Appendix 202-A Training Requirements for Home and Community-Based Services Staff

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Home and Community-Based Services Manual



Effective Date:

Section Title:

Training Requirements for Home and Community-Based Services Staff

Reviewed or Updated in:

MT 2021-09

Section Number:

Appendix 202-A

Previous Update:

For staff whose duties include assessment of individuals, DAS requires that their personnel files include documentation that they completed the following training modules no later than 30 days after beginning their duties:

For staff whose duties include assessment of caregivers, DAS requires that their personnel files include documentation that they completed the following additional training module no later than 30 days after beginning their duties:

For staff whose duties include care planning, DAS requires that their personnel files include documentation that they completed the following training modules no later than 30 days after beginning their duties:

For staff whose duties include working with individuals living with dementia and/or families caring for an individual living with dementia, DAS requires that their personnel files include documentation that they completed the following training modules no later than 30 days after beginning their duties:

For provider staff who have direct contact with individuals living with dementia and/or families caring for an individual living with dementia, DAS requires that their personnel files include documentation that they completed the following training modules no later than 30 days after beginning their duties:

For staff whose duties include care planning, DAS requires that their personnel files include documentation that they completed the following training modules no later than 6 months after beginning their duties:

For all Aging and Disability network non-administrative staff DAS requires that their personnel files include documentation that they completed the following additional training module no later than 6 months after beginning their duties:

Staff whose duties began prior to this policy revision’s publication must complete required trainings within 3 months from the publication date. Some program areas may require additional trainings as described in manual sections.