Appendix D Adult Protective Services (APS) Contact and Documentation Standards | APS-5500-MANUAL
Intake and Investigation
Contact or Documentation Standard & APS Policy and/or Training Guide Reference. Critical [C] or Procedural [P] Standard |
Required Documentation or Responsibility Critical: If this is not done, this may cause harm to client/ward. Procedural: Process according to APS policy. |
Performance Measure |
Staff Responsible |
1.1 Central Intake (CI) staff will complete and send all accepted APS reports to the field within 1 business day of the date of report. [C] Policy/Training Guide reference: 2002.4 |
Target: 100% of all accepted APS reports are received by field staff within 1 business day. Measure: % of intakes received in the field within 1 business day. |
APS CI Staff |
1.2 Central Intake (CI) staff will clearly indicate all APS Reports that are considered “high priority/high risk” situations [C] Policy/Training Guide reference: 2001.5 & 2002.1 |
Target: 100% of all records with a “priority req.” designation describe the potential risk in the APS report. Measure: % intakes that have a description of the high-risk situation in the APS report. |
APS CI Staff |
1.3 Central Intake (CI) staff will document all reported safety issues in the APS Report [C] |
Target: 100% of all intake records include documentation on safety issues or that no safety issues exist for the client and/or CM. Measure: % of intake records that document if safety issues are present or not present at the time of the intake. |
APS CI Staff |
1.4 Central Intake(CI) will notify the APS Field Supervisor (designee)/DM and assigned Case Manager (CM) of any new reports (i.e., additional allegations) of abuse, neglect & or exploitation (ANE) of an existing client within 1 business day of the receipt of the report [C] Policy/Training Guide reference: 2002.4 |
CI will document (using “Add Comments”) the allegations of ANE Electronic Data Record. An e-mail will be sent to the APS Field Supervisor (or designee)/DM and assigned CM that contains the name of the client, DAS Data System Client ID and indicate that additional ANE allegations have been added to the DAS Data System. |
Target: 100% of all subsequent reports are entered into DAS Data System“ Add Comments” section of the APS Intake and Referral record Measure: % of intake records with subsequent reports entered in DAS Data System within 1 business day of the receipt of the new report (allegations). |
APS CI Staff |
1.5 Central Intake (CI) staff will send APS Acknowledgment Letters to reporters within 10 calendar days of the date the report was accepted for investigation, with a copy maintained in the Electronic Data Record, unless the reporter waives the letter. [P] Policy/Training Guide reference: 2002.7 |
All acknowledgment letters will contain the name/address of the reporter, the allegations, the name of the client and the name of the CI staff who accepted the report. A log listing the name and address of the reporter and the date the acknowledgment letter was sent will be maintained by the CI Supervisor. A copy of the acknowledgment letter will be maintained in the Electronic Data Record. CI staff will indicate, in the DAS Data System, if the reporter waived the receipt of the acknowledgment letter. |
Target: 100% of reporters (unless waived) are sent acknowledgment letters within 10 calendar days of the date the report was made to CI. Measure: % of acknowledgment letters sent to reporters that were not waived by the reporter within 10 calendar days of the date of report |
APS CI Staff |
Contact or Documentation Standard | Required Documentation or Responsibility | Performance Measure | Staff Responsible | ||
2.1 The APS Field Supervisor (or designee/DM) will assign all reports to APS Case Managers (CM) no later than one (1) business day from the date the report is received by the supervisor or designee. [C] Policy/Training Guide reference: 2002.4 |
The APS Field Supervisor or designee or DM will:
In the event that the case was previously opened in DAS Data System with another CM assigned, the Supervisor (or designee or DM) will enter into an APS Investigation Contact Record:
The CM will acknowledge the receipt of the report by sending an e-mail to the assigning supervisor or designee and DM. The assigned CM, Supervisor or Designee will forward all accepted reports of ANE to local law enforcement (except for cases of self-neglect) |
Target: 100% of all APS investigations are assigned to an APS case manager no later than 1 business day from the date of the report Measure: % of APS investigations assigned within 1 business day of date of report |
APS Supervisor (or designee/DM) |
2.2 The APS Case Manager (CM) will make the initial face to face visit to the client no later than 10 calendar days from the date the report was accepted by Central Intake (CI) staff. [C] Policy/Training Guide reference: 2003.1 |
The CM will document the initial client contact including date of contact and if that contact was successful or not successful in the DAS Data System (APS Assessment Contact). Successful client contacts must indicate that the contact made was face to face with the client and that the client was interviewed in private. In the event that the client cannot be interviewed in private, the documentation must show that reasonable attempts were made to interview and/or observe the client in private. The CM shall make reasonable attempts to locate and interview the client and document when attempts have been unsuccessful. “Reasonable attempts” include documentation of a) efforts made to interview the client in a separate area and/or requests to other present to speak privately with the client; b) multiple contacts (2 or more) with the reporter and/or collaterals to determine the whereabouts of the client; c) repeated (2 or more) home visits/field visits/calls to the client’s residence including dates messages left; d) calls and/or visits to local medical facilities, jails, hotels, etc. to locate the client. All attempts made by the CM to meet the response time will be documented in the DAS Data System. Should the attempts be unsuccessful, the CM will discuss with the Supervisor to determine the next steps.
Target: 95% of all initial face to face visits are completed no later than 10 calendar days from the date the report is received from CI. Measure: % of initial face to face visits to the client made within 10 calendar days from the date of report (or documentation in the record indicates attempts were made for a face to face client contact). |
APS Case Manager |
2.3 The APS Case Manager (CM) will make contact with the reporter of alleged abuse, neglect and/or exploitation of the subject of an APS report. [P] Policy/Training Guide reference: 2003.2 |
CM shall document any actual or attempted contact (e.g., telephone, mail, e-mail, in person) with the original reporter of abuse, neglect and/or exploitation of the subject of the APS investigation. In the event that contact with the reporter may endanger the reporter and/or the disabled adult/elder person, the CM shall document the reason(s) why such contact could not be made and the endangerment posed to the reporter and/or disabled/elder person. |
Target: A minimum of 1 contact (actual or attempted) is made with the reporter. Measure: 100% of all DAS Data System client records will include at least 1 contact or attempted contact with the reporter. |
2.4 The APS Case Manager (CM) will complete collateral contact(s) with persons, witnesses and/or professionals who have knowledge or information concerning the client. [C] Policy/Training Guide reference: 2003.4 |
CM shall document, at a minimum, one collateral contact with individuals who have knowledge or information regarding the client for the APS investigation/assessment. Collateral contacts include caregivers, financial institutions, financial managers (e.g., conservators, representative payees), household members, service providers, family members not living in the household and any other individuals who have knowledge or information about the client. A comprehensive investigation/assessment requires that all persons with knowledge of the situation be contacted. |
Target: A minimum of 1 collateral contact is made to persons with knowledge/information concerning the client. Measure: % records with a minimum of 1 collateral contact (Baseline) |
APS Case Manager |
2.5 The APS Case Manager (CM) will investigate new allegations made to APS Centralized Intake on an open APS case within 5 business days of the additional report. [C] Policy/Training Guide reference: 2003.1 |
CM will commence the investigation of new allegations and/or reports of abuse, neglect and/or exploitation of a client in investigation status/ongoing status within 5 business days of receipt of the report by CI. If the allegations describe a situation in which the individual is in imminent risk of A/N/E, the Supervisor will instruct the CM to investigate the allegations within 1 business day of the receipt of the report of the new allegations. |
Target: 100% of all new allegations are investigated with 5 business days reported Measure: % of reports where new allegations were investigated within 5 business days. |
APS Case Manager |
2.6 The APS Case Manager (CM) will conduct an interview with the alleged perpetrator, as indicated or implicated in the report (P) Policy/Training Guide reference: 2003.4 |
CM will conduct an interview (face to face, telephone and/or email) of the alleged perpetrator unless an interview endangers the client and/or CM. The CM will document successful contacts or unsuccessful attempted contact(s) with the perpetrator. The CM will also document the risk posed to the CM and/or client when an interview is not completed. |
Target: 95% of all records show actual/attempted contacts with alleged perpetrator(s) Measure: #/% of records showing actual/attempted contacts with alleged perpetrator(s) |
APS Case Manager |
2.7 The APS Case Manager (CM) shall review the “Notification of Privacy Practices” (HIPAA) document with the client or representative. [P] Policy/Training Guide reference: 2003.3 |
Target: 100% of all hard records contain a signed HIPAA form. Measure: % of records with HIPAA form in the hard record. |
APS Case Manager |
2.8 The APS Case Manager (CM) will complete the investigation within 30 business days/45 days from the date the report was accepted by Central Intake (CI). [C & P] Policy/Training Guide reference: 2003.5 |
CM will complete in Electronic Data Record:
Target: 85% of all investigations are completed within 30 business days from the date the report was received by CI. Measure: #/% investigations completed within 45 days of the date the report was received by CI. Target: 100% of APS clients have a completed DON-R assessment during the APS Investigation. Measure: % of client records with a DON-R completed during the APS Investigation. Target: 100% of all investigation records include a determination finding (i.e., personally vulnerable, socially vulnerable, at risk/endangered and in need (or not in need) of APS on-going service). Measure: % investigation records that include determination findings |
APS Case Manager/APS Supervisor (or designee) |
2.9 The Supervisor (or designee) will close out the APS Investigation upon completion by the Case Manager [C] |
Supervisor will complete in Electronic Data Record:
Target: 100% of all completed investigation are closed within 30 business days from the date the report was received by CI. Measure: #/% investigations closed within 45 days of the date the report was received by CI. |
2.10 The APS Case Manager (CM) will send a written report to law enforcement for all cases substantiated for abuse, neglect and/or exploitation by others, prior to but no later than the completion of the investigation. [C] Policy/Training Guide reference: 2003.7 |
Case managers will complete and send a written report to law enforcement and the State Office for all substantiated cases of ANE (other than self-neglect or self-abuse) prior to but no later than the date the investigation is substantiated and the investigation is closed. The report will contain, at minimum:
Target 1: A written report will be sent to law enforcement on 100% of all cases substantiated for abuse, neglect or exploitation (except self-neglect and/or self-abuse) Measure: % of written reports sent to law enforcement that indicates a date that is on or before the date of the case determination. |
APS Case Manager |
2.11 All APS Investigation Contact Records will contain the full name, title and Region (or indicate that the writer is with a District or 2 Peachtree State Office staff, if applicable) of persons who complete documentation in the APS Investigation Contact Record [P] |
All staff documenting in the DAS Data System APS Investigation Contact must record his/her full name, title and Region (or indicate that the writer is with a District or 2 Peachtree State Office staff, if applicable) at the beginning each APS Investigation Contact note. |
Target: 100% of all Investigation Contact records include the APS staff’s full name, title and Region (or indicate that the writer is with a District or 2 Peachtree State Office staff, if applicable) at the beginning each APS Investigation Contact note. Measure: % records containing APS staff’s full name, title and Region (or indicate that the writer is with a District or 2 Peachtree State Office staff, if applicable) at the beginning each APS Investigation Contact note. |
All staff |
Ongoing and Closure
Contact or Documentation Standard | Required Documentation or Responsibility | Performance Measure | Staff Responsible | ||
3.1 A written case plan will be completed within 10 calendar days of the date of the initial justification, when a case is substantiated and opened for on-going services. [P] Policy/Training Guide reference: 2004.2 |
Target: 100% of case plans are completed within 10 calendar days of the date of the initial justification to open an on-going case. Measure: #/% case plans completed within 10 calendar days of the date of the initial justification to open an on-going case. Target: 100% of all case plans are signed by the client (includes client’s “mark”) or his/her representative or include a statement in the DAS Data System by the APS staff why the client was unable to sign the case plan. Measure: % of case plans with signatures or documentation in the record regarding why the case plan was not signed by the client or his/her representative. |
APS Case Manager (on-going), APS Case Manager (investigation, if different from on- going), |
3.2 A client consent for on-going services (i.e., Case Management Agreement Form) will be completed within 10 calendar days of the date for which the client is eligible for APS on-going services [P] Policy/Training Guide reference: 2004.2 |
Target: 100% of signed client consent forms (i.e. TCM forms) are in the client’s physical record. Measure: % of signed consent forms (i.e. TCM forms) filed in the hard copy record. |
APS Case Manager |
3.3 Each client will receive at least one monthly face-to-face contact when the client is receiving APS on-going case management services, unless waived by policy. [C] Policy/Training Guide reference: 2004.3 |
Monthly visits with the client in his/her home or living environment is the standard practice for APS. Quarterly visit in an alternate setting in required, however if client has no alternate setting, this should be documented in the record. |
Target: 100% of all on-going clients receive a monthly face to face contact, unless waived by policy. Measure: % of cases with a minimum of one face to face monthly case management contact |
APS Case Manager |
3.4 The CM will document all safety issues that have the potential for serious injury and/or unexpected death during the reporting period. [C] |
If the CM identifies issues in the home during the investigation and/or while providing APS on-going services (e.g., loaded guns in the house, rugs or other conditions of the flooring that may lead to falls, etc.), the CM will document that there he/she discussed the safety issues with the client and/or caregiver and strategies to reduce and/or eliminate the potential safety risks. |
Measure: % of cases with identified safety issues and supporting documentation to indicate that those issues were address with client and/or caregivers |
APS Case Manager |
3.5 Case managers (CM) will document the monthly “service focused” contact for all APS clients. [P] Policy/Training Guide reference: 2004.2 |
Best practice is to complete the written documentation as soon as possible. |
Target 1: 100% of TCM face to face contacts are entered in the DAS Data System by the 10th day of occurrence Measure 1: % of monthly face to face service focused contacts entered by the 10th day of occurrence Target 2: 100% of non-client service focused contacts will be entered by the 10th day of occurrence. Measure 2: % of non-client service contacts entered by the 10th day of occurrence Target 3: 100% of all TCM contacts will indicate how the contact was related to the APS case plan (goals/steps) Measure: % TCM contacts related to client’s APS case plan goals/steps |
APS Case Manager |
3.6 Case Managers (CM) will complete documentation on non-service focused contacts no later than 10 days of occurrence. [P] Documentation and Contact Standards Policy, Section 3 |
Best practice is to complete the written documentation as soon as possible. |
Target: 100% of all non-TCM contacts are documented in the DAS Data System no later than the 10th day of occurrence of the client/collateral contact. Measure: % of non-TCM contacts documented within 30 days of the client/collateral contact |
APS Case Manager |
3.7 Case managers (CM) will make a minimum of one (1) monthly collateral contact to assess ongoing risk of the client and case plan progress towards meeting goals. [C] Policy/Training Guide reference: 2004.3 |
Target: 95% of all case records in the DAS Data System will have a minimum of one (1) collateral contact with information to substantiate the on-going areas of risk for the client Measure: % of collateral contacts entered in the DAS Data System that include information to substantiate the on-going areas of risk for the client and/or progress towards meeting case plan goals. |
APS Case Manager |
3.9 APS Field Staff will notify DAS/APS 2 Peachtree Office of the death, serious injury and/or critical incident of any APS Ongoing client within 5 business days the notification/discovery of the death, serious injury or critical incident. [C] Policy/Training Guide reference: 2004.10 & APS Critical Incident Management Protocol |
The CM will:
The Supervisor will:
The State Office will:
Measure TBD |
APS Case Manager, APS Supervisor, District Mgr. and State Office Staff |
3.11 Supervisors or designee will review and approve all Family Service Worker (FSW) requests made by Case Manager (CM) prior to FSWs providing services to clients. [P] |
Case managers will request FSW services:
Target: 100% of all FSW requests will be approved by the APS Supervisor or designee prior to providing FSW services Measure: % of cases requesting APS FSW services approved prior to provision of services |
APS Case Manager, APS Supervisor and APS Family Service Worker |
3.12 Family Service Workers (FSW) will document all client contacts in Das Data System within 30 calendar days of the date of client contact [C] Documentation and Contact Standards, Section 3 |
FSWs will document all client contacts in the DAS Data System APS Case Management screen. The FSW contact will:
The FSW will maintain, in the case record, documentation of all expenditures made on behalf of the client including receipts for the expenditures, if applicable. The CM will consult, at a minimum, on a monthly basis regarding the status of the client The Supervisor will review the FSW documentation in the DAS Data System and meet with the FSW to discuss cases during monthly conference. |
Target 1: 100% of FSW contacts are documented in Das Data System within 10th day of occurrence of the date of contact with the client. Measure 1: % of contacts made and documented in the DAS Data System within 10th day of the date of contact with the client. |
APS Family Service Worker, APS Case Manager and APS Supervisor |
3.13 All APS cases will be reassessed for risk at least once every 6 months [C] Policy/Training Guide reference: 2004.5 |
Target 1: 100% of APS clients are reassessed annually (at minimum) to determine the need for continued APS on-going services Measure 1a: % cases reassessed, at a minimum, annually. Measure 1b: % cases needing on-going services after reassessment. Target 2: Baseline cases reassessed prior to annual reassessment. Measure 2: #/% of cases reassessed prior to the annual reassessment. |
APS Case Manager |
3.14 An APS case will be closed with supervisory review/approval and notification to others with a “need to know” about the closure. [P] Policy/Training Guide reference: 2004.11 |
Target 1: 100% of cases closed will be reviewed by the APS Field Supervisor Measure: % of cases closed with written Supervisor concurrence. Target 2: 100% of closed cases will have the required documentation in the case record Measure 2: % of closed cases with the required documentation (e.g., termination statement & supervisor concurrence) |
APS Case Manager and APS Supervisor |
3.15 Emergency Relocation Funds (ERF) will be used as a resource to reduce and/or eliminate risk of abuse, neglect and exploitation and address client safety. [P] Policy/Training Guide reference: 2004.8 & ERF Policy |
Target: 100% of ERF funds are spent for APS client needs Measure 1: % ERF client records that contain a justification statement that supports client’s need for ERF funds. Measure 2: % ERF requests exceeding case manager approval and document the need for additional funds. |
APS Case Manager, Supervisor and District Manager |