324 Assistive Technology Services

Georgia State Seal

Georgia Division of Aging Services
Home and Community-Based Services Manual



Effective Date:


Section Title:

Assistive Technology Services

Reviewed or Updated in:

MT 2023-03

Section Number:


Previous Update:


324.1 Purpose

This chapter establishes the requirements for assistive technology services to individuals in their place of residence funded in whole or in part with non-Medicaid federal and state funds managed by the Area Agency on Aging (AAA), and any associated matching funds. These requirements may act as guidelines for a fee-for-service model.

Under the Assistive Technology Act of 1998 (ATA), the Governor of a state shall designate a public agency as a lead agency for implementing assistive technology services. Georgia’s public agency is Tools for Life (TFL), a program of the Georgia Institute of Technology, College of Design, Center for Inclusive Design, and Innovation (formerly AMAC Accessibility).

According to the Assistive Technology Act (ATA), the purpose of an assistive technology (AT) program is:

  1. Support State efforts to improve the provision of assistive technology to individuals with disabilities through comprehensive statewide programs of technology-related assistance, for individuals with disabilities of all ages, that are designed to—

    1. increase the availability of, funding for, access to, provision of, and training about assistive technology devices and assistive technology services

    2. increase the ability of individuals with disabilities of all ages to secure and maintain possession of assistive technology devices as such individuals make the transition between services offered by educational or human service agencies or between settings of daily living (for example, between home and work)

    3. increase the capacity of public agencies and private entities to provide and pay for assistive technology devices and assistive technology services on a statewide basis for individuals with disabilities of all ages

    4. increase the involvement of individuals with disabilities and, if appropriate, their family members, guardians, advocates, and authorized representatives, in decisions related to the provision of assistive technology devices and assistive technology services

    5. increase and promote coordination among State agencies, between State and local agencies, among local agencies, and between State and local agencies and private entities (such as managed care providers), that are involved or are eligible to be involved in carrying out activities under this Act

    6. increase the awareness and facilitate the change of laws, regulations, policies, practices, procedures, and organizational structures, that facilitate the availability or provision of assistive technology devices and assistive technology services

    7. increase awareness and knowledge of the benefits of assistive technology devices and assistive technology services among targeted individuals and entities and the general population

  2. Provide States with financial assistance that supports programs designed to maximize the ability of individuals with disabilities and their family members, guardians, advocates, and authorized representatives to obtain assistive technology devices and assistive technology services.

324.2A Scope

AAAs should provide assistive technology services to secure and maintain maximum independence and dignity in a home environment for older individuals and persons with disabilities who are capable of self-care with appropriate supportive services.

The Division of Aging Services (DAS) is not the State’s lead agency; however, DAS supports the Assistive Technology Act by providing the following services:

  1. Assessment/Evaluation - includes identifying levels of impairment and/or unmet need and the individual’s capacity to effectively use assistive devices

  2. Service/Device Acquisition - includes the purchasing, leasing, or acquisition of refurbished assistive technology devices

    • Acquisition of devices can be done through device reutilization program and/or and device loan program

    • Selecting, designing, fitting, customizing, adapting, applying, maintaining, or donating (device reutilization program) assistive technology devices. Includes trial use and short-term loans of assistive technology. “Try before you buy” (device loan program)

    • Coordinating and using necessary therapies, interventions, or services with assistive technology devices, such as therapies, interventions, or services associated with education and rehabilitation plans and programs

    • DAS discourages bulk purchases of assistive technology items.

  3. Education - includes training to ensure the appropriate application and use of assistive devices, education about home safety or accessing the service delivery network, and education about progression of health conditions that may impact future needs for assistive devices

    • Training or technical assistance for an individual with a disability or, where appropriate, the family members, guardians, advocates, or authorized representatives of such an individual

    • Training or technical assistance for professionals (including individuals providing education and rehabilitation services and entities that manufacture or sell assistive technology devices), employers, providers of employment and training services, or other individuals who provide services to, employ, or are otherwise substantially involved in the major life function of individuals with disabilities

  4. Advocacy – includes expanding the availability of access to technology, including electronics and information technology, to individuals with disabilities

  5. Reassessment – includes follow-up with individuals (or their caregivers) to determine the extent to which assistive technology is adequately meeting their needs, and to adjust services as indicated

  6. Discharge – includes documentation that services are meeting the needs of the individual/family and that the client has information about how to access additional services at a later date

DAS encourages AAAs to follow these ATA service definitions in establishing the scope of their assistive technology program. AAA may contract, partner, and/or establish referral mechanisms with qualified individuals or agencies to fulfill specific service activities.

324.2B Core Principles

The ATA identifies core principles that AAAs should follow in administering AT services and in serving older adults and persons with disabilities.

In serving clients AAAs should demonstrate:

  • Respect for individual dignity, personal responsibility, self-determination, and pursuit of meaningful careers, based on informed choice

  • Respect for the privacy, rights, and equal access (including the use of accessible formats)

  • Inclusion, integration, and full participation of such individuals in society

  • Support for the involvement in decisions of a family member, a guardian, and advocate, or an authorized representative, if an individual with a disability request, desires, or needs such involvement

In administering AT services, AAAs should:

  • Ensure that program/services are easily accessible to, and usable by, individuals with disabilities and, when appropriate, their family members, guardians, advocates, or authorized representatives

  • Respond to the needs of individuals with disabilities in a timely and appropriate manner

  • Facilitate the full and meaningful participation of individuals with disabilities (including individuals from underrepresented populations and rural populations) and their family members, guardians, advocates, and authorized representatives in:

    • Decisions relating to the provisions of assistive technology devices and assistive technology services

    • Decisions related to the maintenance, improvement, and evaluation of the comprehensive statewide program of technology-related assistance, including decisions that affect capacity building and advocacy activities

DAS requires that assistive technology services be delivered in a person-centered manner. Program staff should approach individuals and families with empathy and an understanding of their life experiences and challenges by searching for and acting upon what is important to that individual, including their wants, needs, and values.

DAS strongly encourages collaboration between the AAAs and the Centers for Independent Living (CIL) to facilitate access to information, resources, and education about assistive technology.

324.3 Definitions

Assistive Technology Service

any service that directly assists an individual with a disability in the selection, acquisition, or use of an assistive technology device.

Assistive Technology Device

any item, piece of equipment, including durable medical equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of older adults and individuals with disabilities.

  • AT can be low-tech: grab bars, magnifiers, lever handles, shower seats/benches

  • AT can be high-tech: automated lights, hearing amplifiers, tablets, computers

Device Demonstration

Using personnel who are familiar with assistive technology devices, services and their applications, assist individuals in making informed choices regarding AT by providing experiences with the devices and services.

Device Loan Program

allows for trial use of devices for up to 45 days to assist in selecting the appropriate device/equipment.

Device Reutilization Programs

provide for the exchange, repair, recycling, or other reutilization of assistive technology devices, which may include redistribution through device sales, loans, rentals, or donations.

324.4 Target Group / Eligibility

Assistive technology services target persons who have a physical or mental disability or disorder that restricts his/her ability to perform basic activities of daily living (ADLs) and/or instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), or that threatens his/her capacity to live independently, and their caregivers. (See MAN 5300, CH 316 for additional priorities for caregiver services)

AAAs should follow additional criteria specific to fund sources. If funding is not sufficient to serve all eligible consumers requesting services, the Older Americans Act and Client Prioritization guidelines, found in MAN 5300, CH 118 provides for giving preference to specific persons:

  • Persons in greatest economic need,

  • Persons in greatest social need,

  • Persons who are frail, and

  • Persons who are at risk of institutionalization.

  • Underrepresented population:

    • persons who are minorities,

    • persons with limited English proficiency

    • persons from rural areas

Individuals must have an impairment(s) and/or unmet need(s), as indicated by his/her DON- R score. AAAs should prioritize individuals who have impairment and/or unmet need in any of the domains with scores of 2 or greater.

AAAs will not provide assistive technology services in a nursing home, personal care home, or other setting where the provision of this service is included in the cost of care.

324.5 Conflict-Free Service Delivery

An efficient service delivery system is characterized by person-centered approaches and cost-effective outcomes for both consumers and the community. Therefore, DAS supports the implementation of a conflict-free service delivery system.

MAN 5300, 202 Program Guidelines and Requirements includes the key elements included in the design of such a system.

324.6 Service Activities

Assistive technology activities must be planned with input from the client, whenever possible, caregiver or a representative, based on an assessment of their needs and the degree of physical and/or cognitive impairment of the care receiver.

Assessment/evaluation fees is an allowable service activity in the provision of assistive technology services.

An optimal assistive technology program requires staff who have specialized skills and competencies to provide the following core functions:

  • Assessment/Evaluation

  • Service/Device Acquisition

  • Education

  • Advocacy

  • Reassessment

  • Discharge

324.7 Access to Services

AAA staff shall screen individuals including identifying problems that he/she experiences in daily life and that he/she hopes are eliminated or diminished as a result by AT services.

AAA staff shall discuss with potential clients how AT can address their level of impairment, unmet need, or both. The AAA staff will initiate service delivery, refer clients to provider organizations or other resources (i.e.: Tools for Life), or place them on a waiting list for services. AAA staff shall assist in the selection, acquisition, and proper usage of identified assistive technology devices.

For information regarding screening through Aging & Disability Resource Connection, see MAN 5200, 5025 Service Availability and Access. The AAAs will maintain and manage waiting lists for the services, as necessary. See Manual 5200, 5038 Waiting List Management and Criteria for Admission to Services.

Not every applicant will request, require, or benefit from Assistive Technology services. Each AAA will clearly identify in its Area Plan how services will be coordinated and how resources will be allocated and managed to optimize the effectiveness and efficiency of Assistive Technology services.

324.8 Standards of Promptness

324.9A Assessments

DAS requires that staff use the DON-R to determine an individual’s need and potential benefit for assistive technology. Assistive technology may reduce an individual’s level of impairment and/or their unmet need for care. The preferred method of assessment for assistive technology services is via home visit.

Staff should also assess the degree to which the individual can properly use assistive technology devices based on physical disability, cognitive impairment, or behavioral health condition. This may require referrals to experts in assessing an individual’s ability to benefit from assistive technology (ex: occupational therapy, Tools for Life, etc.).

The AAA may provide device demonstrations to determine the degree to which individuals can use or may benefit from AT. AAAs are to follow their device loan program procedures and guidelines to assist individuals in proper usage of devices (or durable medical equipment) before purchasing devices.

Staff should follow up with each individual 60 days after receiving AT devices to determine whether assistive technology devices are being used properly, whether the devices are reducing level of impairment and/or reducing unmet need for care, and whether the assistive devices are impacting the individual’s quality of life.

For assessments of caregivers and to use assistive technology to reduce caregiver burden, refer to MAN 5300, Chapter 316 – Caregiver Services.

324.9B Education and Advocacy

The ATA states that the term “capacity building and advocacy activities” mean efforts that:

  1. result in laws, regulations, policies, practices, procedures, or organizational structures that promote consumer-responsive programs or entities; and

  2. facilitate and increase access to, provisions of, and funding for, assistive technology devices and assistive technology services, in order to empower individuals with disabilities to achieve greater independence, productivity, and integration and inclusion within the community and the workforce.”

To support these advocacy efforts, each AAA should include information about assistive technology in its outreach and community education, for example:

  • Device demonstrations

  • Assistive Technology labs (tours and demonstrations)

  • AT information posted on the AAA website

At a minimum, each AAA must provide AT device demonstrations twice a year through community outreach events.

324.9C Client Safety and Well-Being

AAA staff should practice diligence to promote the safety and well-being of individuals to whom the AAA provides assistive technology, including:

  • Proper installation or assembly of assistive device

  • Documentation that the individual has the capacity and knowledge to use the assistive device safely

  • Documentation that the individual and/or their support system has received training in the proper use of the assistive device

324.10 Service Outcomes

The primary goal of assistive technology services is to aid older adults, persons with disabilities, and their caregivers to achieve maximum self-sufficiency and enhance their quality of life.

AAAs must choose at least one outcome measure for their AT program:

Outcome #1: Reduce caregiver burden by providing assistive technology


  • Reduction in intention to place as measured by Section H on the Risk Assessment Tool

  • Reduced level of caregiver burden as measured by the Bakas Caregiving Outcomes Scale

Outcome #2: Increase independence for individuals by providing assistive technology


  • Reduction in Level of Impairment as measured by DON-R scores

  • Reduction in Unmet Need for Care as measured by DON-R scores

Outcome #3: Increase opportunities for individuals to participate in meaningful activities providing assistive technology


  • Reduction in Level of Impairment as measured by DON-R scores

  • Reduction in Lubben Social Network Scale and/or reduction in UCLA-3 Loneliness scale

DAS does not require that a AAA achieve every outcome and/or indicator for the delivery of assistive technology services to be deemed effective.

324.11 Emergency Contact

The AAA should ensure that each client record contains emergency contact information (name and telephone number(s) at a minimum).

324.12 Service Termination and Discharge

It is the explicit intent of DAS to serve clients in greatest need and to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of the Aging Network.

DAS anticipates that during the span of service delivery to a consumer, the consumer’s needs, supports, and resources will change. Based upon the ongoing process of assessment and reassessment, the AAA may determine that the individual is receiving maximum benefit from assistive technology and initiate discharge according to DAS policy (see MAN 5300, 202 Program Guidelines and Requirements).

When a device such as walkers, canes, wheelchairs, or other durable medical equipment is no longer useful/needed, the AAAs are to follow their own procedures and guidelines to provide the individuals the option to return the item for another agency or individual to re-use (device can be recycled, reused).

Staff must include proper documentation in the DDS system that includes the reason for discharge and whether the device was collected, and/or re-utilized.

324.13 Client’s Rights and Responsibilities

AAAs and provider agencies will assure that all consumers, or their caregivers, receive a written copy of their rights and responsibilities as program/service participants upon their admission to services. See MAN 5300 Appendix E for the suggested “Client’s Rights and Responsibilities”.

324.14 Client Complaint Procedures

AAAs will establish written client complaint procedures for use by each provider. Procedures should include the minimum requirements outlined in MAN 5300, 202 Program Guidelines and Requirements. In addition, the complaint procedures must include:

  • A telephone number for the provider which the client can call for information, questions, or complaints about the services supplied by the provider and information regarding supervision by the agency of the services to be provided

  • The telephone number of the state licensing authority for information and filing of complaints which have not been resolved satisfactorily at the local level, for those agencies providing services subject to state licensure, or the number of the AAA and DAS, if not subject to licensure.

324.15 Appeals and Grievances

AAAs will establish written appeals procedures for use by each provider and are consistent with MAN 5300, 110 Grievance Procedures for Individuals in Non-Medicaid HCBS Programs.

324.16 Staffing and Training Requirements

General staffing information is described in MAN 5300, 202 Program Guidelines and Requirements.

Staff providing assistive technology services must view the following 3 introductory training videos (link provided below):

gatfl.gatech.edu/New Staff Training Videos

  • Basic AT for Activities of Daily Living

  • Treasure Chest: How to Find Treasures in Funding for AT Purchases

  • Connections for Older Adults: How to Access Digital Services for Individuals

Staff must conduct a site visit with an existing assistive technology program within the first 3 months of employment.

Additionally, it is recommended but not required staff should view the Sharpening Your Skills: Exploring Assistive Technology Toolkits PowerPoint presentation found on the Tools for Life website, under the TFL WIKI tab.

324.17 Criminal Records Investigations

AAAs must assure that providers employing persons having direct contact as primary, secondary or alternative job duties conduct a criminal records investigation, according to state law and current policy of the Department of Human Services in MAN 5600, 3036 Criminal History Investigations.

324.18 Fiscal Management

Businesses, agencies and individuals providing assistive technology services shall practice sound and effective fiscal planning and management, financial and administrative record keeping and reporting.

324.19 Data Collection and Reporting

General information about data collection and reporting are described in CH 202. The AAA may require additional information systems at its discretion but may not fail to meet the minimal standards required by DAS. The AAA must retain relevant information not captured in the DAS data system in paper files according to DAS program policies.

Specific programmatic/service requirements for collection and/or reporting of data include:

  • Information gathered from persons served.

  • Appropriate consent forms, issued or approved by DAS

  • Provider information

  • Pertinent financial information regarding applicable cost shares

  • Coordination with the ADRC regarding waiting lists and referrals to assistive technology services

  • Tools and plans for measuring quality of life and customer satisfaction approved or required by DAS

  • Notation in the DAS data system that includes the name of the device and the cost of the device

  • Documentation of education and advocacy efforts (see 324.9B)

The AAA staff will use data from the DAS data system, at a minimum, to facilitate quality improvement and data analysis.

324.20 Retention and Confidentiality of Records

Providers must establish and implement written policies and procedures for the maintenance and security of client records, specifying who will supervise the maintenance of records, which will have custody of records, to whom records may be released, and for what purposes in compliance with MAN 5600, 3012 Area Agency on Aging Records.

Each client record must include the following information about assistive technology devices\services in the manner that DAS requires:

  • Type(s) of assistive technology

  • Cost for each assistive device(s)

324.21 Fee for Service Guidelines

Each AAA/provider is encouraged to offer in-home services as a fee-for-service enterprise to enhance the sustainability of the Aging network. In doing, the AAA must follow all requirements of the Older Americans Act and MAN 5600, Sections 2025-2028, “Fee for Service System”, “Cost Share”, “Voluntary Contribution”, and “Private Pay Services”.

Assistive technology services provided to consumers as a fee-for-service should not differ in quality from service provided to consumers funded through public funds.

324.22 Reports of Grievances, Complaints, and Incidents

324.23 Mandatory Reporting of Abuse / Neglect / Exploitation

324.24 Program Evaluation and Monitoring

324.25 References

Assistive Technology Act of 1998

Older Americans Act Of 1965: 2020 Reauthorization

DAS Manual 5200, Section 5025 - Service Availability and Access

DAS Manual 5200, Section 5038 - Waiting List Management

DAS Manual 5300, Section 114 - Guidelines for Client Assessment

DAS Manual 5300, Section 118 - Prioritizing Clients

DAS Manual 5300, Section 202 - Program Guidelines and Requirements

DAS Manual 5600, Section 316 - Caregiver Services

Tools for Life

Tools for Life New Staff Training Videos