Appendix 210-A Core Competencies for Case Managers

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Georgia Division of Aging Services
Home and Community-Based Services Manual



Effective Date:


Section Title:

Core Competencies for Case Managers

Reviewed or Updated in:

MT 2021-01

Section Number:

Appendix 210-A

Previous Update:

MT 2021-01

Case Managers should master the following specific competencies to ensure optimal efficiency and effectiveness of the case management program:

General Competencies

  • Cultural and Linguistic Competence – the ability to interact and communicate with individuals from a variety of cultural contexts, including but not limited to gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, geographic origin, spiritual traditions

  • Safety – the ability to understand and practice general safety procedures in the community and office environments

  • Knowledge of Current Laws and Regulations – including privacy and confidentiality, ethics, and the ability to understand and apply appropriate boundaries in working with individuals

  • Use of Technology – the ability to use agency computer systems efficiently and effectively and to successfully engage individuals while using technology, and the ability to recommend appropriate use of technology as an adjunct to service delivery

  • Knowledge of Aging and Disabilities - including issues related to psycho-social functioning, dementia, caregiving for older persons and persons with disabilities, and person-first language

  • Foundations of Case Management – including models of case management and individuals served, documentation, policies, rules and regulations on case management, and funding requirements (Medicaid, etc.)

  • Interpersonal Team Skills – including advanced abilities in verbal and written communication, listening, problem-solving, establishing rapport, effectively working with internal and external teams of services and supports, and eliciting and synthesizing relevant information and perspectives from clients, social networks, and stakeholders

  • Judgment and Analytical Ability – the ability to identify critical issues, act appropriately in high-risk situations, assess and reassess appropriate crisis responses, and assist individuals and service providers in utilizing creative approaches to problem solving

  • Adaptability – the ability to flexibly assume various roles of counselor, advocate, and service broker, and adjust to change to meet the individual’s needs as they change

  • Organizational Skills – the ability to independently manage caseloads and prioritize direct services and administrative accountability

Technical Knowledge

  • Assessment Skills – the ability to identify needs, strengths, capacities, and competencies; to use a variety of specialized assessment/evaluation tools; to gather and summarize information; and to assist in identifying personal values, goals, and priorities, and the ability to interpret psychosocial and clinical information

  • Service Planning and Service Access – the ability to develop and implement individualized and collaborative Service Plans and supports based on the results of the assessment and that meets the individual’s needs and preferences, to facilitate service acquisition, Service Plan meetings, and intake and discharge planning

  • Advocacy – the ability to act in the individual’s best interest, provide family support and education, enhance knowledge and use of community resources, promote the development of other needed services and supports, clearly present service/health care options, and support dignity of risk, and the ability to use expertise and influence to speak on behalf of clients, the community, or population to advance their well-being

  • Evaluation - the ability to evaluate the effectiveness of individualized Service Plans in meeting the individual’s goals and addressing critical issues, including monitoring progress toward goals, identifying gaps and barriers, ensuring that services are appropriate to the individual, are of high quality and are efficient in use of private and public resources, and the ability to evaluate the outcomes of the case management service in terms of impact to the community

  • Specialized Techniques - the ability to understand and effectively practice capacity-based approaches, motivational interviewing, person-centered models, and other techniques to maximize delivery of case management services

Technical Skills

  • Excellent interviewing skills

  • Ability to establish and maintain empathic relationships

  • Experience in conducting social and health assessments, including psychosocial aspects

  • Knowledge of human behavior

  • Knowledge of family/caregiver dynamics

  • Human development and disability

  • Awareness of community services and resources

  • Knowledge of self-care management (self-directed care, self-advocacy, informed consent)

  • Knowledge of crisis intervention strategies

  • Knowledge of change theory and stages of change

  • Knowledge of health care management and delivery

  • Understanding dementia in assessment and practice

  • Recognizing signs of abuse/neglect/exploitation

Adapted from:

  • Southern Illinois University College of Education and Human Services

  • “Creating Opportunities”, Case Management Workgroup Report, March 2011, Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Development Services

  • Commission for Case Management Certification, “Certification Guide to the CCM Examination”

  • National Case Management Network, “Canadian Core Competency Profile for Case Management Providers, October 2012

  • Guidelines for Case Management Practice across the Long-Term Care Continuum. Report supported by grant from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, November 1994.

  • “Certification Guide to the CCM® Examination.”