- Definition
“Administrative costs are that allocable portion of necessary and reasonable allowable costs of recipients and program operators that are associated with specific functions identified [in the adjacent column] that are not related to the direct provision of programmatic activities specified [below]. These costs may be both personnel and non-personnel and both direct and indirect costs.”
Performing general administrative and coordination functions:
Accounting, budgeting, financial and cash management functions
Procurement and Purchasing
Property management
Personnel management and supervision (except as noted in Other Program Costs)
Payroll (including participant wages)
Problem resolution related to audits, investigations, incidents
General legal services
Costs of developing IT systems required for SCSEP administration
Administrative report preparation (ex. data entry into DAS data system)
Other activities necessary for administration of SCSEP funds
Oversight and monitoring tasks
Costs of goods and services used to administer the program (ex. Equipment purchase/rental, office supplies, postage, office space rental and maintenance)
Travel incurred for the administration of the program
Costs of information systems required to manage the program including the purchase, systems development, maintenance, and operating costs of such systems.
Costs of technical assistance for program monitoring and improvement, professional organization dues
Staff training for staff involved in administrative functions.
If a sub recipient contracts the service to another entity, all costs not otherwise described in other categories are to be assigned to the Administration category
As stated in § 641.859, all levels of SCSEP operations (State, AAA, subcontractor) must adhere to the above definitions of administrative costs.
20 CFR Part 641 §641.856;
OWB 97-26 |
Enrollee Wages/Benefits |
Enrollee wages and benefit program activity costs include, but are not limited to:
Subject to the restrictions in § 641.535(c), Enrollee wages may also be used for Job placement assistance, including job development and job search assistance, and the “On-the-Job- Experience” (OJE) § 641.540(c).
Public Law 106-501 Sec. 502
(Older Americans Act)
20 CFR Part § 641.864 |
- Definition
“[SCSEP operators] are required to assess all participants’ need for supportive services and to make every effort to assist participants in obtaining needed supportive services. [SCSEP operators] may provide directly or arrange for supportive services that are necessary to enable an individual to successfully participate in a SCSEP project…” (specific allowable costs in adjacent column)
Please note: “To the extent practicable, the [SCSEP operator] should arrange for the payment of these expenses from other resources.”
(OAA § 502(c)(6)(A)(iv) and 518(a)(7))
Program staff’s time for outreach, recruitment and selection/intake, eligibility determination, orientation, assessment, counseling, job development and placement, and preparation/updates of participants’ IEPs
Program staff’s time for host agency development
Enrollee training, which may be provided prior to or during the community service assignment, that may include:
Payment of reasonable costs to instructors, classroom rental, training supplies, materials, equipment, and tuition, and
May be provided at the Host Agency, in a classroom setting, or other appropriate arrangements
Staff training costs of staff associated with Other Program Costs functions
Verification of participant time sheets and data entry of participant hours into SPARQ
Data entry into SPARQ, quarterly program narratives, and other reporting directly related to enrollee participation
Supervision of SCSEP Coordinator as it relates to participants (case conference, grievances, etc.)
Direct contact with or on behalf of participants at any level (for example, resolving grievances or complaints)
Participant supportive services, to enable an individual to successfully participant in a SCSEP project, including but not limited to:
Payment of reasonable costs of transportation
Health and medical services (statutory physical examinations)
Special job-related or personal counseling
Incidentals such as work shoes, badges, uniforms, eyeglasses, and tools
Child care and/or adult care
Housing, including temporary shelter
Needs-related payments
Follow-up services
20 CFR Part 641 § 641.545
20 CFR Part 641 § 641.140
20 CFR Part § 641.864
(OAA §§ 502(c)(6)(A)(iv), 518(a)(7)) |