216 Kinship Care Services

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Home and Community-Based Services Manual



Effective Date:

Section Title:

Kinship Care Services

Reviewed or Updated in:

MT 2021-06

Section Number:


Previous Update:

216.1 Purpose

This chapter establishes guidelines and requirements to be followed when Area Agencies on Aging provide or contract for the provision of services to grandparents or other relatives raising grandchildren or other minor children. Program activities are supported by funding from Title III-E of The Older Americans Act, other state funds, and local funds, subject to their availability. The primary goal is to provide maximum flexibility for AAAs to expand needed services, while continuing to protect the health, safety, and well-being of grandparents and other relative caregivers raising children.

216.2 Scope

These requirements apply to services provided in whole or in part with non-Medicaid federal and specially appropriated state funds managed by Area Agencies on Aging, and any associated matching and local discretionary funds. The Older Americans Act, as amended in 2006 authorizes Title III, Part E, as the National Family Caregiver Support Program, which establishes services to grandparents and other relatives aged 55 and over who have custodial responsibility for grandchildren or other minor children.

216.3 Target Group and Eligibility

The target group for these services comprises grandparents, step-grandparents, or other caregivers related by blood, marriage, or adoption, who:

  1. have children for whom they are responsible living with them (as opposed to providing daycare or after school care to children who reside elsewhere).

  2. are the primary custodial caregivers because of the inability or unwillingness of the biological or adoptive parents to provide parental care; and

  3. have a legal relationship to the children (legal custody or guardianship) or are raising the children informally.

Grandparents/relative caregivers served through the Older Americans Act portion of the program must be at least 55 years old.

The declaration of the caregiver relative regarding residence and full-time custodial responsibility for the children in their care is sufficient for determining eligibility for and admission to the Kinship Care program. Area Agencies on Aging that provide or contract for the provision of services to grandparents / relative caregivers shall give priority to caregivers who provide care for children with severe disabilities.

216.4 Access to Services

Area Agencies shall receive requests for Kinship Care services provided either directly or through their subcontract agencies and maintain and manage waiting lists, as needed. Sources of referrals include but are not limited to: County Divisions of Family and Children Services, libraries, schools, health and social services providers, case managers, Extension Service programs, churches, child-care organizations, housing authorities, and family members.

216.5 Definitions


An individual under age 18.

Support Group

A group of persons who meet on a regular, defined basis to discuss common problems or life issues. The group can have a professional as a moderator or be run by members alone. Support groups function to provide an expansion of social resources and knowledge relevant to members’ situations, relief and reassurance, and enhanced coping skills. Also see Appendix 216-A. (Note: definition adapted from Lean on Me - Support and Minority Outreach for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, September 2003 and About.com web content.

Case Management

Assistance either in the form of access or care coordination in circumstances in which the older person and/or a caregiver are experiencing diminished functioning capacities, personal conditions or other characteristics which require the provision of services by formal service providers. Also see 210 Case Management Services.

Child(ren) with Severe Disability

An individual under 18 years of age who has a mental or physical impairment, or a combination of mental and physical impairments that has lasted or is expected to last at least 1 year, and which severely limits daily activities. Conditions may include, but are not limited to developmental disability, sensory impairments (hearing, visual, speech), emotional disturbance, autism, learning disability, or health impairments.


Providing guidance and assistance with problem resolution by professionally qualified paid or volunteer staff to older persons or caregivers, including grandparents raising grandchildren. Counseling may be provided individually or in group settings, such as support groups or open forums to encourage sharing and questions.

216.6 Program Outcomes

The primary outcomes expected to be achieved through Kinship Care services are:

  1. Increased access to and use of formal resources by kinship families (caregivers and/or children), including, but not limited to legal assistance, financial assistance, housing resources, mental/ behavioral health services, food and nutrition services, childcare services, physical health care services, school/educational resources, leisure/recreational resources and DAS Wellness Programs, including Chronic Disease Self-Management Education programs;

  2. Development of enhanced coping skills by relative caregivers;

  3. Prevention of disruption of family care systems, including avoidance of placement of children into the formal foster care system or the assumption of caregiving responsibility for children currently in the formal foster care system;

  4. Decreased stress levels among caregiver relatives; and

  5. High degree of satisfaction among caregiver relatives with Kinship Care services.

The Kinship Care Survey (See MAN 5300 FORMS section) is designed to measure the expected program outcomes. See also 216.10 Program Monitoring and Evaluation.

216.7 Program Activities

Area Agencies on Aging may elect to provide two or more of the following services and/or kinship care group activities, based upon the needs identified in the respective regions. The services shall have the meaning and unit classifications established by the DAS Taxonomy of Service Definitions (MAN 5600, Appendix F).

  • Information and Assistance Services (Group)

  • Case Management Service (Individual): See HCBS Manual 5300, 210 Case Management Services

  • Respite Care – Out-of-Home (Individual): Includes summer camps, child care, and after school care

  • Home Modifications / Repair (Individual)

  • Material Aid (Individual or Group)

  • Counseling (Individual or Group)

  • Kinship Care Group Activities: Provided on behalf of kinship caregivers and kinship care receivers to support their continued independence and wellbeing. Activities may include any of the following:

    • Care Receiver Supervision

    • Community and Public Education Events

    • Recreational Events

    • Holiday Events

    • Training

    • Tutoring

    • Support Groups

  • Caregiver Conferences and Workshops (Group): Targeted information and/or interactive sessions for grandparents raising grandchildren that have a formal theme and agenda, at least one primary speaker or session, and are of at least four hours’ duration, inclusive of all activities

Area Agencies on Aging are to develop formal and informal networks that support the provision of Kinship Care Services and are to collaborate closely with organizations and programs as indicated by the needs of the communities being served. Potential partners may include: The DHS Division of Family and Children Services “Promoting Safe and Stable Families” Program (PSSF); Project Healthy Grandparent Programs; Parent Teacher Organizations (PTOs); faith communities; Boys and Girls Clubs; Big Brother/Big Sister programs; YMCAs and YWCAs; and Head Start programs.

The Area Agencies on Aging may retain a reasonable portion of funding to directly provide community/public education services and/or conferences and workshops, and for collaboration activities with other public or private organizations. Area Agencies may establish line-item budgets using Kinship Care funds for both community/public education and collaboration activities noted above. The Division of Aging Services encourages the use of Evidence-Based Programs whenever possible.

216.8 Staffing

Area Agencies will provide adequate numbers of staff, qualified by training and experience, to implement the Kinship Care program. Area Agencies may directly employ staff or contract for the implementation and administration of the program.

216.9 Data Collection and Reporting

The Area Agencies and subcontractors will collect, record, and maintain client information in the form and formats specified by the Division. The Division may establish additional reporting requirements and formats when necessary to account for program activities and outcomes.

For the purposes of establishing individual client records in the DAS Data System, the grandparent/caregiver is recorded as the caregiver for the Older Americans Act. The HCBS Kinship Care Intake Form assessment will be completed for all grandparent/relative caregivers.

Area Agencies will submit to DAS a quarterly program report of collaboration activities conducted with other organizations not later than the 15th working day of the month following the end of each quarter (October, January, April, and July). See Appendix 216-B.

216.10 Program Monitoring and Evaluation

Area Agencies on Aging will monitor providers at least annually to assure accountability for the use of program resources and evaluate the effectiveness of the program activities, using criteria and tools specified or approved by the Division, and other discretionary measures. Standards and guidelines established by the Division apply to eligible service components.

Area Agencies will provide written feedback to providers within thirty (30) days of completing program monitoring and provide technical assistance for continuous improvement in program performance.

If providing program components directly, the Area Agencies will develop objective means of self-evaluation of program compliance and performance.

The Division will evaluate program data periodically and may conduct on-site monitoring evaluations of activities and records.

Using the format and timeframes specified by the Division, Area Agencies/subcontractors will evaluate program results by surveying participants regarding their satisfaction with services provided. Evaluation results, including agency self-evaluations, should inform program improvement and long-range planning to meet the needs of individual consumers and the larger communities. Results indicators may include:

  • the number and percent of program participants who would recommend the program to others;

  • the number and percent of participants who continue to participate in support groups or other activities over time;

  • the number and percent of participants who continue to provide care over time;

  • the number and percent of grandparents who report lowered levels of stress because of Kinship Care program participation;

  • the number and percent of grandparents who report that their coping skills have improved;

  • the number and percent of grandparents who report that their overall sense of health and well-being has improved.

Staff should administer surveys at least semi-annually in a manner that will gain maximum input from as many program participants as possible. If a participant leaves the program prior to that point, staff should attempt to administer the survey at that time.

If Kinship Care services are subcontracted, the AAA may decide whether the surveys should be administered by the AAA or directly by the organization providing services.

Area Agency staff will submit a compilation and analysis of survey results, to be included with the subsequent Quarterly Program Report. See Appendix 216-B for the Quarterly Program Report template. See HCBS Manual 5300, Appendix D, Kinship Care Program Survey for the survey template.


The Brookdale Foundation, Relatives as Parents Program (RAPP): www.brookdalefoundation.org

University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service: www.fcs.uga.edu/extension/family-supporting-seniors

Zero to Three – National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families: www.zerotothree.org/parenting/grandparents-extended-family

National Research Center on Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: www.wmich.edu/grandparenting/

AARP (information on caregiving for an older adult and grandchildren): www.aarp.org/caregiving/

Support Group Training Manual for Kinship Care and Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, State of Arizona, Governor’s Task Force on Aging www.nysnavigator.org/documents/grandparentsmanual1.pdf

Lean on Me – Support and Minority Outreach for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, AARP www.aarp.org/relationships/grandparenting/info-2003/aresearch-import-483.html