200 Designation and Withdrawal of Designation of Ombudsman Programs and Ombudsman Representatives | LTCO-5100-MANUAL
How to use this Chapter: This Chapter sets forth procedures for designation and de-designation by the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman (OSLTCO) as follows: 1) designation of Local Entities (LEs) (i.e. provider agencies), 2) de-designation of LEs, 3) designation of Ombudsman Representatives (OR’s) (including minimum qualifications), and 4) refusal to designate an individual as an OR and de-designation of ORs.
Each Section includes: 1) criteria used in designating (or de-designating) and 2) the process used in designation (or de-designation). For designation (or de-designation) of LEs, the process is described separately for the possible placements of the LE when: a) area agency on aging serves as the LE; and b) nonprofit provider agency contracts directly with the Department of Human Services (DHS) Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman (OSLTCO) to be an LE.