Appendix 302-A Sharps Disposal Guidelines | HCBS-5300-MANUAL
Georgia Division of Aging Services |
Chapter: |
300 |
Effective Date: |
Section Title: |
Sharps Disposal Guidelines |
Reviewed or Updated in: |
MT 2016-10 |
Section Number: |
Appendix 302-A |
Previous Update: |
The purpose of these guidelines is to lower the risk for needle stick injury and infection to both staff and the public, including day care participants.
Immediately after use, place sharps, such as needles and lancets, in a container designed for sharps disposal, or in a thick, puncture-proof, opaque container, such as a bleach or detergent bottle, or a coffee can with a lid. Be sure that the container can be tightly sealed.
Label the container to remind of the need for caution in handling the contents.
Keep the container safe, away from children and animals.
Throw out needles and syringes. Do not try to remove, bend, break or recap needles.
When the container is three-quarters full of needles, add bleach to sterilize. Mix one teaspoon of household bleach to 2 cups of water.
If using a household bottle or can, when ready for disposal, make the sure the lid is tightly sealed.
Reinforce the sealed lid with heavy-duty tape. If using a coffee can, make sure the plastic lid is covered with tape to prevent needle punctures.
Wrap the container in a brown bag or newspapers and mark it DO NOT RECYCLE.
Place in the garbage bin for regular garbage collection.