e., neighbors, non-household family, postal worker, employers, etc.)
APS Investigation – Notes: Collateral Contact |
11. Is there documentation in DAS Data System that the reporter was contacted, or an attempt was made to contact the reporter? Contact and Documentation Standards 2.3 [P] |
APS Investigation – Notes: Collateral Contact |
12. Is there documentation in DAS Data System that the alleged perpetrator was interviewed or an attempt to interview was made? Contact and Documentation Standards 2.6 [P] |
APS Investigation – Notes: Collateral Contact |
13. Is there documentation in DAS Data System that the identified caregiver was interviewed, or an attempt was made to interview the caregiver? Contact and Documentation Standards 2.4 [C] |
APS Investigation – Notes: Collateral Contact |
14. Is there documentation in DAS Data System that adult household members were interviewed, or an attempt was made to interview other adult members of the household? Contact and Documentation Standards 2.4 [C] |
APS Investigation – Notes: Collateral Contact |
15. Were neighbors, friends and/or relatives in the community mentioned at the time of Intake and/or identified during the investigation interviewed or were attempts made to interview these collateral contacts? Contact and Documentation Standards 2.4 [C] |
APS Investigation – Notes: Collateral Contact |
16. Were formal service providers (e.g. staff employed by senior centers, day care centers, home health agencies, behavioral health case managers, etc.) interviewed or were attempts made to interview providers? Contact and Documentation Standards 2.4 [C] |
APS Investigation – Notes: Collateral Contact |
17. Were medical providers interviewed or were attempts made to interview the medical providers? Contact and Documentation Standards 2.4 [C] |
APS Investigation – Notes: Collateral Contact |
18. Was a contact made to a financial institution, conservator and/or other individuals who have knowledge of and/or manage the financial affairs of the client or were attempts made to interview these collaterals if financial exploitation and/or exploitation of property was alleged or uncovered during the investigation? Contact and Documentation Standards 2.4 [C] |
APS Investigation – Notes: Collateral Contact |
19. Was an income worksheet completed and in the DAS Data System? [P] |
APS Investigation - Notes |
20. Was a SLUMS Examination Assessment completed for clients where cognitive impairment is alleged or suspected? [P] |
APS Investigation – Notes APS Investigation - Documentation |
21. Was a Diligent Effort to Locate form completed and documented if there was an unsuccessful effort to locate the client? Contact and Documentation Standards 2.2 [C] |
APS Investigation - Documentation |
17. Was the APS ANE Risk Assessment completed and indicated the following: insurance status, health and functional status, social/emotional support, mental health treatment/history and services offered/requested [C&P] |
APS Investigation – Documentation: APS ANE Risk Assessment Insurance Status (Medical Problems), Health and Functional Status (Personal and Social Vulnerability and Medical Problems), Source of social/emotional support (Mental/Emotional Characteristics), Mental health treatment/history (Mental/Emotional Characteristics), Services offered/requested (Social Services) |
22. Was the investigation completed within 30 business days/45 calendar days of receipt of the initial APS report? Contact and Documentation Standards 2.8 [C] |
APS Investigation – Documentation: APS ANE Risk Assessment (date Investigation ended) APS Investigation – Determination: Completion Date |
23. Was the investigation determination documented in the DAS Data System? Contact and Documentation Standards 2.8 [P] |
The APS Assessment Justification/Closure Statement will be in the client Electronic Data Record. The statement will:
APS Investigation – Documentation: APS ANE Risk Assessment APS Investigation – Allegations APS Investigation – Determination |
24. Does the documentation indicate that a report was sent to the District Attorney and/or law enforcement on all cases involving abuse, neglect and/or exploitation prior to or upon substantiation of the allegations in the case? Contact and Documentation Standards 2.10 [C] |
The Disabled Adult and Elder Persons \Report should be entered and saved in a WORD document. The report should indicate the name of the person/agency to who it is directed and the case findings & disposition of the case (e.g., opened for on-going APS services). The date of the LE report should be on or before the DAS Data System investigation completed date for substantiated cases of abuse, neglect and/or exploitation. A copy of the report should be uploaded into the Electronic Data Record, if maintaining physical records, a copy should be placed in the client’s hard record and a copy sent to the District Manager |
APS Investigation - Notes |
25. Is there evidence of supervisory approval of the investigation, assessment and case disposition in DAS Data System through the case staffing at the close of the investigation? Contact and Documentation Standards 2.9 [C] |
Staffing with supervisor documented in the DAS Data System. |
APS Investigation – Notes APS Investigation – Determination Notes |
Check one: |
Case Corrections or Other Follow Up Needed? |
If yes, date due _________ |
Date discussed with CM _________ |
Date Case Corrections/Follow Up Completed: (if sent back for corrections or Closure was denied) |
Case Review Comments: |
1. Is there documentation in the DAS Data System to indicate the need for ERF? |
APS Investigation – Notes APS Investigation – Documentation: APS ERF Application and Approval Form |
2. Is the ERF request/authorization documented in the Electronic Data Record? Contact and Documentation Standards 3.16 [P] |
A copy of the APS ERF Application and Approval Form, ADPOR (Authorization for Disbursement/Purchase Order) to DFCS Regional Accounting, along with all required and supporting documentation is in the Electronic Data Record. The Supervisor, the District Manager and/or State Office Representative has approved the request by completing the ERF Decision in the DAS Data System and signing off on the APS ERF Application and Approval Form, ADPOR to DFCS Regional Accounting, and supporting documentation. |
APS Investigation – Notes APS Investigation – Documentation: APS ERF Application and Approval Form |
3. Was an income worksheet completed and in the Electronic Data Record? Contact and Documentation Standards 3.16 [P] |
The Income Worksheet was completed and provides justification or supporting need for ERF. |
APS Investigation – Notes |
Case Management Review – Quality Review regarding documentation standards within the case