422 SCSEP On-the-Job Experience (OJE) | HCBS-5300-MANUAL
Georgia Division of Aging Services |
Chapter: |
400 |
Effective Date: |
Section Title: |
SCSEP On-the-Job Experience (OJE) |
Reviewed or Updated in: |
MT 2018-02 |
Section Number: |
422 |
Previous Update: |
422.1 Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to provide sub-grantees with the framework for on- the-job experience under the regular Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP).
While community service assignments offer the participants an opportunity to learn needed skills with a realistic timeline, on-the-job experience is often more practical than classroom training. However, in some instances, a participant’s unsubsidized employment goal may require specific skills that are not attainable through the regular community service assignment.
422.2 Policy
Once a participant has completed two full weeks at a community service assignment, the sub-grantee may elect to provide the participant with OJE. The sub-grantee must maintain documentation to support the need for participants’ training and the length of training to be provided. Such documentation must include a review of participant’s past work and training history in determining an appropriate length of training.
When a person has related training or experience, more thorough rationale about the necessity and rationale for the training period must be documented.
422.3 Training Plan
A training plan will be incorporated into each contract with an employee. The training plan will outline the skills to be developed and the methods of developing those skills. Training plans will be individualized based on the trainee’s needs as reflected in the Individual Employability Plan. The specific content will be tailored to individual trainee needs and employer expectations. The training plan will be kept relatively simple but will provide sufficient detail to ensure that skill attainment is tracked.
422.4 Reimbursement
The employer may be reimbursed for up to 50% of the wages earned by each trainee in OJE training that will last no more than 12 weeks.
422.5 Regular Contact
During the OJE training, regular contact must be maintained to address any issues, safety concerns, or problems with employer or participant. The contact may take place in person, by telephone or e-mail and must be noted in the participant’s case notes.
422.6 After Placement Follow-Up
Successful projects tend to place emphasis on “after-placement” activities. Many successful projects systematically interview both the (former) enrollee as well as the employer to determine how placement is working out. Therefore, program staff should identify any deficiencies or problems and develop and implement a plan to remedy the problem(s). A critical component of the follow up is increasing rapport and confidence between the SCSEP project and the employer. Successful projects help the employer understand that the project is invested in successful placements – placements where both the employer and the enrollee are satisfied. If the employer is dissatisfied with the employee’s performance, the problem is either resolved to the mutual satisfaction of the employer and the enrollee, or a new placement is arranged. Consequently, the employer is disposed to accept more SCSEP placements in the future – “success breeds success”.
422.7 Contract Requirements
The contract for on-the-job experience may be with a public or private employer that is not also an active host agency.
The contract must detail:
The specific skills to be learned;
The training timelines and benchmarks to be achieved;
The hours the participant will work each week; and
The number of weeks the trainee will work for this employer.
The contract must stipulate that the employer will hire or retain the trainee in a permanent part time or full-time position at the end of the training period if the trainee has performed satisfactorily.
The contract must stipulate that there will be significant follow-up to resolve potential unsafe conditions or issues that arise with the employer or the trainee.
The contract must stipulate the amount the employer will be reimbursed for the OJE training.
Participants should be paid the prevailing wage while in an OJE training assignment. -
The contract must state that the employer will be responsible for workers compensation claims that derive from the trainee’s participation in the OJE training.
No trainee may work for more than 40 hours per week, which includes time spent in a community service assignment if the trainee is participating in OJE and community service.
OJE training may not exceed 12 weeks in duration per trainee.
Sub Grantees must retain copies of all OJE contracts in the trainee’s file and agree to supply such information to The Department of Labor (DOL) or the Georgia Employment Security Commission upon request.
Each sub-grantee may exercise the OJE training option with a trainee once in any 12-month period.
Each sub-grantee may exercise the OJE training option with the same employer, but no more than five times per year for the same job category.
422.8 Monitoring and Oversight
The Sub-Grantee must monitor each OJE site at least monthly:
To verify that the trainee is receiving the training contracted for at the wages in the agreement, and that the trainee is not required to engage in activities prohibited by SCSEP.
To review employer records to ensure that the trainee is receiving proper wages and that the employer is withholding taxes and paying workers compensation (or the equivalent) insurance.
To evaluate the trainee’s progress, to document that the training is being provided as outlined in the contract, and for compliance with provisions of the contract. Trainee’s progress must be documented in case notes.
Methods of contact can include on-site visits, phone or email and in-person visits at other locations. Methods of contact must be sufficient to assure that training is being provided as specified in the OJE contract. Contact information will be documented in case notes.
422.9 Occupations for which OJE Contracts Should Not Be Written
The following should not be considered for OJE:
Jobs where the employer would typically be able to train a new employee in the first few days or weeks on the job;
Jobs where the principal source of income is tips, commissions or payment on a piecework basis;
Jobs for commission salespersons, occupations requiring licensing as a prerequisite and seasonal worker with SCSEP formula funds;
Those jobs that are intermittent or seasonal; in nature; and jobs used to assist, promote, or deter union organization.
422.10 Payments
The employer shall be paid upon the submission of properly prepared invoices submitted at a time specified by the Sub-grantee and for training performed in accordance with the terms and general provision of the contract. The employer shall be paid an hourly fixed cost as specified in the contract, up to the maximum training hours allowed in the agreement. Reimbursement shall not be claimed for time in which the participant is absent from training. This includes authorized paid absences such as holidays, sick days or vacation days. In no event, shall payment exceed the contract amount.
422.11 Benefits
The employer agrees that OJE trainee shall be provided with the same wages, benefits, and rights afforded by the employer to its other employees.
422.12 Termination of OJE Participants
The employer agrees that the OJE trainee shall not be terminated without prior notice and that reasonable opportunity will be given for correction or improvement of performance. The employer also agrees that it will immediately notify the sub-grantee if the OJE trainee exhibits an attendance or disciplinary problem or has demonstrated an inability to perform in accordance with the training outline in the contract. The employer understands that the termination of an OJE trainee is subject to the grievance procedures of the sub-grantee.
422.13 Displacement of Currently Employed Workers (Maintenance of Effort)
The employer agrees that no currently employed worker shall be displaced by the OJE trainee including a partial displacement such as a reduction in the hours, wages, or employment benefits. The employer also agrees that no OJE trainee shall be placed into a position that is currently vacated by an employee who is on layoff or into a position in which the employer has terminated the employment of an employee with the intention of filling the position with an OJE trainee. The employer further agrees that this contract does not infringe in any way upon the promotional opportunities of current employees.
422.14 Access to Records
The employer agrees that at any time during normal business hours, and as often as deemed necessary, the Grantee, State of Georgia or the U.S. Department of Labor may inspect and monitor any records or activities pertaining to this contract. Such inspection shall be made to determine if the contractor follows the terms and provisions of this contract and if the OJE trainee is making sufficient progress.
422.15 Record Keeping System
As with all records, sub-grantee must ensure that OJE records are maintained for the statutory period of three years from the last date of the OJE Agreement or until audits are resolved. Documentation of hours worked, wages paid, and training program must be available for the record retention period.
422.16 Documentation
The documentation listed below must be maintained in the Contract file:
OJE payment invoices
OJE Agreement (Original)
Monitoring reports including problems, corrective action, and follow-up (if necessary)
Any modification to the OJE Agreement
Participant Performance Evaluation
Training Time Documentation
Justification of Failure (if necessary)
422.17 Other Specification
OJE training may be combined with other training activities, such as community services, classroom training, lectures, seminars, individual instruction, or specialized training. Sub-Grantees should consult the SCSEP Data Collection Handbook for further information (i.e., when to exit participants, placements, right of return, etc.)