Investigation Matrix

Type of ANE Required Response Recommended Response


  • Acknowledge receipt of report from CI and assign for investigation

  • Forward accepted reports to local LE (O.C.G.A. §30-5-4)

  • Initial face-to face visit with client alone and no later than 10 calendar days

  • Priority reports immediately as prescribed in 3002

  • New Reports/Allegations on open cases investigated within 5 days of the additional report

  • Home visit or visit to current living arrangement, if applicable

  • Research prior APS history, if available


Self Neglect

  • Face to face contact/interview with client alone

  • Home visit or visit to current living arrangement, if applicable

  • Research prior APS history, if available

  • Collateral contacts (i.e. reporter, all formal service providers and relevant others) who have information on risk/harm

  • Verification of health insurance/public benefits, as appropriate

  • All required assessments (need list) – you can include safety assessment here

  • Upon completion of investigation, the APS case manager shall:

    • Discuss with the client next steps.

      • Update client on any referrals or services that have been arranged

      • Provide client with contact information for Central Intake and ADRC when referrals and services have been declined.

    • Communicate with providers, and relevant individuals providing care/support the minimum information necessary to:

      • Promote continued protection and safety of the client;

      • Provide for continuity of services; or

      • Ensure implementation of services.

    In accordance with O.C.G.A § 30- 5-7, details of the investigation shall not be shared.
  • Refer for services, if appropriate (Appendix G: Assessments and Investigation Forms)

  • Obtain medical/mental health records or gather information from medical/mental health professionals who have information on the client

  • Review client’s financial records/information

  • Photograph/video client and clients circumstances/environment if relevant to the allegations unless photographs/videos may impede the investigation

If recommended actions are not taken/completed, APS staff must document reasons why additional steps were not taken in the case record.

Neglect by Caretaker

  • Face to face contact/interview with client alone

  • Interview alleged perpetrator if contact will not put client at further risk/endangerment

  • Home visit or visit to current living arrangement, if applicable

  • Research prior APS history, if available

  • Collateral contacts (i.e. reporter, all formal service providers and relevant others) who have information on risk/harm

  • Verification of health insurance/public benefits, as appropriate

  • All required assessments (need list) – you can include safety assessment here

  • Upon completion of investigation, the APS case manager shall:

    • Discuss with the client next steps.

      • Update client on any referrals or services that have been arranged

      • Provide client with contact information for Central Intake and ADRC when referrals and services have been declined.

    • Communicate with providers, and relevant individuals providing care/support the minimum information necessary to:

      • Promote continued protection and safety of the client;

      • Provide for continuity of services; or

      • Ensure implementation of services.

    In accordance with O.C.G.A § 30- 5-7, details of the investigation shall not be shared.
  • Refer for services, if appropriate (Appendix G: Assessment and Investigation Forms)

  • Obtain medical/mental health records or gather information from medical/mental health professionals who have information on the client

  • Review client’s financial records/information

  • Photograph/video client and client’s circumstances/environment if relevant to the allegations unless photographs/videos may impede the investigation . (i.e., do not photograph in circumstance where client/caregiver is agitated and/or if directly told by client (with capacity) or caretaker to stop or leave premises)

If recommended actions are not taken/completed, APS staff must document reasons why additional steps were not taken in the case record.

Physical Abuse

  • Face to face contact/interview with client alone

  • Interview alleged perpetrator if contact will not put client at further risk/endangerment

  • Home visit or visit to current living arrangement, if applicable

  • Photograph alleged victim if visible injuries and relevant to the allegation unless taking photos impedes investigation and/or client (with capacity) refuses

  • Research prior APS history, if available

  • Collateral contacts (i.e. reporter, all formal service providers and relevant others) who have information on risk/harm

  • Verification of health insurance/public benefits, as appropriate

  • All required assessments (need list) – you can include safety assessment here

  • Upon completion of investigation, the APS case manager shall:

    • Discuss with the client next steps.

      • Update client on any referrals or services that have been arranged

      • Provide client with contact information for Central Intake and ADRC when referrals and services have been declined.

    • Communicate with providers, and relevant individuals providing care/support the minimum information necessary to:

      • Promote continued protection and safety of the client;

      • Provide for continuity of services; or

      • Ensure implementation of services.

    In accordance with O.C.G.A § 30- 5-7, details of the investigation shall not be shared.
  • Refer for services, if appropriate (Appendix G: Assessment and Investigation Forms)

  • Obtain medical/mental health records or gather information from medical/mental health professionals who have information on the client

  • Complete body diagram or obtain medical documentation/evaluation if there are visible injuries

If recommended actions are not taken/completed, APS staff must document reasons why additional steps were not taken in the case record.

Sexual Abuse

  • Notify law enforcement by phone if sexual assault occurred within 72 hours of receipt of referral and request a joint interview

  • Face to face contact/interview with client alone

  • Interview alleged perpetrator if contact will not put client at further risk/endangerment

  • Home visit or visit to current living arrangement, if applicable

  • Research prior APS history, if available

  • Collateral contacts (i.e. reporter, all formal service providers and relevant others) who have information on risk/harm

  • Verification of health insurance/public benefits, as appropriate

  • All required assessments (need list) – you can include safety assessment here

  • Upon completion of investigation, the APS case manager shall:

    • Discuss with the client next steps.

      • Update client on any referrals or services that have been arranged

      • Provide client with contact information for Central Intake and ADRC when referrals and services have been declined.

    • Communicate with providers, and relevant individuals providing care/support the minimum information necessary to:

      • Promote continued protection and safety of the client;

      • Provide for continuity of services; or

      • Ensure implementation of services.

    In accordance with O.C.G.A § 30- 5-7, details of the investigation shall not be shared.
  • Refer for services, if appropriate (Appendix G: Assessment and Investigation Forms)

  • Obtain medical/mental health records or gather information from medical/mental health professionals who have information on the client

  • Obtain sexual assault medical evaluation if within 72 hours of assault

If recommended actions are not taken/completed, APS staff must document reasons why additional steps were not taken in the case record.

Financial Exploitation

  • Face to face contact/interview with client alone

  • Interview alleged perpetrator if contact will not put client at further risk/endangerment

  • Home visit or visit to current living arrangement, if applicable

  • Obtain copies of financial information and identify location of any institutions where client’s assets may be located

  • Determine if client has either an “attorney-in-fact” (i.e., POA, conservator or other person with in a fiduciary capacity such as a trustee for clients' funds

  • Determine if issue of exploitation has affected clients' ability to provide for his/her personal needs (e.g., mortgage/rent, home utilities, medication, food, etc.) Note: Utilize APS Financial Worksheet to determine client’s financial status

  • Research prior APS history, if available

  • Collateral contacts (i.e. reporter, all formal service providers and relevant others) who have information on risk/harm

  • Verification of health insurance/public benefits, as appropriate

  • All required assessments (need list – you can include safety assessment here

  • Upon completion of investigation, the APS case manager shall:

    • Discuss with the client next steps.

      • Update client on any referrals or services that have been arranged

      • Provide client with contact information for Central Intake and ADRC when referrals and services have been declined.

    • Communicate with providers, and relevant individuals providing care/support the minimum information necessary to:

      • Promote continued protection and safety of the client;

      • Provide for continuity of services; or

      • Ensure implementation of services.

    In accordance with O.C.G.A § 30- 5-7, details of the investigation shall not be shared.
  • Refer for services, if appropriate (Appendix G: Assessment and Investigation Forms)

  • Obtain medical/mental health records or gather information from medical/mental health professionals who have information on the client with regard to his/her capacity to make financial decisions

If recommended actions are not taken/completed, APS staff must document reasons why additional steps were not taken in the case record.