205 SLTCO Authority and Reconsideration | LTCO-5100-MANUAL
The State Ombudsman has the sole authority, to determine whether to reconsider the decision to refuse to designate, suspend designation, or de-designate a LE and ORs. Such decisions are subject to this reconsideration policy and process, and are not subject to the grievance process.
205.1 Refusal to designate, suspend designation or de-designate reconsideration:
The SLTCO has the sole authority to determine the circumstances that would trigger reconsideration of designation decisions including:
Whether the SLTCO agrees that the individual or LE has successfully alleged that the circumstances that triggered the decision could benefit from further investigation.
Whether the SLTCO agrees that the individual or LE has provided sufficient additional facts to the SLTCO for consideration.
The SLTCO agrees that the individual or LE has provided specific remedial measures that are sufficient to trigger reconsideration.
205.2 The SLTCO has the sole authority to stay or suspend the designation and de-designation decision in order to further investigate or allow the individual or LE to implement remedial measures.
205.3 The SLTCO has the sole authority to set a time frame for the reconsideration, including the time for the investigation, if applicable, and the time for remedial measures to be implemented and assessed.
205.4 The SLTCO has the sole authority to affirm or rescind the designation decision, whether the SLTCO determines that reconsideration is warranted or not.